Fated To Love You
“I’m not what they call ‘good with girls’ you know that?” Jong In said as he sat back leaning on the railing of the stairs. “Not good with girls? Aye, liar.” Kyungsoo laughed as he judged the lad’s stomach.
“Ouch, I’m pretty serious.” Jong In chuckled, “It’s the three of you guys last year here at Yeong Byu High before you three head off to Yeong Byu College. Take this year to have fun!” Sehun said while throwing an arm around Jong In,
Suho chuckled, “Making me feel old and stuff.” Chanyeol laughed, “Don’t worry Suho hyung – we still have college.” “After high school ends my father wants me to attend college to get my doctors degree.” Kyungsoo sighed,
“Do you not want to?” Exo-K all turned their heads to look at the lad, “I do.” Kyungsoo smiled softly, “H – Hi…” A soft voice called, Exo-K all looked down as they saw a girl. She smiled shyly,
“Hey,” They all smiled brightly, “Jong – In…oppa?” She smiled while handing a small box to Jong In, “Is that for me?” Jong In smiled as he stepped down the steps to receive the box from the girl.
As Jong In took the box out of her hand another hand grabbed the box, everyone turned serious and snapped their heads over to who it was. “! Get away from my Jong In!” Hwa Yeon shouted as she shoved the girl onto the floor. “Hwa Yeon,” Jong In snapped,
Hwa Yeon opened the box and saw it was a necklace, “Ohhh. Such a cheap necklace!” She shouted then threw it into the girl’s face, “, I’m warning you. Stay away from Jong In!” Hwa Yeon shouted,
“Hwa Yeon!” Jong In snapped again, “Jong In oppa!” Hwa Yeon looked at him, “Hwa Yeon what is wrong with you? Cut this stupidity. And stop calling me your oppa – you’re not my owner.” Jong In growled then walked passed her,
“Oppa! Oppa! AHHHH!!” Hwa Yeon screamed, “JONG IN! COME BACK HERE!” Exo-K walked passed her as Sehun smirked at her, “Shhh. Nobody wants to hear your voice no more,” Hwa Yeon panted as she screamed again.
“Jong In!”
“You’re starting at Yeong Byu High today,” Hyung Seok stated as he helped you up the stairs of the school, you could hear the laughter of other students. “Oraboni, Yeong Byu High School? They very rich school?” You asked as you gripped his hand tighter,
“Neh, Ha Yeon.” Hyung Seok smiled as he continued to lead you into the school. “Oraboni – isn’t this school to expensive? How did you get all the money to pay for this fee?” You asked, “We got a scholarship for you to attend this school, now we’re going to the principle’s office.” Hyung Seok said as he knocked on a door. “Come in,” The principle called as Hyung Seok opened the door to lead you into the room.
“Moon Ha Yeon,” Mr. Lee smiled brightly, “Good morning, sir.” Hyung Seok & Ha Yeon did a full 90 degree bow to the elder. “Good morning to you both as well, now have a seat.” Mr. Lee directed as he sat down in his seat as well.
“Now I see from your records you’ve transferred from Park Academy to here am I correct?” Mr. Lee asked, you nodded. “Yes, you are correct.” “From the help that you receive from your brother – you cannot see…am I right?” Mr. Lee’s voice soften.
You nodded again, “My sister lost her eye sight 10 years back – but I grantee she is as smart as any student in here. She’s very good,” Hyung Seok explained as he held onto your hand tightly. “That’s very good to know,” Mr. Lee smiled,
“Why don’t I have you start off with today? If you like today and have a good time then we’ll accept you and take you off the waiting list.” Mr. Lee smiled, “Yeh, thank you very much.” You smiled then bowed again.
