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Gotta Be You & I
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Thanks for 900+ views and 90+ subscribers (: comments are welcome ! Happy last day of 2014 and see ya in 2015 :D


hope you enjoy the chapter (: \m/





"Just pick it up?" Chaelin said as she took a sip of the wine.

"Ji? " i said as i pick up the phone "Dara ya... Do you miss me? I'll try to finish this work fast and be back soon. I miss you so much..." He said. "I miss you too." I replied, however feeling guilty that i didnt really feel that way.   "No dara you miss me more" Chae suddenly bucked in. "Is there someone else with you? Are you at home? " jiyong immediately ask, guessing that he must have heard that. "Yea im with a friend at my house." I said as i look at chaelin, shes smiling and looking a little drunk. "Dont worry, shes my friend since young. Yea miss you! " After assuring him and answering all his questions, i finally hang up the phone after almost half an hour and look at chaelin. "Did you purposely said that to let him hear that?" I laughed while asking her. "Yeap, to let him know who you truly miss. Did you miss me while i was in america?" She asked. "Nope i didnt!" I lied. However the fact is that i cried almost everytime i thought of my friend leaving and especially not back as promised on my birthday.   "I bet you did." She said while coming closer and closer to me. "Chae are you drunk?" I asked as i noticed her face is a slightly pinkish.  "Oh no no ... Im not drunk. Its just im feeling cold suddenly and my head feels heavy." She said as she slowly walk to my side of the table. "You ok chae?" I asked as i went to help to support her.    "Wow you are hot" i realised as i touched her.  "I know. Im always hot" She giggled. "No i mean as in the fever kind of hot." Gosh i wonder how she can even thought of that while shes having a temperature. She must have caught a flu while she gave me her jacket earlier at the river place.    "Come on chae, ill bring you to the doctors. Wear this." I said as i hand her a jacket i found since shes feeling cold. "Its ok, its already dark at night .ill be fine after eating some flu pills." She said , trying to act like shes alright. "No chae, you are really hot now and you should have told me earlier that you are not feeling well. Let me drive you there come on." I said as i slowly support her the way to the car.   -------- After the doctor's trip ,she has already fallen asleep in the car after taking some pills. Since i don't know where she stay yet, i decided to drive her back to my house first. "Chae wake up, lets go and rest inside." I said as i tried to wake her up when we reached. Finally shes lying on my bed after trying to support her the way into the house. "Lie here while ill get you sone water and the  ice pack " i told her before covering her body with the blanket and get her some water and ice.    "
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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 12: Oh...i love the story...pls. update soon...tnx.
Chapter 12: Oh yeah!!!! Love the update authornim!! :)
Yvetth #3
Chapter 11: Omo finally Chae did it xD nice chap update soon plz
Maiipp #4
Chapter 11: Omooo sweet dara and tricky chaerin keke. Can't wait for the next chapter. Plus, happy new year author-nim!
winterwine #5
Why the chaera hash tag for this story is missing??? I can't find it in chaera story...
Chaera_bomzy17 #6
Chapter 9: Kyaaaah!!! I can't wait for another chaera moments to become real one :D
bittersweetlover #7
Chapter 8: I'm not only liking it now... I'm loving it!!! :)))
baddestlover #8
Chapter 7: Love this story update soon authornim..
bittersweetlover #9
Chapter 6: Getting better... This got me hooked already!!! :)))
Chapter 4: Author nim please update soon