
[Insert Sufficient Title Here]

The two of you were lounging comfortably on the couch in your apartment. Dongwoo's sunkissed brown hair splayed across your thighs as his head was snugly placed in your lap. The two of you were watching a random show on the television, just enjoying some personal time together during the holidays. As you absentmindedly ran your fingers through his soft, velvety hair, you could feel yourself falling into a groggy state of mind when suddenly one of your guys' phones rang out from the coffee table at your feet.

You shot up to check, accidentally shaking your boyfriend from his cloak of haziness but he quickly ignored the shock and let his head fall back onto his makeshift pillow. You saw that Dongwoo's phone screen was brightly lit, his mother's name showing as the caller.

"Babe, your mom's calling." You infomed as you purposely shook him harder to gain his attention. Your actions proved to be successful when he quickly sat up, almost knocking your foreheads together, and reached over your feet to pick his phone up. 

"Mom?" he said into the phone after accepting the call. You could hear his mom speaking, but you couldn't decipher what she was saying. All you knew was that after a couple of seemingly rushed words, Dongwoo excitedly rose from the couch and started towards your bedroom as he repeatedly said "Ok" into the phone before muttering out a quck "We'll be there soon" and promptly hanging up.

"Dongwoo? Is everything okay?" You questioned as you followed him into your room. You heard nothing so you poked your head in through the doorway, but your face collided, somewhat painfully, with Dongwoo's chest.

"Oomph!" He let out. "Ah, sorry babe. But come on, put this on." Dongwoo held up a thick parka of yours and that's when you got a clear view of him. He had already slipped into his own fluffy jacket and looked like he was ready to zoom out the door at any second.

"What's going on?" you curiously asked, but slipped into the coat anyways.

"My sister's gone into labor! We have to get to the hospital now." He spewed out as he turned you around to zip up your coat. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped, but you quickly recovered.

"Um uhhhh you get the car keys and I'll grab my phone. Let's go!" You shot back over to the coffee table to retrieve your phone and raced to the door, throwing on any random pair of shoes that you could find and your boyfriend did the same. You both rushed out, making sure that the door was locked before running to your car before heading to the hospital.


Dongwoo's family looked so happy. They were all crowded around Dongwoo's older sister, who was cradling her newborn baby in her arms. You got on your tiptoes to take a peek over his shoulder so that you could get a clearer look. Dongwoo's sister's husband was sitting on the chair by his wifes bed, holding onto one of his baby's hands. Dongwoo's sister looked exhausted but she was happily holding her quiet child. Her parents had tears in their eyes and small smiles on their lips, trying to contain their emotions. There was silence for a little while as everyone revelled in the baby's presence, but it was broken when you heard your boyfriend's voice.

"Can I hold him?" He asked his sister in a gentle voice. 

"Of course! Here, just take him like this. There you go." She carefully transferred her baby into her little brother's arms. Once Dongwoo was positive that the baby was secure in his arms, he turned and took a step to the empty bed that was placed next to his sister's. He took a seat and got himself comfortable as everyone rushed over to stay with the baby. You turned around and faced his sister, taking this chance to talk to her.

"Congratulations." You said with a smile as you brushed some stray hair out of her face. Her eyes left the backs of her family members and trailed over to your face. 

"Thank you." she said, returning a smile. 

"How are you feeling?" You asked her and grabbed a hold of her hand.

"Tired. Tired beyond belief. Giving birth is no where near making it onto the list of 'easy' things to do." She replied with a small chuckle.

"Oh, no doubt about that. But it's worth it though, right? He's adorable. You have all that you need to be happy, right there." You told her.

"I know. And I'm so thankful for it. But you have your happiness too right? I mean, look at that." She nodded her head to something behind you and you turned to look over your shoulder. A space had opened up between the family members, giving you a clear view of Dongwoo. The sight in front of you made your heart flutter uncontrollably and your stomach flip.

Dongwoo was nestling the baby's head on the crook of his elbow, making sure that the newborn was cuddled up close to his chest. His brother-in-law was pulling out his phone, ready to take more pictures. Dongwoo looked up to the camera with big grin, his head tilted and his hair covering his eyes. You heard the phone's camera shutter go off once. As soon as the photo was taken, he turned back down to look at the baby, the same grin still adorning his face. The baby's grandmother reached down to softly pinch its chubby cheeks together and another camera shutter sounded through the room. You slowly let go of Dongwoo's sister's hand and walked over to join the crowd, standing to the side, allowing yourself to get a clear view of Dongwoo's face. A smile crawled onto your face. Dongwoo's brother-in-law leaned down and another shutter sounded. You didn't have to look at those photos to know that they were beautiful. You could tell because of the way Dongwoo was looking at the baby.

Now that you could see him clearly, you found that more than his smile lit up the room. His eyes were radiantly shining. He couldn't look away from the precious being that he was holding in his arms. Everyone was cooing at how adorable the baby was but your boyfriend remained silent, just looking at the baby.

He looked at the bundle of joy as if it were the world. As if he's holding everything he'd ever need to be happy. But this was just for his sister's child. You couldn't help but imagine how he would look at his own child one day. You let your mind continue to drift as your boyfriend looked up to converse with his family members.

Dongwoo would be the kind of father that would never let his child be sad. He or she would have a bright smile almost identical to their father's and hair as soft as his. They would be super hyper all the time, always wanting to play so Dongwoo would have no choice but to take them to the park to have fun. Dongwoo would push them on the swings, obliging to their requests to go "higher". Their laughter would sound through the air, like music to the ears of those around them. He'd buy them the trendiest clothing, making sure they stood out among their friends, but then he'd dress them into cheesy cartoon pajamas when it gets close to bedtime and then he'd change into a matching pair for himself. He'd then tuck them into bed, checking the closet and below the mattress to ensure that no scary monsters were hiding to scare his precious child. Then, he'd be asked to tell a bedtime story, which he would do, but that story would onlly bring more laughter into the room because it'd be something Dongwoo conjures up on the spot, a story that confuses his child, perhaps a story he doesn't fully understand himself. Finally, they'd tire themselves out enough to fall asleep and they'd wake up ready for breakfast. Of course, because he or she would be Dongwoo's child, they would want a cookie or sweets for breakfast instead of their healthy cereal. Dongwoo would sneak his baby whatever they wanted when their mother looked away, but he would also make sure that they eat all of their vegetables that night at dinner. 

You wanted to keep going, but you snapped out of your thoughts when you noticed Dongwoo moving to stand up. He handed the newborn back to his brother-in-law and made his way over to you. 

"Precious, huh?" He asked you, looking back to the baby. You nodded.

"Super precious. Super cute." You looked up to your boyfriend. His eyes really were shining and then he looked back down to you.



"I love you." Your heart started to beat faster when you heard that.

"I love you too." You replied, and he pecked your lips but quickly broke from you once you heard his mother calling out to you. 

"Dongwoo, you've got a keeper there. And I want to see you guys make something like this happen next okay?" Upon hearing this, you felt your cheeks growing hot and you were positive that they were bright red. You heard Dongwoo's laughter ring out through the room as you buried your face in his chest and felt his arms wrapping around you.

"Maybe one day, Mom." When you heard him, you tried to shove your face even farther in his chest while raising your hand to lightly hit his arm. 

"Don't worry, Mom. I'm sure it'll happen soon. You know how impatient Dongwoo can get." His sister said from her bed.

You didn't know whether or not you would be in the future that you saw for Dongwoo and his child, but you sure hoped you would be. You hoped that you'd be lucky enough to share those experiences with him. 

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Beautiful! omg ;;