Spill the Coffee

guyssssss. sorry for the extra extra late update because i have mid exam TT^TT 

i really wanted to update but i cant because i need to study huhu 

u know i love you right <3 pleas e post lots of comments!



It is the mid of October and Jin has decided a free day for Jimin and Jungkook after work. Jimin can’t decide to go to anywhere so Jungkook brought him to his house, decided to play any board game in his house.

Jungkook opened the door, letting Jimin first to step his feet on his house. Jimin wandered around.

“There has no change in this house after I left.” He stated. Jungkook stayed silent which means he agreed.

“Well, there is one.” Jungkook thought out loud.

Jimin turns his head to Jungkook who is standing behind him, hanging the coat.


“I lost something.”

“What is that thing?”

Jungkook remained silent.

You, stupid.

“Nevermind. I’ve let it go anyway.” Jungkook said, smiling brightly while Jimin can only do the same even though he is a bit confused.

“Let me bring you some snacks, you can sit here first.” Jungkook said, pointing a chair beside him and go to the kitchen.

“I lived here. Don’t treat me as your guest.” Jimin chuckled. Jungkook only chuckles back.

He is back with a plate of pancake that is sliced so neat.

“You made me pancakes?” Jimin said, putting in a piece of pancake after dipping it in the honey.

“Uh-huh. Why?” he asked as he shove one piece on his mouth.

“Because no unhealthy food for ya.” Jungkook answered, making Jimin chuckle.

It is just a calm snack time until Jungkook’s phone vibrates.

Jungkook is a bit startled when he heard his phone ringing. It’s Taehyung calling him.

Jungkook glances at Jimin who is still focus eating his pancakes.

He swipes the screen, setting the phone on his ear.


Jungkook stands up, making distance with Jimin so that he won’t listen to them talking on the phone.

“Yes?” Jungkook bites his lip.

“Why didn’t you answer your phone yesterday?”

“I’ve told you I will be busy these three months.” Jungkook said, a bit annoyed.

“But we need to decide our wedding date and all. My dad wants to meet you.” Jungkook thinks hard by Taehyung’s statement. It’s true. They need to decide everything for the wedding and in this situation, Jimin is ‘borrowing’ Jungkook.

Jungkook glances at Jimin who is sitting behind him, still busy eating the pancakes.

“I know. Can we- can we delay it until these three months end? January! Yeah.” Jungkook does feel sorry in Taehyung. Taehyung loves him but Jungkook leaves him hanging.

Taehyung remains silent, “Uh. I can’t. I need you and me to meet my father, decide our wedding date, place, and food now. Now, Jungkook.” Taehyung is heard a bit desperate. And Jungkook feels sorry about that too.

Jimin stands up after realizing that Jungkook isn’t in front of him anymore. He walks towards Jungkook.

“Who are you talking to, Jung?” Jungkook jumps slightly, startled when Jimin landed his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder.

“You’re with Jimin?” Jungkook can hear Taehyung snorting, “You’re busy with Jimin?” Taehyung chuckles sadly.

“Uh, Tae, I can explain, serious-“

“Goddamit, we’re getting married, Jungkook. What are you doing there making your wedding party as the second priority? Oh no, it’s not even the second, I guess? Third, fourth? I don’t understand you.” Taehyung raised his voice.

“Listen to me, Taehyung. I’m marrying you because I respect my mom and my dad but I don’t love you. Don’t be so selfish! I’m the one who is helping you going back to your father!” Jungkook is infected by Taehyung raising his voice without realizing that Jimin is behind him, listening to every word Jungkook said.

“I don’t care anymore. Meet me. Now. In front of the café.” And that’s how the conversation ends.

Jungkook sits on the chair nearby and massages his temple. He is thinking. Taehyung wants him but Jimin needs him. He doesn’t know what he has done to have this dramatic life. He doesn’t understand why he is involved with every complicated things in this world. Arranged marriage, dying bestfriend.

Jungkook sighs as Jimin’s hand lands on his shoulder.

“Hey, uh-“ Jimin rubs his neck, “It’s okay. I mean, you can meet him.” Jimin smiles. Jungkook stares at both his eyes. No, Jimin. You’re hurting.

“No. It’s okay. I can deal it with him later.” Jungkook said, standing up and smiling weakly.

