A short girl was running around inside the mall looking left and right until she caught sight of the person she wanted to see most "mushroom!!" she said excitedly jumping up and down waving her hand in the air trying to catch the girls attention

The girl named mushroom looked around till her eyes landed on the petite figure, she smiled before running towards said girl. "tae tae~" she said pulling said girl into a bone crushing hug "i missed you" she whispered

hearing no response she pout "don't you miss me too, tae" 

feeling a tap on her arm she slowly let go of the girl, seeing the girl fall on the ground she quickly crouched down "omo what happend? are you okay!? are you sick?

"*cough*i'm fine" taeyeon said but tiffany kept going

"should we go to the hospital?! don't die on me taeyeon!! don't die plea-" she was cut off by a pair of lips. taeyeon smiled into the kiss before pulling away "i'm fine fany"

tiffany was dazed with her eyes shut closed "h-huh" she looked at taeyeon blinking her eyes repeatedly.....

finally snapping out of her daze she cupped taeyeon's face "are you okay, tae tae?" she said worriedly

"i'm fine fany ah, this is the third time i said that, i'm starting to get worried about you now!, are you okay!?"

tiffany looked at taeyeon before checking her self to see if she was okay "of course i'm fine.....i think" she said still checking herself taeyeon burst out laughing "aigoo, so cute" she said pinching the younger girls cheeks

tiffany asked again if taeyeon was okay to which she replied with a chuckle before saying "you were just hugging me too tight, i couldn't breathe properly" tiffany blushed before lightly hitting taeyeon in the chest

tiffany looked away before she whispered "i just really missed you"

" and i really really! missed you too! fany ah" she whispered before leaning over and giving her a quick peck on the cheek, pulling away she stood up. "now let's go, we seem to have attracted a crowd" taeyeon said putting her hand out for the other girl who was now touching her cheek.

tiffany smiled as she placed her hand in taeyeon's before standing up and looking around

"omo tae tae why are there so many people looking at us"

"well there's a few reasons" she said as she interlaced her fingers with the younger girl. "first it's a mall so there's always people looking at you, second we are in the middle of the mall, on the ground, third, it's new years eve" tiffany buried her face in taeyeon's chest trying to hide away from the crowd

taeyeon wanted to make the girl laugh so she did what she's best at.........being a dork


"fourth, well the fourth is an obivious reason, but i'll just say it anyway!, the fourth reason is i'm just way too cute! that everbody just can't stop looking at us! or more specifically ME!!" she said making tiffany laugh, she smiled and continued "i don't know why i had to be so cute, it's such a burden when i don't want to draw attention"

tiffany was still laughing but now she was slapping taeyeon on the arm "stop joking! tae tae"

"huh! what do you mean joke!" taeyeon said with a poker face

"omg! stop tae tae, that's enough, you're killing me!" tiffany said laughing louder at the older girl

"aigoo, i forgot how loud you are, you're making even more people look at us" taeyeon said before pulling tiffany into the crowd and toward the exit




A few minutes passed they where now outside the mall walking to the bus stop hand in hand with tiffany still laughing.

"you can stop laughing now fany ah, it's seriously not that funny!!" taeyeon said pouting but tiffany just couldn't stop "ok, you're starting to hurt my feelings now" tiffany still couldn't stop

"Yah what's so funny about it huh" taeyeon said stomping her feet on the ground like a child does when she doesn't get what she wants. tiffany was about to stop laughing but seeing taeyeon act like a kid made her laugh even more.

is she laughing because she thinks it was too much of a joke!, i mean, i could be really cute and make people look at us.  taeyeon thought pouting at the laughing tiffany

taeyeon finally had enough so she threw her hands in the air "that's it, i'm going home" she said and started walking away. tiffany panicked and quickly grabbed taeyeon by the waist "tae tae~" she whined back hugging the shorter girl while she rest her chin on taeyeon's shoulder.

hearing no response she kissed taeyeon's cheek "fany's sorry tae tae~" she said using aegyo because she know's taeyeon can't stay mad at her when she uses aegyo

taeyeon her hands over tiffany's that were wrapped around her waist before she turned her face toward tiffany "i'm sorry fany ah, i was just being childish" she said pecking the younger girls lips

tiffany smiled "it's okay tae tae, i guess i laughed too much!, it's just it was too funny"

"what was too funny?"

"i don't wanna tell you"


"because you'll get angry"

"i won't "

"you better not "

"i won't, now tell me"

"well when you said you were too cute, i heard someone in the crowd snort before saying 'whatever shortie' " tiffany said looking away as she tried to stop her self from laughing

taeyeon's face started to turn red she released her self from tiffany  "do you remember what they looked like?"


"cause i'm gonna kick their !" taeyeon said punching and kicking the air

tiffany couldn't help herself and burst out laughing again. 

taeyeon walked back toward the mall fuming, tiffany could ony shake her head at the older girl before grabbing her hand and pulled her toward the bus stop

"calm down shortie" tiffany said as she giggled "let's go home, i'm tired"

taeyeon pouted because she wanted to go find the person who insulted her "b-but"

"no but's tae" tiffany said sternly

taeyeon only looked down "i hear that enough when i go to your house for a sleep over!" she mumbled quietly letting her self be dragged.

tiffany heard but acted like she didn't

byuntae she thought blushing



to be continued.... random quick chapter

have not checked for errors yet.... sorry!

for the taeny fans happy new years!!!!!!!


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frans89 #1
Chapter 3: This is so.... freaking hillarious!!! OH my God *wipe my happy tears away* i literally rolling on my bed laughing like maniac when i read this.
I hope you update this crazy story of yours, thank you for entertain me when i feel so boring. Keep update & writing dear author-shii,hwaitinggg! ^^
Chapter 14: Kekeke ao cute
Chapter 14: Yo yo yo why so short meh?
Chapter 12: please update soon
Chapter 5: ahahah naeunnie is such a XDDD eunji is too hard to resist eh! thanks so much for updating <333
Chapter 5: Aha XD ert Naeunnie♡
Nah shes not too erted i mean who can resist Jung Eunji? ♡ gahhh theyre so cute. Eunji is just adorable her innocence is omg ><asdfdjkl
Chapter 3: 'I wrote this chapter for that guy who commented' is that me hahahaha btw thank ^_^
Chapter 6: Pllz update yuri little story
cooljags #9
Chapter 2: Haha funny..
Eunji you know you want her ;)

Hehe happy new year author-sshi♡ have a lovely 2015~