Lovely day

Pretty Age 18

Naeun entered the school gate, people walked by talking excitedly about what they had done during the Christmas break. Naeun looked around nervously – so far no one had noticed or recognised her. She sighed quietly she wanted to stay in this school peacefully. Then all of a sudden someone tapped on her shoulder, turning around she saw it was Namjoo and Hayoung behind her. ‘Hey’, Namjoo said cheerily. ‘Ah hello’, Naeun said smiling. Namjoo and Hayoung helped Naeun find the school office, ‘are you okay from here’, asked Hayoung before leaving. Naeun nodded, she could find her classes by herself and she didn’t want to burden anyone. Her teacher lead her to her classroom when she entered, everyone stared at her. Oh no, she thought, she felt like this was going to be exactly like Daegon as she watched the blank expressions on their faces. She bowed and introduced herself after that she sat down nervously and already she was receiving strange looks from people.

Finally it was break. Naeun didn’t know what to do. Back in Daegon she’d sit with Jinhwan, even though at that time she didn’t like it, now she wanted to. If only I knew him better back then, she thought bitterly. She decided she would walk around the school, since she was unfamiliar with this school. When she reached at the end of the corridor she noticed a group of girls excitedly walking into a huge hall, curious about what those girls were happy about Naeun cautiously opened the hall door and stepped in, she realised that there were male students playing basketball, Naeun decided to sit down to watch, however she was unaware that Suga was playing. As she watched the males play the game, one boy stood out the most. Suga. Naeun’s eyes widened, as she realised that Suga was playing. She wanted to get out as soon as possible, however the moment Naeun stood up Suga had got the ball and turned around to shoot. Too late, thought Naeun panicking as Suga’s eyes went immediately to lock with Naeun’s. Naeun looked away.

‘Oh my god is he looking at me?’, squealed a girl near her.

Naeun glanced back at Suga who was still watching her. He threw the ball perfectly and it was goal then Suga smiled at Naeun his eyes bright and waved at her. Naeun flushed slightly red before turning around to walk off, but when she turned around again, Suga had turned around too and winked at her. A group of girl’s shrieked but only Naeun knew that those smiles were for her only.

Break was almost over, Naeun silently punched herself lightly on the head for going in there. ‘Ya, why are you hitting yourself?’, said a voice behind her. Turning around she saw that it was Hayoung. ‘Oh hello’, Naeun said shyly. Hayoung smiled, ‘Don’t feel uncomfortable around me!’, she said laughing. Naeun smiled. She didn’t know Hayoung very well, nor did she know Chorong and the rest of the girls. Naeun knew she was an introvert, she was too shy and cautious but she wanted to break that wall of hers. Naeun and Hayoung walked towards their classes talking and chatting. Halfway through Hayoung said, ‘do you know that Suga likes you?’, Naeun looked at Hayoung. She nodded slowly. ‘Yes.’, replied Naeun. Hayoung watched Naeun carefully. ‘Do you like him?’, she pressed on. Naeun frowned slightly, ‘I don’t think so’, she said. 'Oh, okay', Hayoung said nodding, she looked  like she was about to say more  but didn't . Naeun went to her class and bid Hayoung goodbye. However when her lesson started she couldn’t concentrate. Hayoung’s words seemed to echo. Did she like him? She really didn’t know.


At lunch Naeun sat down alone by herself in the canteen; she saw Bomi and Eunji sitting down. Should I go up to them? Thought Naeun. She needed to make new friends and they seemed friendly. Just then Bomi noticed Naeun sitting alone. She waved at Naeun and gestured to show that she should sit with them. Naeun stood up and moved her seat next to theirs. Eunji grinned, ‘how’s your first day’ she asked. Naeun shrugged, ‘so so’, she replied back. Then her phone vibrated, she realised that it was a text from Jinhwan.

‘’ School is boring without you. T-T’’

Naeun grinned. ‘Why are you smiling like that’, asked Bomi curiously, ‘is it your boyfriend?’ Naeun laughed, ‘yeah right, it’s Jinhwan’. Bomi and Eunji exchanged surprised glances. ‘...are you close with him now?’, asked Eunji. But before Naeun could answer someone’s tray was placed next to Naeun’s, looking up she saw it was Suga. God damn it, thought Naeun. He was now an obstacle she would have to go through.


Suga entered the canteen and his eyes went immediately to Naeun who was sitting there with Bomi and Eunji laughing. It’s a good thing she’s fitting in, he thought grinning. Suga decided to sit with them. Even though Naeun ignored him throughout the whole conversation, he didn’t mind. He knew that somehow he thawed a little bit of ice from her heart and that she was slowly warming up to him. Even if it took a long time, he was willing to break that barrier she had around her. When lunch was over, Suga walked with Naeun to her class. It was clearly obvious that she didn’t like this. ‘You don’t have to’, she said shortly, before turning away. Suga realised Naeun was constantly like this, always turning her back on him. But he didn’t listen and followed her to her classroom. Some people started whispering. ‘Are they dating?’, ‘Oh how close are they?’, ‘she’s pretty sly you know’. Naeun didn’t want to hear these comments. She wanted to block them out. She walked towards her desk aware that Suga was leaning against the door. He’s making things worse for me, thought Naeun. She looked outside. She could still hear people talking about her when a pair of hands covered her ears. Surprised she looked up and saw that it was Suga looking down at her. ‘Ignore them’, he said softly. His hands dropped to his side and walked out of the classroom, turning back he smiled sweetly at her. Naeun could feel her heart beat extremely fast.


I had never listened to Lovely Day by APink but it was on this playlist and OMG THAT SONG IS AMAZING. I really like the meaning of that song its so cute and fluffy. But I was listening to it whilst typing it up and somehow, I felt like that song suited Naeun and Suga. Ah but thank you for reading and commenting. I post a chapter and then I go to bed, so when I wake up in the morning, those comments are like ¸¸.•*¨*•gold¸¸.•*¨*• Hehe it gives me strength!

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the story is nearly coming to an end guys :<


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 59: Ending not satisfied....Sequel please....
iKonxPink #2
Chapter 59: Please make a sequel
I just want to ask.. is there another pairing beside Naeun & Jinhwan ?.. just asking ^^'
KokoroNoTakara #4
Chapter 59: Please give us a sequel...
JeMerald #5
Chapter 59: I don't understand anything. Hahaha. One of them should have died. Or maybe someone fell for someone else. I don't know. I wish she fell in love with someone else, then Suga came back. And then they won't get back together 'cause she don't love him no more~~~
Alianovna96 #6
Chapter 59: Please make a sequel for this story. Poor jinhwan he has to be with seolhyun all his life. I hope he can live his life together with the one he loves happily. His part is always sad and he will be happy only when he is with naeun. Poor boy. T___T
Ilovekpop2125 #7
Chapter 59: Ughh
Luveunji4ever #8
Chapter 59: Ohhhh thanks!!! But I didn't really get the last chapter thoughㅜㅜ I'll just wait for the sequel! Thank you so much for writing!^_^
dnasyafira #9
Chapter 58: I love your story so muchh !! I hope another chapter will coming soon ayee heee :DDDD
Luveunji4ever #10
Chapter 58: Ohhh that was fast! He totally just left~ both of the guys! Who is she gonna end up with suga?~