Waiting for the Wind


Minhyun might have been counting down the time since his disappearance.

Aron was like the wind, constantly moving and changing direction, never stopping. If Aron was the wind, then Minhyun was like a rock. No matter the direction of the wind, the rock never moved, always stayed in the same spot. The wind couldn’t carry a rock with it. The wind was always changing, but a rock remained constant. But Minhyun, like wind against a rock, was beaten down, slowly, chip-by-chip, eroded as time when on. 


A very short one-shot as a sort of Christmas present since I won't finish my Json one-shot in time. 

I'm not happy with the end result but I figured I'd post it anyways since I spent so long sitting at a blank writing document hoping that this thing would just magically write itself. Please let me know what you think anyway.

I listened to the song Wild Flower by Park Hyo Shin all while writing this. It's beautiful.

Also, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you who celebrate it. Happy Hanukkah as well and any other special celebrations around this time!


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eternityafterrain #1
Chapter 1: God I love your writing styleand everything out of you.
This is so beautiful. 2 years since I read it and it still gives me rhe same feels.
Chapter 1: :( make another QQ I wanna know why he leaves Minhyun like that!