Winter's Star

Winter's Star
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            I got out from the house running to avoid my father’s scream and my mother’s cry but before I got out I managed to take a fist full of pills that were on my desk. I was lucky because my house was placed in the mountains not in the city itself and the road to the railway was shorter. It snowed a lot last days and the snow that covered the ground was huge.

            I finally got there. The two parallel stripes were glistening in the moonlight and I stepped between them. I raised my fist to my mouth and I swallowed all the pills. My parents and the rest of people that knew me didn’t understand why I was taking drugs. They said that I was crazy and trust me, I would think like that too, but they don’t live my life. Just the drugs and V made it bearable.

            The railway seemed scratched, and the locomotive was crying instead. Then after a few seconds two bright lights were shining in my face. A dark figure’s head could be seen.

            “Won’t you come in?” It was the only thing that could be heard. I knew who it was and I made my way to the wagon. V took his place again as a conductor. “I saw you!” His voice was stronger and I knew what he meant so I wanted to change the subject.

            “It was the first time?” I asked.

            “I wish it would be the la-“ I interrupted him.

            “Hey, V, do you know what I want to become? I thought about it a lot.” I told him smiling but he was still focused on the road.

            “You changed the subject…” He sighed. “So, you really thought about my question? You cared about it?” I could hear the joy in his voice.

            “Eyyy, you wanted to know so badly that I couldn’t leave you hanging like that.” I heard his sweet laugh.

            “I’m still curious.” I saw the reflection of his smile in the wagon’s window.

            “A star.” I whispered in his ear.

            “A star? What kind of star?”

            “I will let you guess.” I watched his concentrated face on the road but on the question as well.

            “A cinema star!” I shook my head no. “Hmmm, a pop star.” He smiled trying again but my answer was still the same.

            “Think harder, the answer is very easy.” I slowly took steps back getting away from him but closer to the window looking up. The sky was clear for the first time this winter.

            “Hmmmmm, I don’t know…” I heard his sigh. I ran back to him and began to pull him by his hand.

            “Come on! I’ll show you what kind of star!” I told V shaking him and he seemed startled then he took my hands off of his.

            “Are you trying to kill us?” He asked giggling, but I didn’t understand the joke.

            “I would never kill you…” My voice was deeper than I wanted it to be.

            “But would you kill you?” He asked me serious turning his head to look at me for the first time that evening. His hair was the same: hot blonde with shades of lila. And his brown eyes were holding mines.

            “That’s what I’m trying to do…” Hearing my answer, V stood up and made his way towards me. Accustomed with his low body temperature, my own body still shivered when he had taken me in his arms. His hugs were the strangest: they were making me feel cold, but at the same time they managed to warm up my insides.

            “You’re shining so bright even if you don’t know it yet.” He whispered in my ear keeping my head still in his cold chest. Being so close to him, made my breaths transform in steam.

            “Hey, let me show you something.” He let go of me and pressed a button which opened the wagon’s door letting the cold winter’s wind embrace us. The road was illuminated here and there by some light poles.

            V turned around and gave me one of his cute smiles as

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Chapter 2: This story was ethereal. Its so beautiful. The way you describe this story is so beautiful ;_; tho at first i cant grasp this story well with my limited brain capacity, but at least now i do~~ thank you for writing this ;v; keep on writting beautiful stories such as this in the future~ have a good dayyyyyy
Chapter 2: Well, it took me a few times to understand the story but I finally did. Wow. It's beautiful. I feel so sorry for V. Sorry, V. Please find comfort in her lifeless body. (LOL. What?) But seriously. Move on. I know you're having a tough time because you love her so much but that is not enough reason to give up on continuing to take lives. (Again, what?)
I don't know what to feel about the ending. It's just...sad. :-( (But it's kinda the girl's fault for not listening to V, I think.)
I wish the story was a bit longer. I couldn't have understood the story had I not reread it for way too many times. With more description, I think I could've understood it at once (like, for example, narrating how Taehyung was a bad spirit—basically show him taking a life so we could understand that he was a bad spirit then show him finding the girl in the mountains). I'm sorry if I'm insulting you. I didn't mean to. I was just- TT^TT Please don't get mad at me.
Anyway, good job! Thanks for sharing! I appreciate it. :-)
Chapter 2: Im sorry but can you explain this story to me again ? I'm a little confused :)