“Please.” Jimin holds Jungkook hand, making the latter widens his eyes.

“You don’t need to do that.” Jimin’s eyes pleading him.

“W-well, okay if you say so.” Jungkook said, stuttering. Jimin realizes why he is stuttering, he quickly loosen his hold of Jungkook, rubbing his nape awkwardly.

“Uh, I think I should go.” Jimin said, not knowing what to do next, he keeps walking to everywhere in the house mumbling and trying to find the things he should bring home. Jungkook chuckles.

“Thank you for pancakes, and- and uh, let’s play chess on the other day. If you can, yeah.” Jimin walks to the door.

“I can bring you home first.” Jungkook suggested.

Jimin shook his head, refusing. “My pal needs to take shower and meet his fiancé, doesn’t he?” Jimin chuckles after that. Jungkook smiles as the answer, waving him goodbye.

“Oh, yes!” Jimin turns his body before he lands his palm on the door knob, “Can I borrow the diary? I will be filling today’s paper!” Jimin said, enthusiastically.

“Wait a second.” Jungkook runs to his bedroom, opening the drawer and grabbing a book. He goes back to the door, giving the book to Jimin.

“Make sure you keep it safe.” Jungkook said.

“I’m the real owner here, I must be telling you that sentence.” Jimin chuckled then turned the door knob open.

Jimin steps down the little stairs. Walking through the wind of autumn. He would never forget this breeze, he thought. Everything about Seoul is just perfect for him and it will be a waste if he leaves Seoul. Even though he is leaving to be on heaven, but seriously he doesn’t know if heaven will really be his last destination because he knows that hell exists.

Yes. Jimin is afraid of dying and he knows he would just convince himself that everything’s going to be alright and his life must be as happy as his parents feel when he was born –maybe. Knowing the fact that his life will last less than 3 months has never amused him. He is waiting for miracle if miracle really exists.

He sighs. He still wants to be on earth when people is in their warm house turning on the light in Christmas night. He wants to buy Christmas tree at Mr. Son’s house of trees. He wants to make coffee to his daily customers that even memorizes his name. He would misses that, he thought.

He has arrived in his house when he meets the stairs to his house. Unlocking the door, he steps his feet in the house, turning on the heater before his room will fully freeze. It is just a small heater so it needs almost an hour to get every inch of the house warm and it means Jimin won’t ever put off his coat and scarf.

He sits on the desk beside his bed. Opening the new page.

It’s 18th of October.

Less than three months.

He smiles as he takes out some photos from his pocket.

They are the pictures of him and Jungkook making coffee today.

He sticks the picture. Writing something under the pictures.

Erase, write, erase, write.

He giggles when he reads it again and again and now he is feeling embarrassed of what he has written down.

He is too shy that he needs to stick the next page to that page and cover the pictures and the writings so that Jungkook won’t see it, he hopes.

He closes the book. Putting off his coat and scarf because he really needs to shower and sleep soon.

He lands his back on the bed after he dries his hair with a towel. He pulls up the blanket, covering him from the coldness of the ceramic floor he just stepped on. As he closes his eyes, he wishes a beautiful dream to dream through the night. 

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330nai #1
Chapter 15: I will wait. n good luck for your study..
totallynotMyaSoriano #2
Chapter 15: good luck!! Just make sure you update from time to time.
Chapter 15: Okay I'm gonna wait, good luck with the essay... i feel you >< hate it too
Can't wait for you to continue writing~
seohyunnie_snsd #4
Chapter 14: Update pleaseee
redhairbaby #5
Chapter 14: I hope u will continue this story :")
RedRoses96 #6
Chapter 14: Pleaseee update soon authornimm... i'm so freaking in love with this fic. It's so beautiful. I do really hope that you're still working on this fic. Please don't abandon us, it's been a while since your last update. T^T I'm sorry its feel like nagging but i just can't help myself...
Still waiting and wishing u the best for this fic. ^^ Fighting authornim and dont give up!!! >< luv ya <3
Sorry for my eng though~
jazzy3120 #7
NurinFar_ #8
Chapter 14: it has ended ? like- really ?
blueffect #9
Chapter 14: will u write again ? I want to read more i loved this fic but u dont write it...its make me sad :(((
blueffect #10
Chapter 14: It is been very while since your last uptade why aren't u writing ?