
I am Super Junior's Sister!

We were in Eunhyuk's car, on the way home. Mirin had fallen asleep. And it was so silent. Suddenly, Eunhyuk broke first. "Nicole ah.." he called warily.


"Er..." he started, "I heard this from Hae.. But i wanna know what happened.."

"Oppa, just say it," I urged with a small smile.

"What happened between you and Yoseob?" he asked. My eyes widened... The oppas promised to never speak of that boy... Oh right, he lost his memory. I swallowed deep, feeling the tears threaten my eyes as the memories flow freely. Yoseobie...

He asked again, "Nicole ah. Yose-"

"OPPA. Stop. I'll tell you later, okay?" I snapped and closed my eyes immediately.

He kept silent after that and soon, we were home.


After dinner, Mirin went home and i stayed in my room, for a few hours. When i checked the time, it said: 12:54AM. I got out of my room, and saw all the lights off. And someone had pasted something on my bedroom door. I tore it off and it read:

Dearest Nicole, you went to bed so early! Oppa had no chance to tell you what happened to me. /sighs/ And tomorrow morning, all the oppas are leaving for Taiwan! We have to wake up early, so we slept early... I got Mrs Kim to come and take care of you. It's only for 2 days, then we'll be back! Oppa will miss you!

Love, Donghae oppa.


I smiled gently at the note and put it on my bedside. Then i walked back out and went to Eunhyuk's room. I felt like letting him know about Yoseobie and i. I knocked on his door softly and opened it slightly. "Oppa...?" I called softly. 

The lights were out. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I tiptoed to his bedside and knelt down. I looked at his face in the dark, only the moonlight shining down on him. I shook him awake and he opened his eyes sightly. "Eh? Nicole?" he said as he sat up slowly and switched the bedside lamp on. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Do you wanna know what happened between Yose-.. Him and me?" I couldn't say his name.

He nodded and scooted over to make space for me on his bed. I sat beside him and took a deep breath.

"Okay," I breathed, "He and i met in school. He hadn't debuted yet. He was still a trainee. It was in early 2008, when we were 18. He had just turned 18, and i hadn't. But i liked him for quite some time. And i didn't know, but he liked me too. So we fell in love. He asked to be his girlfriend, a day after his birthday. And there, we were together. We dated for a long time. And i really loved him. But somehow, he slowly started to drift away from me. I couldn't feel his love for me by the time we were at our 8th month. On the 9th month, we broke up. September 6th. On our anniversary itself. He never explained why.  But we just ended. And it hurt alot. And then, a year later, he debuted as B2ST. We met once or twice when B2ST came over to greet you. I would avoid him when i saw him... So... It was better," I ended. Eunhyuk had looked at me and listened softly.

"I'm sorry i had to remind you of such hurt," he whispered. He looked into my eyes and i felt like hugging him.

"It's okay," I whispered back, "I found some one else who cares more."

He tilted his head and asked gently, "Who?"

"You," I murmured.

"Me?" he repeated.

I snapped out of my trance and shook my head, "Yeah, and the other brothers!" I laughed. "So you know the story. I'm going to bed. See you guys in 2 days' time! Goodnight!" I ran out of his room and straight into mine.

I gathered the blankets around me and tried to stop my fast beating heart. I caught my breath and sunk down in my bed. "Babo," i muttered and turned to sleep.


The next morning, i woke up to the aroma of pancakes. I stretched and saw a letter on my bedside table. Plane ticket. As usual. They always left me another plane ticket at another time slot in case i felt like going too. But i always didn't.

But this time, i felt like it.

I smiled and started to pack my bag. The plane was scheduled to leave at 11am. It was 7am. I had to be there at 10.

I ran downstairs and saw Mrs Kim cooking. "Mrs Kim?" I called.

"Oh! You're awake!" she smiled when she saw me.

"I'm not going to school today, hm? I'm going to Taiwan," I informed.

"Alright," she smiled. She knew me exactly well. "You wanna see Hyukkie?" she teased.

"Ahhhhh, Mrs Kim," I pouted.

"Arasso, arasso! Go bathe~" she shooed. I grinned and went to bathe.


Taiwan. Here i come.

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BlueSuJuELF #1
Chapter 30: Thanks for the story. Please Update soon! Is your name Nicole?
BlueSuJuELF #2
Chapter 3: I'm only on Chap 3 and I love this story already!
OMG It's like 3am right now and i just finished. OMG THIS STORY IS FULL OF SURPRISES,AND IT'S FUNNY TOO <3 UPDATE SOON
Lovesky #4
your story is awesome pleas udapte soon ^^
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I really love your story :) i love how sweet they are :D btw. this is my favorite part. Can't stop laughing :)))))

Donghae flew down the stairs. "YAH! LEE HYUK JAE!"
He ran to us and glared at Eunhyuk. Then he looked away and asked Leeteuk. "Hyung."
"If any guy happened to like Nicole, what would you do?" Donghae asked. OH. WRONG MOVE. Leeteuk was one of the most protective brothers. The other protective ones were Donghae, Kyuhyun and Siwon.
Leeteuk raised his eyebrows, widened his eyes and stared at Donghae. "I'll kill him."
Then Kyuhyung appeared. "WHAT? Wait. I'll go get a gun."
"Wait up, Kyu. I'll buy a grenade," Siwon glared, as he walked out.
My jaw dropped and I slapped my hand against my forehead. I glanced over at Eunhyuk who had his hands over his mouth, eyes wide in shock. And Donghae just smirked at Eunhyuk.

:D update soon please :) i just hope that yoseob will stop GNA :|
"I'mtogetherwithnicoleandwedidn'ttellyoubecauseiwasafraidthatyouweregoingtokillmeandkyuandwonsaidtheyweregoingtobuyagrenade andaguntoshootdownwhoeverdatesnicolesoigotscaredandwantedeverythingtobecalmfirstbeforetellingyouguys," :)))))))))))))
Datenshi #6
Yah GNA keep away from the lovely Eunnic couple >x<
oppa-is-mine #8
GNA!!!!!!!!!! don't you dare to touch our nicole!!<br />
Yoseobbie!! warn nicole or hyuk!<br />
gna is really making me furious
blazensaddles #9
GNA~!!!!!! don't get in the way of their love!!! They are finay together!!!! Yoseob, do what's right in your mind and heart. Warn Nicole... Or something!!! Before anytging gets to serious! D:
Datenshi #10
Kekeke Over-protective brothers' return XD Aaaaw, she didn't really give him an answer...but the end was very sweet >w<