Im a Fangirl Superstar


A superstar who kp fangirling like she does everytime :) just read it and feel the story, so u can be in the part of the story :) thanks a lot!


MC: Annyeonghaseyo! Good evening guys! How are ya?? You guys should be fine,right? Okay.. Do you guys wanna see your boys??? Audience: Ne~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MC: Really?? Woahh~!! There are so many fans here!!! Most of you are girls ! Ooh!! There are boys too!! Haha.. Then.. Should we call them together???? Audience: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MC: Okay.. Let's call them out on in 3.. 3 !  2 ! 1 !!!!!! Audience: U-KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *scream* Me: OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Breath in.. Breath out.. In.. Out.. In.. I can't breath!!!!!! They'll come out!!! OMG!! Kiseop!!!!! UKISS!!!!! KISEOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------ Okay.. Well.. I'll say hi first.. Hi! :D Well.. I'm at U-KISS' concert in Seoul right now.. I'm extremely excited and I thought I'm going crazy for a while... Oh right ! I should introduce myself first.. Well.. First of all.. Annyeong!^^ My name is Lee JaeNa.. *bows* You can call me JaeNa as well.. I'm 14th.. And I'm a Kiseopian or I'm a Lee Kiseop's bias.. Well.. We have the same family name, Lee!! Hurray!! LOL~ I AM A KISEOP ADDICTED! Lol~ I always wanted to went to their concert or fanmeet or showcase or whatever since long time ago.. And finally, I went to their concert !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kyaaaaaaa~!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay.. I'm a bit crazy about "u-kiss n kiseop" thingy.. And for now.. I really hope that I can be a korean superstar under NH Media agency, the same office and agency with U-KISS's oppas!!!! But, opps, that's just a dream... Just a dream.. Nothing else~ ------------------------------ JaeNa: Haiz.. Aigoo... On their concert today they're going to perform all of their songs since their first debut, Not Young, till now, till Neverland.. Well.. I'm extremely happy.. And you know what?? The happiest thing you're going to hear once in your life??? Xander and KiBum is coming to their concert as special guests.. As 9 UKISS!!!!!!!!!!! And they're going to join and perform too!!!!! Gosh!!!!! But Xander and Kibum joined the perform just from Not Young until Shut Up! But that's awesome!! 9 UKISS on one stage!!!!!!! You can't believe it!!On Xander's part from Not Young till Shut Up, Xander and AJ sings the rap or their part together! Cool!! And when KiBum's part, he sings along with Hoon! Awesome!! This is the greatest UKISS stage and concert ever.. Xander and Kibum even learn the 0330 and Neverland choreography.. And they're having a lot of fun together. They did some games and everything..I bought the VVIP ticket for their concert !!!! And just ME and one stranger I don't know who bought the VVIP tickets! Actually, I hope if she didn't bought it, so I'm the only one VVIP KissMes.. Haha..I HAD breakfast+lunch (cause we stay at the same hotel with U-KISS), hang out+shopping (they'll pay everything u want!! Awesome right!!? Of course!), photo shoot with all UKISS members, 9-UKISS, old-UKISS, new-UKISS, ur bias n with all UKISS's members one by one, dinner at a luxurious idol 5-star restaurant and the last but not least, all of UKISS's members, 9 of them, will bring u back to UR HOUSE after the concert ! Isn't it perfect for one day of ur life?? If u can imagine how's my feelings, you'll feel the same thing I'm feeling. Okay.. Now it's is the album-sign event.. Do youknow what a VVIP Kiss Me got?? You  even get the first chance to sit in front of 9 boys that u admire so much, they singed ur album, and having chat with u PERSONALLY! And fortunately, I'm the second, that's mean I got a longer time with them than the other VVIP Kiss Me, the stranger  Lol~ oh I love this day a lot!! Fansiging event! Back to fangirling! Lol! XD nono.. Stay calm in front of ur bias.. Act cute n sweet and loveable.. Smile a lot.. That's my trick to look beautiful in front of them.. :D Haha.. Well.. Today's event schedule are : breakfast with ukiss-prepare-fansigning-hanging out+shopping-photoshoot event-rest-ukiss rehearsal-ing-concert (including games)-dinner-ukiss's members take u home. -To be continue- ------------------------------ Behind the scene: JaeNa: Hey guys! Nice to meet u! I'm JaeNa the lead actress here!!^^ kkkk~ and u know.. You're awesome today!!!!>v< kyaaa!!! UKISS: Anyeong JaeNa!!!!! :D JaeNa: Olive! U really give me this surprise???? *whisper whisper* Me: Of course JaeNa! This is a present for u, cause u agree to become my first lead actress for my fanfic! Thanks a lot ! UKISS's boys! Take her along! :D UKISS: Let's go beauty JaeNa!!! Go go sing!!!!!!! :D Anyeong Olive!!!^^ JaeNa: Yeap! No biggie! Thanks a lot too! Bye!!! *fangirling mode on* Me: Have fun!!!!^^ ------------------------------ Well..Nice to meet u guys...! :D My name is Olive and I'm a 14th y.o girl from Indonesia..^^ I really enjoy fangirling and yeap, I'm a Kiseop biased! XD Actually, Lee JaeNa is my korean name.. So I made this fanfic based on my name cause I don't have to find any other name again.. :D Lee JaeNa, is so ME! Haha.. This is my first ever fanfiction I've ever made.. Haha.. Uhmm.. I hope u guys enjoy reading my fanfic and give ur comment as well.. And u guys also can give me some suggestion for me, so maybe I can use it for my chapters :D And I also give behind the scene every chapters maybe and also next chapter teaser :) And do follow my twitter account too @aithing_owie do mention me for follow back.. Feel free to ask me anything u wanna know, give me some critics, comments and suggestions.. Gomawo! *bows* ------------------------------ Next chapter teaser: "What? Really?? Ajusshi want me cause u think I have talent?" "Yes of course. I see it on ur eyes.. U can express ur talent with us freely.. U almost reach it Lee JaeNa.." I almost reach it.. I almost reach it.. But.. How I say this to my parents?


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