

“The things we love destroy us every time, lad. Remember that.” 
― George R.R. MartinA Game of Thrones


Jaehwan heard Taekwoon whisper in the car. He couldn't help but think the same. Finally. All the schedules were over. They've been in and out of studios, not that he's complaining. Jaehwan loves what he does. He knows it's better to have schedules because it means that the group was given a taste of the limelight and a chance to give back to their fans. it just feels like it's been too long since they've had a decent break. 

The ride back home was silent, contrary to the noisy ones they had when they were just starting in the business. Jaehwan couldn't help but think how mature they must've gotten and how much their experiences took a toll on their perspective. He looked forward and saw Hakyeon, reading scripts. He turned back, saw the three dongsaengs sleeping and couldn't help but smile at how adorable they looked. Jaehwan prepared his heart for what he was going to do next; he looked left and saw Taekwoon looking out the window with his earphones on. He breathed and stared at his hyung. Oh, how much he wanted it to stay like this.

Jaehwan thought about how many times he wished for time to stay still but to no avail. It scared Jaehwan how fast time actually flies despite it being utterly excruciating. Their group has changed so much and he didn't realize where and when work began to be real work. It used to be a form of play but somehow, that faded away. Maybe because they wanted to prove that they deserved everything that they have and Jaehwan finds it funny that even though he's changed in almost all his ways, his heart has remained in the same place. 


He snapped and turned to his Hakyeon-hyung with a questioning gaze.

"You've worked hard."

All his walls crumble down. Three words, three words were all it took for him to hug his hyung from behind even with a hindrance in the form of a car seat. These moments make it all worthwhile.

The group was preparing for lunch. Jaehwan was settled down on the table with the younger ones. He was happy that they were about to have a proper meal on an actual  table. It had felt like forever. 

"I've missed you, kids." 

He couldn't help but say.

"But we were together all this time?" 

 Hongbin who was sitting across him, answered him with that extremely lovable eyesmile. Jaehwan could only smile at his reply.

"This is different, Hongbin-ah." 

Jaehwan turned to Wonshik as he spoke. Well, as expected. Wonshik always understood him. 

"I missed you too, Jaehwanie hyung."

..... and Ravi clinged to him like a panda. Not that he was going to complain. 

He looked over to Hyuk and found the maknae searching through Naver for the latest news. 

"Hyuk! I missed you!"


"Hyuk! I miss you!"

He said continuously with each call louder than the last one. To his disappointment, Hyuk just sang his "bum pa bum pa bum". He shook his head in disbelief but Hyuk smiled at his sight so Jaehwan considered that he was forgiven. 

Soon enough, his hyungs came to the table and put the food down as they sat. Of course, his stare lingered longer on Taekwoon.

"I'll eat it well!"

All of them bowed their heads almost automatically. If there was anything in this world that could successfully silence VIXX all at once, it would be food. He was supposed to reach for the lettuce across the table but he couldn't... not with a living Ravi hanging on to him.

"Kim Wonshik! let go!"

"But I missed you, hyung!"

He laughed at the childishness. 

"Aww, how sweet! My kids~" Hakyeon commented with a proud grin. 

"This moment deserves a picture for the Kenvi shippers." 

Hyuk said as he opened his phone's camera. 

"Smile, you icky cheesy hyungs!"

Jaehwan just went along with it and mustered the widest smile he could. Click!

Hongbin stared at the photo with a mixed expression.

"You look good together. It's so wrong! Ew!" 

He said as he showed it to the two oldest hyungs. 

Laughter filled the room when Hakyeon's legendary stank face appeared upon seeing the photo. 

But then, the laughter ceased when Taekwoon got up and rushed to his room, closing the door with a bang.

And.. there goes another thing that can successfully silence VIXX.

"Maybe, he's just tired. I'll talk to him later. Let's continue eating." Hakyeon broke the silence. 

Jaehwan suddenly lost his appetite. Maybe, Taekwoon is just tired but he was fine moments ago.

Although, Taekwoon can read Jaehwan like a book.

Jaehwan just can't seem to understand the way Taekwoon works and somethimes, the way Taekwoon is. 

But Jaehwan is going to try. 



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davidrd #1
Chapter 2: taekwoon got jealous of kenvi... kkk, it's cute.. please update soon
Starlight-Kenjumma #2
Chapter 2: It looks like Taekwoon is jealous *-* please update soon ^-^ it's really interesting ^^
Chapter 1: Really good start ^^
Even at this point I can tell I'm gonna love it :D

And have some love back ~ <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: That was so good author-nim I really enjoyed it
Starlight-Kenjumma #5
Chapter 1: That was so cute~~ ♥ I really like it ^-^ and I'm sure that Teakwoon loves you too Jeahwan ^-^
exovixxfinite #6
Chapter 1: Awww thats cute^^ I'm sure Taekwoon loves you too Jaehwan^^