
Perfect (Drabble)


Cause I promised shari_JYJ I would try to think of a sequel so here it is...

Set before Exo's split and failed fluff


A baby faced member was is insecure when it comes to a particular hormonal boy...

Key word: hormonal.


Exo piled into the back of the two vans tired out from the showcase. They could care less about what seats they sat in and collapsed when their bottoms touched the soft cushion. Except for one particular member. Nope. He was busy thinking about what happened earlier at the showcase.

I shower with Sehun. Or was it Sehun and I shower together? Whatever it was, Baekhyun and Sehun showered together. Baekhyun and Sehun. Not Luhan and Sehun. Not his Sehun's boyfriend but Baekhyun. Those lines kept repeating in his mind.

Luhan looked up from the shoulder he was leaning on to look at the maknae's sleeping face. The thumping of his heart in his chest was faster than normal. That happened every time he looked at Sehun’s face or when they have eye contact. He could still feel his heart skip beats whenever they kissed and did intimate acts...let’s not go there right now…

He was jealous, insecure, anything someone would feel when your lover is absolutely perfect (in Luhan’s eyes to which Tao persistently disagrees to). His eyes traced over Sehun’s sleeping face and pouted. They were going to be apart for quite a while now for EXO M and K promotions and he couldn’t be with Sehun anytime he wanted and to fend off those cougars.

The parting at the airport was dramatic in EXO’s perspective but obviously not in Luhan’s. He wouldn’t let go of the younger until the intercom came on and the lady was announcing his name to (stop smooching your boyfriend and) please board his flight.


Weeks or maybe a couple months later. The unexpected but totally expected happened.

"Hunnnnniiieeeee!!!!" Luhan's voice can be heard throughout the dorm where the Exo K members were currently sleeping very peacefully. It was only 1am, not late at all for Luhan or shall I say not too early?

The pouty Chinese member stomped his way towards the leader-maknae room before anyone in Exo M could stop him.

Luhan had just one problem and he had to consult it with Sehun as soon as possible. As soon as possible as in AS soon as possible.

Exo M had just got off the airplane from China and Luhan had gone frantic and screamed at everyone to pick up their lazy butts and get on the van before he tells the driver to leave without them. He needed to get back to the dorms now.

Wondering what happened? It's all because of that one SNSD MV. Luhan has definitely found the first MV he's going to hate on. And it was his sunbae SNSD's MV. Twinkle. He now knows the feeling of the many fangirls and fanboys.

At first, Luhan had gotten super excited when he heard his Hunnie had a special appearance in an MV and was determined to watch it on the day of its release. Wrong idea though. It was a big mistake. A mistake that made him go into a semi depression state.

His Sehunnie is dancing with someone else. His Sehunnie is checking someone else out. His Sehunnie is checking a freaking girl out!!! That made Luhan clench his fist so hard he had to make sure he didn't punch the computer in any second. It was Lay's and he didn't want to deal with the wrath of the diva. So he opted in punching his teddy bear instead until Kris told him that he wouldn’t buy the sad boy another one if it was wrecked.

Good thing the next day, their manager announced that they were going to be back in Korea to meet up with Exo K for full group promotions. He was going back to Korea to meet up with Exo K now. Such good luck. Just perfect timing. And he can settle this one as soon as he steps foot into the dorm.



And that's where the story began.


Luhan flung open the door of Sehun (and Suho)’s room forgetting all about the leader who slept there. He flicked the lights on and proceeded in running over to Sehun’s bed and pulling the latter’s covers off.

Sehun struggles with the blanket and tries to kick whoever was taking away his sleeping time. “Go away hyunnnng. I wannna shleeeeepp…” He mumbles.

Upset, “Yah!! Hunnie!!” Luhan screamed.

Sehun’s eyes flew open when he heard the familiar sound. He rubs his eyes first to make sure he was hallucinating before he broke out into a big grin.

“Luhannie hyung~” He sat up quickly and stretched out his arms. “Manager hyung said you wouldn’t be back until this afternoon! I guess your plane arrived early?”

Luhan continued to pout and glare.

Finding something off, he drops his arms. “Hannie hyung?”

Luhan taps his foot before replying, “You better explain yourself before I cook you alive.”

Raising an eyebrow and extremely confused, Sehun dumbly asked, “What are you talking about?” It was 1 in the morning…nothing should be going through anyone’s mind if he or she was normal that is…

By now the leader has woken up from all the noise and all the other members were crowded against the door frame.


“Move out of the way Chanyeol. No one can see past you!” D.O hissed.

“Say that to Kris! He’s taller.” Chanyeol argued back.


“You know exactly what I’m talking about! That MV you were cameo in!” The Chinese boy said exclaimed to the maknae.

Thinking for a while, “Oh…w-what about it?” Sehun stuttered. What is going on?

“You were checking Tiffany sunbae out!”

An “ooooo” can be heard from all the members of Exo.

Sehun facepalmed inside. Is that why he’s all mad about?

“Luhan I wasn’t!”

“Yes you were! You danced with her and then you checked her out.”

“Kai!” Luhan spun around to Kai confirming with a witness to the scene. “Wasn’t he totally checking her out?”

