Park Chanyeol - You're So In Love

Kpop Imagine!

Being the new student was always hard and frustrating. There were so many blocks and buildings, new locker codes, new teachers, but most importantly new students to meet. Chanyeol had been put into five classes, English, General Maths, Business and Accounting, Psychology and Music. Your school happened to be quiet arts and musical more than anything else which excited Chanyeol as he loved messing around on his acoustic guitar and jamming on the drums.

The first day would be the worst day regardless. You had to learn where you fit in, you had to learn to navigate yourself around the school and you needed to introduce yourself subtly and try not to trip up.

“Hi, I’m Ms Knot the schools wellbeing co-ordinator. You must be Park Chanyeol.” She introduced herself by shaking his hand firmly and greeting him with her general smile.

“Nice to meet you.” He said softly yet politely as they meet in the main office block out the front of the school.

“Now your first class starts in ten minutes of so, but first I will show you were your locker is.”

Chanyeol and Ms Knot walked out of the building and towards the senior corridors where it was bustling with students. They began to talk briefly as she asked him a few questions about his background and his previous school. Chanyeol would try to listen to her, but was totally distracted by all the other students looking him as he walked by. His wide eyes just glazed across them all as the watched the giant walk through the corridors. Chanyeol was undoubtedly one of the tallest boys roaming through the school right now, so fitting in subtly was going to cause some trouble.

As he made his way shyly through the halls alongside Ms Knot, there was one thing that stood out for Chanyeol. As he searched through all the side eyes, blank stares, the gazes swooning girls were already giving he saw on figure in particular in the distance. As the corridor filled more and more, the figure disappeared and he began to wonder if he was seeing things.

“This is your locker here.” Ms Knot said, pulling Chanyeol from his ministartions.

“Thank you.” He said with a soft smile before opening it up to witness old stickers that somebody had attempted to scratch off and a very narrow, almost-broken shelf to hold his textbooks and backpack.

“Do you have a timetable for yourself?” She added. He gave a slight nod in response as he pulled off his bag and navigated it into his locker.

“What class do you have first?” In the depths of his new school pants he reached and pulled out his creased timetable. He opened it up and showed Ms Knot.


“The classroom is above the office. All classrooms that start with U are always upstairs for ‘upstairs’ for future reference. If you need help during the day or ever I am available in my office which is at the very end of this corridor.” She pointed out to the end, in the direction of the figure Chanyeol had witnessed just earlier.

“Thank you very much Ms Knot.”

“Anytime.” She patted his shoulder and made her way towards her office, leaving him stranded at his locker as there was a mad rush to get to class.

The bell was going to go off at any given time which meant that Chanyeol had to move as fast as he could to get to class. He pushed through people politely, excusing himself and apologising if he hit somebody accidentally.

Anxiety grew in Chanyeol’s stomach as he made his way upstairs on his way to class. He was nervous knowing that he was going to be such a focal point within the school for the next few weeks, especially among his year level. Although he was such a laidback and charming person, he still got nervous when meeting new people or trying new things.

He stopped outside of the classroom and let one gigantic exhale relieve him. Let’s do this. He walked in, the room roughly half full with the other student chattering among one another. The bell rings just as he walks in searching for a seat. As he scans the room he searches for the figure but has no luck recognising the figure. He sighs internally and chooses a seat one row from the back. He opens his book to a fresh page and flickers with his pen, starring down at the blank paper.

“Byun Baekhyun, nice to meet you.” The kid in front of Chanyeol twirls around in his chair, a sprawl of words flowing from his mouth at rapid pace.

“Park Chanyeol.” He smiled willingly at Baekhyun.

“You’re tall. You’re going to stand out.”

“I figured. It’s a really unlucky factor of being the new kid right?”

“Not when you’re extremely attractive according to a majority of the seniors who watched you walk through the senior corridor with Ms Knot this morning.” The two of them laughed slightly, Chanyeol blushing slightly out of embarrassment. Baekhyun had this goofy smile about him with made Chanyeol feel like he wasn’t the only one with such a goofy smile. It was almost guaranteed that these two were going to be the best of friends.

