Next to You

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Jongin isn't a damsel but he sure as heck is in distress.


title: Next to You
genre: romance/slight!angst

rating: pg-13 (minor swear words)
length: 30 chapters total + bonus oneshot
type: chaptered
author's note: 
switched point of views of taemin and jongin 
the style is a bit lot different than i usually do but i do enjoy writing it
hope ya like it ♥♥♥


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oblxviate #1
Chapter 26: Ahhh this is so beautiful. Clutches heart. All the feels are flooding inside me
oblxviate #2
Chapter 19: Oh my god can I just. This is just so precious thank you for pouring your hard work into this--- this gave me so much feelings and I am so stupid for reading this just now but really, thank you for writing this. I just love how you build up their character and how the story goes so easily and relateable cries i love u
Naina_122 #3
Chapter 32: I really enjoyed the switched point of views!!! I like having different perspecyives on the same situation.
Naina_122 #4
Chapter 19: At first I was conflicted. I love taemin and jongin together but sehun was so sweet to jongin that I couldn't help but want him to be happy, too! Sehun was so kind to Jongin and so understanding in giving him the support and encouragement he needed! I truly hope he finds happiness! TaeKai finally together!!! I'm so excited!!!
Naina_122 #5
Chapter 12: I really like the progression of their relationship!!! I enjoy your style of writing as well!!!
Nullaniscnazani #6
Chapter 33: This story is really good. It's really warm heart. I hope you will make part2 or season 2 ..
Chapter 31: Love this soo much. Thank you for writing this! You are an awesome human being. :))))))))))))
Milla58 #8
Chapter 32: THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING I HAVE EVER READ!!!!!! You have a gift dude.Your writing is purely beautiful.Its 3AM and ive been reading this for 4 hours! I was crying i was laughing...i still am crying! it is just beautiful <w> !!! again you are a wonderful writer and this story had me dwell up my heart in joy! please continue writing such awesome stories and TAEKAI forever!!!!!!! <33333
Chapter 32: My personal congratulations to you for making this awesome-heartwarming fanfiction. I just love how you took things slow with the characters interactions at the beginning and didn't rushed things up. I always enjoy seeing how the love between the characters develops in such a cute way >w<

Good job, you deserve all the subscribers and readers of the world :)