Sehun pleaded no with Kai who in turn smirked and said, “Yeah hyung, he was, he even said she looked hot in that skirt.” Kai snickers wanting to see more drama.

Sehun mentally sent daggers at Kai and noted to kill him after he settles this.

“See? Kai says so too!”

“They made us do that! It’s part of our role.”

“So you admit you were checking her out then?”


“So you were!!”

 “Luhan! That’s not true! It’s just an MV!”

“Hunnie!! How could you!”

“I didn’t-------”

“You promised you wouldn’t cheat!”


Tears formed in Luhan’s eyes. “Meany!!!”

“I didn’t say anything when you were with Lay hyu----” Sehun decided to shut his mouth when tears streamed down Luhan’s face.

“So is it my fault now? ………You’re the worst!”

Luhan turned and pushed past everyone at the door and ran. He didn’t hear the maknae’s call or anyone’s for that matter.

He rushed to his dorm room and locked himself inside. He goes over to sit on his bed then buries his face in his pillow. He cried himself to sleep thinking how their relationship was surely over.


“So…what are we going to do now?” Suho finally broke the silent in the Exo K dorm. Baekhyun and Chanyeol had left the scene murmuring how they never had fights like these so they couldn’t help and went back to sleep.

“Were you and Luhan hyung really….” Kai started to ask Lay (very interested in the developing drama) but decided to stop sensing the killer aura from everyone else.

Sehun sighs loudly and flops onto the bed.


The EXO dorm became a quiet study room at the library. You can hear a pin drop or Chanyeol’s spoon which may have accidently dropped onto the floor. He made an awkward apology to no one in particular and shuffled away.

Luhan did not come out of his room unless it was lunch. Being in his room all day meant that he could definitely not eat three meals a day and maintain his figure (for his Sehun of course).


Many EXO members had knocked on his door asking him to come out, most of them were from Sehun, and Luhan would also secretly sneak up to the door to listen to what Sehun has to say.


Sehun was looking pale. Suho was worried. So was D.O. because no one seemed to want to eat his cooking anymore. (Get with the program D.O. it’s not because of the food)


“I’ve had enough of this .” Tao complains breaking the silence in the dorm startling everyone. “I’m talking to Luhan hyung now.”


“Open the door.”


“Open. The. Door.”

“No!!” a whiny squeal from Luhan.

“I will do wushu on this door and then your .”

“You wouldn’t!”

“I’ve got no more patience with you anymore!” Tao hollers while kicking the door.

The door opened slowly.


“Luhan hyung, why are you doing this? Everyone’s worried sick.”


“Look at my face…I haven’t been sleeping well and my eye bags are even darker now!”

“Are you trying to help me here or complain about your face…?”

Sheepishly, “Go on…”


“I’m just a little insecure….” Luhan sighed, depressed on how the whole situation turned out. “He’s only 19! And you know teenage boys…and girls….” He sighed. “Maybe I was too harsh on him?”

Tao nodded. “First, you barged into the dorm at 1am saying he cheated. Second, you didn’t let him explain. Third, you are over-reacting to a MV. It’s an MV for crying out loud!”

“You don’t seem like you’re on my side.”

“…..” Tao fiddled with his fingers. “You know I’m always on your side for everything hyung but this time I think you over-reacted.”

Luhan sighed and pouted.

“You know, Sehun is really depressed also? He wouldn’t eat or drink anything D.O hyung makes…you should make up with him…I hate seeing you guys like this.”

Tao pats Luhan on the leg before leaving the male alone to think a while.

“Make up with him…maybe I did over-react…I should go apologize.”

Before Tao had made it down the hall, he was pushed aside by Luhan into the wall. “What the….” He looks around but Luhan was already gone. “Woah that was some fast thinking…”


Luhan found the maknae in his room spacing out.

“Sehunnie…” in a timid voice, he approaches the younger.

Sehun immediately jerks recognizing that voice from anywhere.

“Hyung!” Sehun scrambles off his bed and grabs his boyfriend pulling him into a hug.

“I…was just insecure.”


“I’m sorry for getting upset at you Sehun…” He nuzzles his face into the latter’s neck.

“I must’ve done something wrong. Tell me.”

Luhan shakes his head. “I was insecure with myself.”

“About what?”

“That I’m old(er)……..and you’ll be attracted to younger people…and----” Sehun’s lips were on his and Luhan’s eyes flutter shut immediately, his hand on the younger’s shirt.

“You're the cutest, hottest, iest lover ever. You’re irreplaceable. I will never give you up for anyone else. So don’t ever think like that.”


“I’m hungry…let’s eat something…”

“You didn’t eat anything since this morning?”

Sehun shook his head.

“Awww I’m so sorry! Hyung will make you something ok? Forgive hyung?”

“Of course. How could I ever get mad with you?”

Luhan giggles when Sehun pecks him on the forehead before heading to the kitchen.


“Oh, by the way, you owe me a teddy bear.”

Er what IS this? I at fluff but I just thought I had a good idea…originally a lead up but I didn’t write it haha (would anyways)


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