“What classes do you have?” Baekhyun asked.

“English, General Maths, Psychology, Music and Business and Accounting.” Chanyeol had memorised.

“We have 3 classes together. English, Music and Psychology.” Chanyeol was relieved that he had somebody in his class – somebody as cool as Baekhyun.

“Okay class, welcome to your first class for the week. We’re going to-.” The professor hadn’t even finished his introduction without being interrupted by a very rushed voice.

“Sorry I’m late Professor Cho.” You rushed into the room with your books to your chest, head faced down.

“That’s okay ____.” You sat down in the seat closest to the door without even noticing Chanyeol. In saying that, you certainly didn’t go unnoticed to Chanyeol. His eyes were glued to you. That’s her. He couldn’t believe his luck. The professor continued to yap on about class but Chanyeol was having none of it in the presence of you. Even though he only had a very slim glance at you he was sure you were beautiful. It was immediate attraction.

As thoughts of you passed his mind, he hadn’t stopped to notice that the entire class was now looking at him as the teacher was inviting him into the attention.

“You. Tall one.” He ordered. Chanyeol stood up attentively as he noticed everyone’s glazed eyes watched him. “Introduce yourself.”

Chanyeol fixed his blazer and made a slight coughing sound to clear his voice. “My name is Chanyeol.” He bowed as he would back at his school in Korea. There were a few gasps from the females as they were in the depths of attraction. The males kind of just shrugged it over as Baekhyun looked up with a kind smile on his face. Chanyeol laid his eyes on you for a moment as you gazed up at him with a small smirk on your face, the ending of a pencil rubbing up against your temple as you analysed the new boy. He smiled back at you as the professor gave a few words.

“Well welcome. I put my trust in the rest of you to make an effort to allow Chanyeol feel welcome.” The professor didn’t ask questions or mess around, he just wanted to move on with his class. “You may be seated.” The rest of the class moved to turn back to the front of the classroom as Chanyeol settled in his seat again except for one student; you. You both stared each other down politely with small smiles on one another’s faces. You continued to search Chanyeol as he only did the same. You turned back to face the professor before any further trouble was caused. You only looked down at your notes casually thinking about the obvious.

As the class can to a bland end, you grabbed your books and left as fast as you could adamant to get to your locker quick enough to go update your friends about the new boy Chanyeol. You weren’t the type to gossip and swoon over even the most exciting and attractive boys in the senior school but you were quite intrigued by Chanyeol.

“Baekhyun.” Chanyeol was almost whispering.

“Yes?” He turned around as the two of them both stood up with their books.

“Who was the girl that came in late?”

“____. Why?” The name rolled onto Chanyeol and was engraved in his mind.

“Just curious.” Chanyeol shrugged as if it were nothing.

“She has Music with us.” Baekhyun also commented which Chanyeol was greatly grateful for.           

“Music is at the end of today, correct?”

“Yeah. Come and meet the other boys I hang around then I’ll take you to your following classes after break.” Chanyeol hadn’t felt so welcome ever in his life before; nor ever so love struck before.

The pursued on as he was greeted by new students, future friends, new teachers and you. It seemed like a lifetime until it finally reached the final period of the day. Baekhyun and a few of his other friends Yixing and Kyungsoo that Chanyeol had gotten to know better.

“Music is the best class. Everyone know each other’s advantages and skill so we can all jam together. You’re going to love it.” Yixing exclaimed as they walked through the door. Chanyeol was already in love. There were roughly ten people already playing together including vocals, guitars, violin and cello. He was blown away.

“Chanyeol, you’re the new addition to my class!” The professor exclaimed as he clasped his hands together, approaching in from out of the blue. He students continued to play and the professor was no fussed one bit. “What instrument do you play?”

“I am pretty good on the drums and on the guitar.” Chanyeol smiled proudly.

“Drums? Nobody ever plays those drums down the back.” The professor was more than pleased to finally have somebody playing the drums. It was something new and exciting.

