A request

Pretty Age 18

Suga went back to the party lost and confused. Why had Naeun gone to Jinhwan? Jin could read his friend’s mind easily. ‘Something must’ve happened for her to run off like that’, said Jin placing his hands on Suga’s shoulders. Hana walked towards Suga, ‘have you seen Naeun?’, she asked frowning looking around, ‘I swear I saw her few minutes ago’. Suga shrugged before saying, ‘She went off with Jinhwan’. ‘What?’, spluttered Hana in disbelief. ‘What’s going on?’, said Eunji as she appeared behind them, ‘Ah, it’s Naeun-ah….’, started Hana. After 5 minutes of explaining to everyone else what had happened, Naeun’s father frowned, ‘Is she close with this Jinhwan person?’, he asked. Chorong and the girls glanced at Hana and Hana ran her fingers through her hair nervously. ‘Kind of’, she replied back meekly. What confused Hana the most was why Naeun had got into Jinhwan’s car in the first place?  


Jinhwan’s father and Seolhyun were in the study. His father said, ‘Did that stupid son of mine go to see that Naeun girl?’. Seolhyun nodded, ‘it’s her birthday today’, she added. ‘I’m sorry about my son’s foolish behaviour’, he said apologising. Seolhyun smiled sweetly. Seolhyun had other plans. This was her opportunity to get what she wanted. ‘Father in law I have a favour to ask from you’, his father looked up and smiled, ‘what is it?’, he said. Seolhyun smirked, she then said, ‘Allow Jinhwan to stay here in Korea with me for a year, don’t force him to go to America as it may make his personality turn for the worst’. Jinhwan’s father frowned. ‘Are you sure?’, he asked. Seolhyun smiled a sugary one. ‘Of course’. When she left the room she had smug look on her face. She knew that if she played it smart, Jinhwan would owe her one. Besides she had many plans to make that Naeun girl suffer for humiliating her like that.


Naeun arrived back at the party, nearly everyone was at the entrance. As Naeun stepped out of the car, Hana and In Ha rushed towards her. ‘What happened?’, asked Hana, then she realised who was in the car. Naeun turned towards where everyone was standing. Suga was giving her a puzzled look. Naeun waved at Jinhwan and he drove off and she walked towards them. Chorong raised her eyebrow as to imply what was going on. Naeun looked at Hana, ‘I needed to talk to him about something’, she said vaguely. Suga looked at her and said, ‘About what?’, in which Naeun snapped back, ‘something that doesn’t concern you’, Naeun realised that her words were a bit harsh. ‘Ah I’m sorry’, she said. Suga didn’t say anything. ‘Let’s go back to the party?’, Bomi said in an overly loud voice. Somehow there was something weird about the atmosphere. Naeun nodded.

 Back in the hall, the mood had lightened, she explained to her parents that she needed to talk to Jinhwan. They didn’t force her for an explanation but nodded. Naeun somehow felt uneasy after meeting Jinhwan. During the party she would often see Suga watch her, but he didn’t approach her. When Naeun had tried to talk to Suga he was in a stroppy mood. Naeun thought he was being ridiculous. He’ll eventually calm down, thought Son Naeun. 


You guys are so adorable -^___^- Hehe, anyways in the end Jinhwan doesn't go to America oho but there will be a lot of surprising things going on later. (EVIL LAUGH) Yeah, now yoongi-ah is upset bcs of Naeun -raises an eyebrow michieviously- Will something happen to their relationship? God knows. I'll write whatever comes to my mind. :D But omg this fanfic makes me laugh because I really can't tell what will happen next ^^


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the story is nearly coming to an end guys :<


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 59: Ending not satisfied....Sequel please....
iKonxPink #2
Chapter 59: Please make a sequel
I just want to ask.. is there another pairing beside Naeun & Jinhwan ?.. just asking ^^'
KokoroNoTakara #4
Chapter 59: Please give us a sequel...
JeMerald #5
Chapter 59: I don't understand anything. Hahaha. One of them should have died. Or maybe someone fell for someone else. I don't know. I wish she fell in love with someone else, then Suga came back. And then they won't get back together 'cause she don't love him no more~~~
Alianovna96 #6
Chapter 59: Please make a sequel for this story. Poor jinhwan he has to be with seolhyun all his life. I hope he can live his life together with the one he loves happily. His part is always sad and he will be happy only when he is with naeun. Poor boy. T___T
Ilovekpop2125 #7
Chapter 59: Ughh
Luveunji4ever #8
Chapter 59: Ohhhh thanks!!! But I didn't really get the last chapter thoughㅜㅜ I'll just wait for the sequel! Thank you so much for writing!^_^
dnasyafira #9
Chapter 58: I love your story so muchh !! I hope another chapter will coming soon ayee heee :DDDD
Luveunji4ever #10
Chapter 58: Ohhh that was fast! He totally just left~ both of the guys! Who is she gonna end up with suga?~