Master Fic List Part 2


Part 2 of the list. Please enjoy!

It's Called Fate by yay4kpop for jompalitan

Mistletoe does wonders by water_lilly for 4everShinee

SHINee's Grinch by MelodyTOP for forevermoreism

Spend Christmas with me by taeminslilsecret for PeperminT

My Dubu Oppa by min_min for Some_Name

Love. A New Perspective. by Perpetual_love for mishtricx18

Frozen In The Sun by francin200 for JaeChun28

A Letter From The Bottom Of My Heart by tee-jay for chaelin08

My husband, my boyfriend, and my gay best friends? by chillmonkey101 for musiqsoulELF

Tangled by aliiki for Kana120

Pizzas, Shoes, and Misunderstandings by Emylie for DivineKismet

Lyrics of Love by carlyxoxorenee for scrawnyboy101

Through Jail and Love by mishtricx18 for sakura4li

Winter Time by BlueBracesofDOOM for roguexy7

Hyunseung, Winter's Love by N-MA_Nightingale for Aliiki

Beautiful by kiss_xander23 for undertheskies

Norul Saranghae by RoseYoung for wineandsoju

There's No One Like You by DivineKismet for x_T-AE

I Never Noticed by randomsparadise for LyGiaMy

Coffee Prince by glamCITY for sailorroxy

This is obviously not res of the fics... but you don't know how time consuming this is!

I'll try to have the rest of the fics up by tonight

For those who you have not received fics, please don't be upset. I've been talking to a lot of authors

and you should be receiving one. Thanks for your patience!

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kuririn #1
sendohime #2
Please don't hurt me!!! I've to the best of my ability. Completed my story. <br />
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loveFORyunho #3
Although I am late... I have to admit that I am disappointed in whoever my Secret Santa was. <br />
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And, whoever it is that received me as their person, I hope that you haven't already taken my plot line for your own, even though it wasn't original because I'm going to write my story myself.
Accidentally_in_love #4
aha, Imma say something XD XD XD XD<br />
I took part in a secret santa thingy similar to this on an MBLAQ form but it wasn't necessarily fanfics, could have been graphics etc etc.<br />
Anyways, what they did there was they organised a group of people who could make a gift for those who weren't given anything at the end. It's sort of like a fallback hehe. So maybe consider something like this before hand. I think they set up an application for those wanting to take part in giving and recieving and those to be fall-back writers/creaters, yeah?<br />
OKAY-YAAAA :D :D<br />
Just wanna say, this was fun even though I didn't get a fic. I'm not realy expecting it anymore ~ gots lots of work to do besides haha xx
-dolce- #5
Even if I am busy...I can try to help too like yoyo-icecube. I perfectly know how it feels to not receive one you're totally expecting so maybe I can write for those who didn't receive theirs. I can pledge for at least three stories. Let's help each other out. I know you're stressed hula and whatnot so let us help you out. If ever you consider this idea at all, just give me the plot and please post it on my wall WITHOUT ticking the private box. I sometimes can't get into my acct using my phone. Thanks again for being so...levelheaded about this whole thing:)
rockabyebaby #6
@abandonallhope Alright, I was going to ignore your little rants, but I feel like I need to say something to you. Writing about someone you don't like or don't know has NOTHING to do with it. It's called getting over it and getting something done. Also, a lot of people have written about people they don't like AND were able to turn their fics in BEFORE the deadline. Many people didn't know who they were writing about and actually had to do research. I have offered my help to anyone that needed it. That doesn't mean that they are better writers, it just means they got over a certain obstacle. I had gotten many messages asking for plot ideas, even help describing some guy's personalities because they didn't know. Also, this is fanfiction, which means FICTION! You can write just about anything for it to be loved. So, in other words, COMMUNICATION works wonders. If the writers would have just come to me and said "I'm stuck on a plot... I'm really busy my fic might be a little late (which some have done btw)" then everything would be fine. You would be surprised (or not) at how understanding people can be. Also, you don't know WHY people didn't turn in a fic, and I don't know either. Because nobody had told me WHY, so your reason is invalid. All the people that are upset at the writers for not turning one in I bet you would not have said those comments if they knew WHY or if they knew that their fic would be written, eventually. The writers did their part, the ones on the list didn't, so they have a reason to be a little disappointed and upset. Just because you don't like a group is NOT a good excuse, because there are many options around it. So for next time (if you do happen to participate) if you get a person you don't like let someone know and we'd be more than happy to help work it out with you. Thanks.
I know I'm on the list too. (even though I should be removed now, because I DID finish it finally...) but I understand now, that it feels really sad not to receive a oneshot. :// better late then never... but I feel like I won't be receiving one at all^^ haha. since I'm on the list too, and I know WHY most people are on the list, (procrastination due to not being able to write about certain groups) I'll forgive my writer if I'll never receive one ^^ . <3 [[I'll feel super happy though if I receive it on my birthday on the 10th haha XD]]<br />
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seriously, stop being so pissed at the writers who are LATE. You all probably got groups that you CAN write about. where as some of us didn't. (or else you're just a better writer and can write about someone you dislike) . <br />
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I'm sorry sorry sorry again that I was late... don't hate me for it :// <br />