“What about my sister’s reading skills? Is the school going to provide her braille for her?” Hyung Seok asked, Mr. Lee nodded his head. “Yes, we will be able to provide her braille for her. If she’s able to – we would like to take her to the first hour,” Mr. Lee smiled,
“Can I have some time to talk to her?” Hyung Seok asked softly, Mr. Lee nodded his head. “Come on, I need to talk to you.” Hyung Seok said as he helped you out of the office,
“Oraboni, what is it?” You asked softly, “Ha Yeon-ah, I know. I know that this is going to be a tough year for you because it’s your senior year. But what you have to know is that – no matter how hard things get you must graduate and attend the university.” Hyung Seok smiled,
You nodded, “Oraboni – don’t worry about me. I’m able to take care of myself, I won’t let you nor umma and appa down.” You smiled brightly as you stuck the stick out. “Oraboni, you should head back home to help umma and appa with the shop.” You said while patting his arm,
Hyung Seok nodded, “Neh. Ha Yeon-ah, fighting!” Hyung Seok smiled as he patted your head then knocked turned to look at the principle. “Please take care of my sister,” He smiled, Mr. Lee nodded his head.
“Ha Yeon-ah, let’s go to your first class.”
“Everyone! Everyone! Settle down now!” Mr. Lee said as he hit the table top lightly, “Today I will like to announce that you have a new classmate!” Mr. Lee said loudly, everyone turned around to look at each other.
“Her name is Moon Ha Yeon – please take care of her like you would to your friends.” Mr. Lee announced, everyone looked over toward the door. Jong In, Suho & Chanyeol turned to face the door.
Suddenly they noticed a hand and a stick sticking out for support, everyone frowned as they continued to stare. You walked slowly into the room as you continued to tap the stick against the ground for safety,
“She’s blind,” Everyone in the class started to mummer, “Oh gosh – we have a blind stupid classmate,” “She looks so stupid,” “Ugh, I hate blind people.”
You could hear the mummer of students – it killed you but you ignored it and put on a smile. “Annyeonghasayo – I’m Moon Ha Yeon, please take care of me.” You bowed slowly to the class, “We already know you blind girl!” A classmate shouted,
Your face started to heat up, Jong In looked at you. He stared at your beautiful face, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. His heart thumped quickly,
“Don’t mind them, I think you should go sit in the back over there.” Mr. Lee said as he lead you two steps then let you go by yourself. “Your teacher will be back in a bit – have a great day.” He said then headed out of the room,
You walked slowly toward the back of the room, until suddenly a boy stuck out his foot. You suddenly tripped you let out a groan as you fell, “Hahahhahahahahahahahaahahaha!” Everyone started to laugh,
Jong In, Suho & Chanyeol gasped “Yah! Stupid blind girl!” The boy laughed, Jong In stood up and rushed toward you, and he helped pick up your stick and helped you up. Everyone went silent even Suho & Chanyeol.
“Are you okay?” He asked as he wrapped his arm around your waste, “I – I’m fine,” You answered feeling shock by this stranger who’s arms were around you. “I’ll help you to your seat,” He said as he walked you over to the seat.
“Thank you…” You said paused, “Jong In – Kim Jong In,” He said with a smile, You smiled softly, *Oh, she’s beautiful.* “Thank you, Jong In.” You smiled as you sat down. “Your stick is beside you…Ha Yeon.” Jong In smiled,
He backed up and went back to sitting in his seat just right next to yours, you felt his eyes still staring at you. But you shrugged it off, *Kim Jong In – what a sweet name.* You thought,
As class finished students started to get up and walk out of the classroom, your heart thumped because you didn’t know where to go.
“Can we help?” Kai asked, you smiled at the voice. “Ha Yeon?” Another voice called, you slightly turned your head at where the voice was coming from. “Hi, I’m Park Chanyeol.” Chanyeol smiled, “Hi,” You smiled,
“And hi – I’m Kim Joon Myun, but you can call me Suho.” Suho smiled brightly, “I’m looking for class B4.” You said as you touched the braille with your fingers, the three boys looked at your fingers move gracefully.
