Spill the Coffee



Jungkook’s POV

            Taehyung hasn’t shut his mouth since morning. I hate it. He even hasn’t move an inch from his table. Ordering any kind of food or drink if it means he can stay in the café and it seriously annoys me. He keeps asking if I’m alright which I am.

            “Kookie, are you okay?” okay, that was the 20th of the day.

            “Yes, I’m okay. Can you stop asking? I’m sick of it.” I said, emphasizing every word.

            “But you don’t look like you’re okay!” he raised his voice, making me a bit startled. Jimin did too, he gets out of the café, leaving us behind.

            “I’m okay! Why are you being like this?” I said, raising my voice too.

            “You f-ing cried! What do you mean that you’re okay?” I sighed, I forgot that I almost cried this morning.

            “Well, I wasn’t okay then I’m okay now.” I said.

            “Just tell me.” He said, begging me.

            “I’m okay.” I said it again.

            He snorted, “Don’t you feel happy at least that you have someone who cares for you? You’re left by your dad who is maybe drunk out there by leaving his child alone and I’m here for you. It’s hard for me, seeing you with someone else that’s not caring for you, that Jim- Jim, what, Jimin, I mean. He’s only taking benefits by befriending you, isn’t-“


            “D-don’t you dare badmouthing about my dad,” I smirked weakly, “And Jimin…”

            He only stared at me in disbelief while rubbing his reddening cheek. The next second, his lips are on mine.


Author’s POV

            The next morning was all about extreme awkwardness. No one had talked to each other. Jin had been asking if there’s something wrong between them but Jimin or Jungkook would always answer that there was nothing wrong at all. Jungkook felt embarrassed in front of Jimin because he had lower his tough guard in front of Jimin by almost crying. But Jungkook didn’t know why the happy virus Jimin even shut his mouth. Yes, Jimin felt awkward too after seeing Taehyung and Jungkook kissing out of sudden which Jungkook didn’t know that Jimin saw that.

            Jimin had been coughing so badly while touching his chest, trying to stop the unpleasant pain that attacked him. He was just trying to be okay so that Jungkook won’t be worried. He locked himself in the toilet stall. Coughing and all. He forgot to bring his painkiller. In the same time, he wanted to be held by Jungkook. He wanted to be hugged. But, no, he thought. Taehyung loves Jungkook and Jungkook looks like he is starting to open his heart for Taehyung after being rejected by him.

            “I love you too.” He mumbled, as small as possible so that no one can hear his miserable voice of sobbing.

            Jimin wanted to be Jungkook’s. But the appearing of Taehyung as Jungkook’s fiancé didn’t help Jimin to be Jungkook’s. He had his disease too. What will happen if he really dies and leaves Jungkook that is in love with him? He can imagine Jungkook crying in front of his photo in the funeral. And he hated his imagination. So he decided to say no, indirectly.

            He smiled in silent. How he loves his friend. And how he wanted to die so bad. He took out the cigarette pack in his pocket.

“ my life,” He took one cigarrete, “ cancer,” He lit the cigarette, “ you,” Then the cigarette already put between his lips. Beads of tears fell down without his knowing. He silently sobbed. He didn’t want to die. But he wanted to die too. He just wanted to escape. He wanted to run away.

The smoke is everywhere inside the toilet. He even forgot that he was in his workplace.

            “Jimin?” A voice that Jimin knew startled him, he quickly threw the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it, putting out the fire.

            “Y-yes?” He replied, stuttering because he was trying to stop his tears.

            “Don’t smoke here.” Jungkook said, “The smoke is everywhere. Customers might complain.” He continued, warmly.

            “O-oh, yeah. Sorry.” There was no more reply after that, only the sound of door opening and closing.

            Jimin sighed. How he wanted to be Jungkook’s.


            It has passed the closing time but customers hadn’t stop coming in. Jin can’t stop them and if he could he wouldn’t. Jin always said that customer is the first priority. Jungkook realized that Jimin’s face had turned so pale for the past 30 minutes. And he was worried. Jungkook kept saying that he can come home first and he would be happy to replace Jimin’s place. But Jimin rejected it, saying that he would feel bad if he leaves him doing his works in the middle of the night. Jimin silently cursed Jin by not making the customer stop coming in.

            Severe pain did attack Jimin’s head. He sat down, leaning on the drawer. His legs can’t support him anymore. The burger started to burn on the pan but Jimin can do nothing. He could smell burned things but he still can’t do anything. Customer orders were adding by the sound of the door’s bell and it made Jimin even more dizzy. He wanted to stand up but his legs were all shaky. He wanted to shout for help but it seemed like everybody were so busy doing their own things. He was the only one in the kitchen while Jungkook was making coffee outside and the others were serving.

            “Jung.” He mumbled, his eyes were heavy, so did his head. In no time, he collapsed down. Leaving the stove on.

            Only one minute and the fire started on the pan, burning the burger. Jungkook was the first to realize that something smell unpleasant from the kitchen and it was fire. Jungkook quickly ran to the kitchen, putting the fire off and shocked by seeing Jimin on the floor, with pale face, almost burned.

            Jungkook approached Jimin, shaking his body but he got no response. He realized something that wasn’t going right. He asked someone to call the ambulance. He put Jimin’s head leaning on his thighs while he caressing Jimin’s hair.

            “Stay, Jimin. Stay.” Jungkook’s voice cracked.

            Jimin slightly open his eyes, “Jung-“

            “No, no, no. Just sleep. You’re tired, I know. Just sleep.” Jungkook whispered, a tear fell down on Jimin’s cheek.

            “But-“ Jungkook shook his head, telling Jimin to shut up.

            “The car will be here in no time. Sleep, Jimin.” But Jimin didn’t obey Jungkook. He kept looking at Jungkook with his teary eyes. It might be his last, why don’t he look at Jungkook more? He thought.

            “I’ll sing you lullaby.” Jungkook smiled.

            Jimin nodded. Jungkook started to sing while he closed his eyes. He kept listening to Jungkook with beads of tears fell down. What confused Jimin was why Jungkook didn’t ask anything. He was sure that Jungkook didn’t know about the disease but Jungkook seemed like the only one who understood the scene. The next second, Jimin already in the deep sleep.



sorry for the super short chapter. :( 

i want to write more but i need more idea, lol. so give me some more time to think abt the end.

i think -if possible- the last chapter will be published at 27th but im still not sure.

thank you for the waits.

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330nai #1
Chapter 15: I will wait. n good luck for your study..
totallynotMyaSoriano #2
Chapter 15: good luck!! Just make sure you update from time to time.
Chapter 15: Okay I'm gonna wait, good luck with the essay... i feel you >< hate it too
Can't wait for you to continue writing~
seohyunnie_snsd #4
Chapter 14: Update pleaseee
redhairbaby #5
Chapter 14: I hope u will continue this story :")
RedRoses96 #6
Chapter 14: Pleaseee update soon authornimm... i'm so freaking in love with this fic. It's so beautiful. I do really hope that you're still working on this fic. Please don't abandon us, it's been a while since your last update. T^T I'm sorry its feel like nagging but i just can't help myself...
Still waiting and wishing u the best for this fic. ^^ Fighting authornim and dont give up!!! >< luv ya <3
Sorry for my eng though~
jazzy3120 #7
NurinFar_ #8
Chapter 14: it has ended ? like- really ?
blueffect #9
Chapter 14: will u write again ? I want to read more i loved this fic but u dont write it...its make me sad :(((
blueffect #10
Chapter 14: It is been very while since your last uptade why aren't u writing ?