“Glad I can fill that position.”

“Well, you have to show us what you’ve got. Do you mind giving the class a quick solo introduction?”

“Not a problem.” Chanyeol was more excited than anything. The professor got the class to stop what they were doing and to face the drum kit that was collecting dust at the back of the room. Chanyeol picked up the two drum mallets and flicked them around his fingers.

“When you’re ready the professor said as Chanyeol had settled into his seat behind the kit. He looked up briefly, meeting your eyes that sparked in his direction. A smile glimmered from Chanyeol’s lips just before he began to bash the mallets against the drum kit. The smile was still there yet his eyes were focused and determined to give some kind of spectacular performance.

He was a machine in action, but your heart beat fastened as you watched him; the way his lips curled as he played, the way his eyes were full of passion and determination, the way he was being moved by the instrument. He was just as powerful as anyone in this room right now.

As he stopped playing, the entire class clapped and cheered with a handful of the girls gossiping about his minor performance. He stood up and bowed slightly as the professor began to praise him on how fantastic he was.

“That was brilliant!” He mentioned as the big commotion ended. Chanyeol looked at you with a goofy, slightly embarrassed smile. You giggled slightly and looked away and the class began to move back to their instruments while Yixing, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun ran over to Chanyeol.

“That was freaking awesome! Where did you learn that?” Kyungsoo asked eye boggled.

“I’ve been playing for a few years.” He shrugged with a smile. The boys began to praise Chanyeol with compliments. As they began to talk about their own instruments and lead onto a different topic, Chanyeol fell back and made his way elsewhere.

“You write music?” He asked as he looked down at the girl with her head in her book, making changes to keys and sounds in her journal. You shot your eyes up at him, scrambling your book away.

“Only started recently. I play piano.” You said directly as you stood up from the desk and shoved the journal into your music folder.

“Can you play me a piece?” He asked politely.

“Um, sure.” You obliged, making your way across the room to find yourself on the black piano that had memorised your fingerprints as you’d play it so frequently. You sat before it as Chanyeol stood beside you looking over you.

“Come sit.” You offered, shuffling over and making room for him. He didn’t turn down the offer, he just filled the spot while giving you’re a well appreciated thanks.

You closed your eyes and exhaled ever so briefly before playing with the keys on the piano, allowing your hands to linger and dance around in tune, giving off a soft and ballad sounding tune. You harmonised with the piano, losing yourself as you watched your hands play the keys.

In Chanyeol’s eyes, this was almost the perfect picture. He just watched you, so concentrated and home in on the instrument you loved ever so dearly.  He listened to the sound you and piano made, a perfect match. A smile grew on Chanyeol’s face as you were drawing out passion and emotion that seemed to wash over him. To him, it seemed as though he could feel and connect with you just through the vibes you played. Chanyeol was in love with your music, and with you.

As you stopped after a rough forty second jam on the piano, Chanyeol just turned and looked at you speechless and taken aback by the entirety of the situation. Both of your eyes met, the gaze strong with a rushing connection flowing through. You found yourself leaning in, Chanyeol occasionally looking down at your lips for a split second, parting his lips and prepared to lose himself further in the moment. Your minds were switched off, your hearts running for each other as such a perfect opportunity.

“Chanyeol!” Both of you jumped and moved away from one another. You turned to look at the piano keys as you flushed bright red. You rolled your lips against your tongue, trying to hide the smile that was evident. Chanyeol turned into the direction his name was being called attentively. “Come over here!” Baekhyun waved him over excitedly. Dammit Baekhyun!

“One second.” Chanyeol called back just before he turned back to you. “I need to- um… Go over there.”

“That’s not a problem.” You nodded with a smile, still flushed red.

“You’re music is really… beautiful… by the way.” Chanyeol says softly in such a shy tone. You began to blush even more. “I’ll be back.” Chanyeol moved out from behind the piano, turning into a bright tomato as he left. Chanyeol was quite embarrassed as his attempt failed awkwardly. He made his way over to Baekhyun with only one thing on his mind; you. You’re so in love

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