
I am Super Junior's Sister!

"AHHHH!!!!" Eunhyuk whined. "Not so hard!!!!" I was rubbing his head with a hard boiled egg to ease the swelling on his forehead. Leeteuk threw Hyuk's head against the wall! Naw, I was just kidding. 


"COME. HERE. NOW." Leeteuk walked to Eunhyuk when he wouldn't come over. Eunhyuk turned and started to run... Into a wall.


"Why did you run without looking!?" I said as I pressed down harder. He winced again and grabbed my wrist.

"Ah, forget it! I'll do it myself," he sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Babo. That won't ease the swelling!" I reprimanded. "Do you want to have a black bruise tomorrow?!"

"But it hurts!" he whined.

"Do you want it to be okay?!"


"STOP BEING A BABY!" I pulled him closer and he pouted. "Come here." I knelt down in front on him and I turned his head so I could rub it better. One of my hand was on the back of his head and the other was rolling the egg on his forehead. I felt hands on my waist and I looked down to see his hands on my waist. My eyes travelled up to look in his eyes. He smiled at me and pulled my waist and turned me around so I sat in his Indian-position nest. He hugged me closer and took the egg away from my hand. He put it aside and wrapped his arm around my waist again. He rested his chin on my shoulder and laid his head against mine. "Y-yah, what are you doing?" I stammered.

"Shhh.. Instead of you rubbing my forehead, I think just staying like this will make the swelling go down faster," he whispered.

"Don't be stupid," I laughed.

"It's proven!" he insisted. "In Lee Hyukjae's world." I smiled at his childishness and sighed. He laughed and held me closer until my back touched his chest. "Ahhhh.. The things I'm willing to do for you."

"Is it alot?"

"I'm willing to sacrifice my safety for you. Isn't that enough?" I turned around and looked at him.

"Just your safety!?" I asked loudly.

"Wah. What else do you want? Tell me." I scrambled off his lap.

"I spent 4 years liking a fool like you. I didn't even look at any other boy. I sacrificed so much, my youth, my tears, my pride, even my sleep! And you sacrifice your safety? I thought I meant more than that. Aisht!" I blinked and looked away. I didn't know why I was getting upset. I just felt so unimportant. Like I was only equal to his safety? Not anything more?

"Does that mean you think I don't- Wait. 4 years? You liked me for 4 years?" his eyes widened. And so did mine. . I let it out. Omg. That was so embarassing. "Hmm? Nicole ah... 4 years?" he inched closer.

"Ah molla!" I yelled and ran up the stairs. I rushed into my room and went onto the bed. I covered myself and felt my face flushing. How could I... AHHHHH. I'm not even supposed to tell him! I was supposed to keep this a secret. Why did I say it out loud...

I felt my blanket being pulled away. I looked up and saw Eunhyuk looking at me. "Move in," he demanded.

"No," I said and turned away, grabbing my blanket back.

"I'm your boyfriend. I said move in." I didn't move and I felt myself being lifted and moved to the other side of the bed.

"Yah!" I pouted and turned the other way. He kept quiet. After awhile, he slung his hand across my waist and inched closer.

"So.. 4 years.. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. I pondered for a long time before trying to answer.

"I was shy," I whispered. "It seemed stalkerish.. right? I liked you for 4 years.. It sounded desperate too."

"It doesn't. It sounds sweet." He pulled me over to face him and he kissed my forehead. "Thank you for liking me. Are you still mad at me?" 

I shrugged. "Let me say it all over again. I really mean it," he pled. I nodded and he continued, "I"m willing to sacrifice my safety. Yes. I'm also willing to give up my career as a singer if you don't feel secure. I'm willing to do anything to make you happy." I smiled and pushed his chest.

"Such an actor," I teased.

"I learnt that lines from some show," he admitted and I laughed. "But, I meant every word I said. Lastly, I don't like you. I love you. It's not a crush, or a puppy love kinda thing. It's real. I'm gonna marry you someday. You know that right?" 

"No, I don't. And I never said I would marry you," I said without an emotion even though my heart was bursting with happiness.

"NICOLE. How can you say that?"

"You can't marry me when all your fans dream of marrying you," I stated, which was true. "What's the point of fufillling one person's happiness, and you sacrifice millions more?"

"There's no point. You're right," he nodded. Though I said what I said, it still hurt for it to be acknowledged. "But, if that one person is you, then it's worth it. The fans will understand. Not immediately. But someday, they will."

"Eunhyuk ah.."

"Will you marry me?" he asked. "My mom loves you. The fans already love you. They just need to realize that I love you too. So.. Will you marry me?"





Short update. :) Busy with a lot of stuff. Comment more!

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BlueSuJuELF #1
Chapter 30: Thanks for the story. Please Update soon! Is your name Nicole?
BlueSuJuELF #2
Chapter 3: I'm only on Chap 3 and I love this story already!
OMG It's like 3am right now and i just finished. OMG THIS STORY IS FULL OF SURPRISES,AND IT'S FUNNY TOO <3 UPDATE SOON
Lovesky #4
your story is awesome pleas udapte soon ^^
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I really love your story :) i love how sweet they are :D btw. this is my favorite part. Can't stop laughing :)))))

Donghae flew down the stairs. "YAH! LEE HYUK JAE!"
He ran to us and glared at Eunhyuk. Then he looked away and asked Leeteuk. "Hyung."
"If any guy happened to like Nicole, what would you do?" Donghae asked. OH. WRONG MOVE. Leeteuk was one of the most protective brothers. The other protective ones were Donghae, Kyuhyun and Siwon.
Leeteuk raised his eyebrows, widened his eyes and stared at Donghae. "I'll kill him."
Then Kyuhyung appeared. "WHAT? Wait. I'll go get a gun."
"Wait up, Kyu. I'll buy a grenade," Siwon glared, as he walked out.
My jaw dropped and I slapped my hand against my forehead. I glanced over at Eunhyuk who had his hands over his mouth, eyes wide in shock. And Donghae just smirked at Eunhyuk.

:D update soon please :) i just hope that yoseob will stop GNA :|
"I'mtogetherwithnicoleandwedidn'ttellyoubecauseiwasafraidthatyouweregoingtokillmeandkyuandwonsaidtheyweregoingtobuyagrenade andaguntoshootdownwhoeverdatesnicolesoigotscaredandwantedeverythingtobecalmfirstbeforetellingyouguys," :)))))))))))))
Datenshi #6
Yah GNA keep away from the lovely Eunnic couple >x<
oppa-is-mine #8
GNA!!!!!!!!!! don't you dare to touch our nicole!!<br />
Yoseobbie!! warn nicole or hyuk!<br />
gna is really making me furious
blazensaddles #9
GNA~!!!!!! don't get in the way of their love!!! They are finay together!!!! Yoseob, do what's right in your mind and heart. Warn Nicole... Or something!!! Before anytging gets to serious! D:
Datenshi #10
Kekeke Over-protective brothers' return XD Aaaaw, she didn't really give him an answer...but the end was very sweet >w<