


Seoul Academy for the Prestigious. Home to the Spartans. Nestled near a valley of fresh water and oak trees that towered over, it was the school that everyone wanted to be in. It held some of the most adorned, loved, and absolutely stunning people.

The girls there were tall, pale, with thin frames, small faces and large eyes. They were frail, wore the most expensive of jewellry and always had a dash of eyeliner, a touch of lip close and a swipe of mascara. They disliked physical activity, rather use their time to gossip and to primp themselves. All of them came in groups, giggling and speaking oh so cutely.

Hyejin was different. She did fit all of those characteristics, but she lived her life becoming independent, enjoying sports, and finding leisure in reading and observing others, rather than herself. She spoke her mind, but usually hid in the shadows of the other students, trying to draw as little attentiont to herself as possible. All she wanted to do was graduate and live a peaceful life.

However one group of people decided to disrupt that, and not just any group of people, it had to be the Mighty Five.

"Can you leave me alone, I'm trying to study." Ahyoung huffed, her eyes glued to the book yet the figure in front of her slid over the table. His toned arms rippled under his sweater and he held onto either side of the chair, caging her. She could feel the blush creep onto her face, but she refused to let the stranger win the reaction he wanted.

"I'll leave when I'm good and ready." He tipped her book down, and his cold brown orbs pierced through her own. A shadow of a smile appeared, and he rose without another word before leaving her in complete silence.


C H A R A C T E R S.


authors note & disclaimer: copyrights go to me, and I hope you guys enjoy this !! Plus, I'll update the other story soon. aha. but yeah. I don't own any of these attractive people. 



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Chapter 1: Seriously this is just “Boys over flowers “ typical poor girl going to a rich school and then she falls for one of the “bad rich boys” who acts all arrogant .
Probably good this was never updated it probably would have been very predictable.
Update jsy !! Can't wait to see more ♡♥
fairygodmom #3
Chapter 1: you really need to update.
Chapter 1: This fix looks cool! Are you planning on updating it?