“Yes, class B4. Can you please show me the way?” You asked softly, they nodded. “We have the same class – we can show you.” Kai smiled – his eyes focused on yours. They were a light brown and innocent,
“Right! B4! We have that class too!” Chanyeol smiled brightly, Suho noticed the strange feeling between Kai & you. He started to eye Kai – while Kai avoided the eye contact.
“Let’s show you the way,” They all helped lead you out of the classroom then down the stairs, “There are 12 steps here – be careful.” Kai said he was so nervous because he thought you were going to fall.
“I’m okay – I can go down myself.” You said as you slowly walked down the stairs – hitting each step softly to guide yourself. Once you reached the bottom some girls came walking up the stairs, “Hwa Yeon is going to kill this blind girl,” They whispered,
“I heard her name is Ha Yeon,” Another whispered, “Hwa Yeon is going to kill her – she better watch out.” The next scoffed, Kai turned his head to look at the girls. They all giggled as he rolled his eyes, “Hwa Yeon is not going to harm nor touch Ha Yeon,” Kai snapped,
You were so taken back by what the lad said so suddenly, it made your heart thump quickly. Suho & Chanyeol both stared at Kai shocked then shrugged it off, “Thank you…” You said as you continued to walk.
“No problem,” Kai smiled as he stared at your face, “Who is Hwa Yeon?” You asked softly, “Hwa Yeon…?” Kai repeated – Suho & Chanyeol looked at each other. “Oh! Hwa Yeon – she uhm is just this random girl. Don’t worry about her,” Chanyeol cut in trying to lighten up the mood,
Kai bit his lower lip because he didn’t know what to tell you, “Ha Yeon – we’re here at our next room. So remember – after you exist the first class take a left coming down the stairs then take a left and count two doors down.” Suho explained, “Thank you – Suho-ssi.”
*I just hope – that Hwa Yeon doesn’t find out about you.* Kai thought to himself then walked into the classroom. He noticed that you always sat in the back – so he decided to sit a desk away from you.
As the day went by you noticed that most of your classes were with Kai, Suho & Chanyeol. They were very caring and helped you with the things that you could do on your own, they even helped grab your lunch for you.
“So – Ha Yeon, where did you go before you came here?” Chanyeol asked, “I attend Park Academy,” You said softly, “Oh cool,” They all smiled, “So then why did you decide to come here?” Suho asked,
“Uhm…can I uhm…keep that to myself?” You said softly, they looked at each other then nodded. “Sure – we won’t question it if you don’t want to share it.” Kai said with a small pity tone.
“Can I ask the time?” You asked softly, “Yes – right now it’s about 7 hours into school. We have about 5 minutes of the school day left,” Suho smiled, “I should go wait for my oraboni,” You said while standing up.
The three males stood up quickly, “Oraboni? Do you know where he’s coming to get you?” Kai asked – his tone seemed so afraid & impatient. “Neh, he’s coming at the front. I’ll go wait for him,” You said while turning around,
“Thank you, Jong In-ssi, Suho-ssi & Chanyeol-ssi.” You bowed while turning back around, “See – I mean…I’ll meet you three tomorrow again,” You smiled, “Do you not need us to send you to the front?” Kai asked, you shook your head.
“No – it’s alright. I don’t want to bother any of you,” You said as you smiled brightly, “Have a good evening,” With that you turned around to go and wait at the front for Hyung Seok.
“Jong In oppa!” Hwa Yeon shouted as she rushed toward Exo-K, “I was looking for you the whole day! I heard people say that there’s a new girl in your class!” Hwa Yeon shouted,
“Hwa Yeon – calm down, nothing is going on.” Kai sighed as he rubbed his face, Hwa Yeon gripped his arm. “I’m just afraid that someone might take you away from me,” She whined,
Kai removed himself from her grip, “Hwa Yeon – go home. School is over now,”
But in his mind – he couldn’t get someone off of it.  


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jinjineuntae #1
this is a nice story tho!