Birthday party

Pretty Age 18

Naeun looked at the time. It was almost 6pm she needed to attend hagwon lessons, as she needed to catch up on a lot of work. Since her part time job started at 5:30 she decided not to go work today and focus on studying. Naeun sat down as she got her notes out, she looked outside, the evening was extremely pretty, and the air was pretty warm too. She closed her eyes. Today she had turned 18, but something felt off. Nor Suga or the other had said happy birthday to her, Jinhwan texted her a happy birthday and promised to give a present after her Hagwon lesson. When she had called Jinhwan yesterday his voice seemed distant like he was bothered by something. When her extra lessons finished she walked outside a bit disappointed. Hana seemed to have forgotten about her birthday too as she didn’t get any call or text from her. Naeun looked up and gasped a little. She saw Suga standing there a few meters ahead of her. His eyes brightened when he saw her and Naeun walked towards him. Her pace increased ever so slightly yet Suga could tell that she was waiting for him. Suga grinned as grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. When he hugged her she smelled of vanilla and peaches. The smell reminded him strongly of that day. ‘Today we are going somewhere special’, he said leading her to the opposite direction of the home. Naeun frowned, then realised something, ‘Is it a surprise of some sort?’, Naeun asked smiling knowingly. Suga looked at her a bit annoyed, ‘Ya, how did you know?’. Naeun laughed at Suga’s annoyed expression before saying, ‘it’s my birthday today’. Suga didn’t say anything as Naeun laughed. She then said, ‘Where is my present?’, in which Suga replied, ‘Me. I’m your present’. Naeun hit Suga on the arm, ‘Ey, that’s too cheesy’,she said scrunching up her face. They headed towards a huge hall, the front was heavily lit up with gold and red lights and balloons were present. Naeun looked at Suga and smiled, 'This is my surprise right?', she said as she confidently walked in. Suga followed her and grinned, as she entered the hall all the lights were switched off. Then in the dark a video tape started playing. The video was 3 minutes long, the video consisted of pictures and videos all compiled and home videos she had never seen before. Naeun cried and smiled as she saw how beautiful it was, once the video stopped, the room was lit up in light pink and everyone appeared behind her singing happy birthday. Naeun turned around crying in happiness because the whole venue was too beautiful. Hana stepped forward and grinned, ‘Happy birthday’, she said hugging her tightly, Naeun looked around to see everyone was here. Her family, her friends, and what more could she ask for? The music started and a huge cake arrived, Naeun laughed in delight.

Jinhwan stood in front of the mirror. Dressed in a dark grey suit, he had a sour scowl on his face. On his bedside table a small gift lay wrapped prettily, with a small note attached to it. It was 4pm, Jinhwan had to miss school today because it was engagement party with Seolhyun. His father had also told him that he was going to have to go abroad with Seolhyun. Jinhwan didn’t want to stay in a foreign country with some stranger, however their flight was in two days’ time. Today was probably the last time Naeun would see him. Seolhyun entered into the room without knocking, she wore a pretty red dress with her hair beautifully done, however a look of triumphant was present in her face. ‘Ha’, she said smirking at Jinhwan’s expression as her eyes went towards the gift that was resting on the table. ‘Oh? What is this?’, she said advancing towards it, before her hands could hold it, Jinhwan grabbed it, ‘Don’t touch it’, he said threateningly before walking out. A lot of people were invited, Jinhwan forced smiled throughout the evening, he wanted to see Naeun badly today, it was her birthday and he wanted to give the gift to her. Jinhwan’s father introduced his guests to Jinhwan and Seolhyun, many complimented them however Jinhwan’s mind was drifting off, around 10pm Jinhwan decided that he couldn’t breathe in this current atmosphere, he went inside his house, grabbed his car keys and walked fast towards his car, Jinhwan’s father didn’t notice however Seolhyun did, whilst his father was too occupied talking to the guests, Seolhyun was silently watching her Fiancé and seeing whether or not he would act safely. There was a dangerous glint in Seolhyun’s eyes as she watched Jinhwan drive off. 

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Just a normal scene... no drama.. YET. Ah when I was typing Jinhwan's part Taylor swift's Speak Now started playing from my playlist. Haha XD It kinda suited the mood. ^^

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the story is nearly coming to an end guys :<


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 59: Ending not satisfied....Sequel please....
iKonxPink #2
Chapter 59: Please make a sequel
I just want to ask.. is there another pairing beside Naeun & Jinhwan ?.. just asking ^^'
KokoroNoTakara #4
Chapter 59: Please give us a sequel...
JeMerald #5
Chapter 59: I don't understand anything. Hahaha. One of them should have died. Or maybe someone fell for someone else. I don't know. I wish she fell in love with someone else, then Suga came back. And then they won't get back together 'cause she don't love him no more~~~
Alianovna96 #6
Chapter 59: Please make a sequel for this story. Poor jinhwan he has to be with seolhyun all his life. I hope he can live his life together with the one he loves happily. His part is always sad and he will be happy only when he is with naeun. Poor boy. T___T
Ilovekpop2125 #7
Chapter 59: Ughh
Luveunji4ever #8
Chapter 59: Ohhhh thanks!!! But I didn't really get the last chapter thoughㅜㅜ I'll just wait for the sequel! Thank you so much for writing!^_^
dnasyafira #9
Chapter 58: I love your story so muchh !! I hope another chapter will coming soon ayee heee :DDDD
Luveunji4ever #10
Chapter 58: Ohhh that was fast! He totally just left~ both of the guys! Who is she gonna end up with suga?~