Acting Sweet Eh?

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‘Chaerin, I will really chop you to death! You devil, you ruined my day! I’m gonna spank you, kick you and tie you!’


I kept on mumbling going to my station.


You will pay for this you stubborn lady!


“Dara-yah!” Not again Wooyoung.


“Hi Wooyoung!”


“Ahm, I brought you another Bento Box today. This time, it’s Tonkatsu.” He handed me the Bento Box.


“Wow, how did you know I didn’t eat my breakfast?” I accepted the meal. I have to! Or I will faint for today’s work!



“You didn’t eat breakfast? Why? I mean, you never miss your meal.” Wooyoung looked worried.



“Haha, I just woke up late. I had a lot of work to finish last night. Too bad I’m late again.” I said smiling.


“Oh I see. So…Dara…uhmmm.”



“Whatever it is, the answer is NO ‘Young.” Just evaporate now please.



“I’m not saying anything. I-I-I..I’m gonna go. See you around!” He waved goodbye.



Sometimes, I feel happy to be surrounded by admirers. Atleast I benefit. *wink*



I sat and rested for a while. I reviewed my tasks today.



Ahh. Review for the finance of the new building construction. Report from a new investor. Write-up for the client’s request etc…


I have to start so I can finish early!


But before that……


Tada!!! I opened the Bento Box.


Ahh, I’m so hungry.


I was about to eat when….




Calling: Boss


Not again.




“You’re not gonna eat that.”


Wait. What? I looked around to see if she’s here.


“I’m not around there idiot.”


“You-!! Idiot!? What did you say!?”


“Try to eat that and I will poison you.”


“Well I’m gonna eat this! There’s no way you can stop me from eating this you devil! Whose fault it is that I didn’t eat huh!? Do you realize that---“


“Excuse me. Miss Dara Park?” a man in red and white uniform came and talked to me. I put the call on hold and…


“Yes, that’s me, what can I do for you?”


“You ordered from Bucks remember? Here’s your order. Well-done Steak, Sweet and Sour Shrimp, short ordered ramen, vegetable salad, rice and Lemonade. Did I miss something Miss?”


“Wwwhhhaaatt??” How am I going to pay for these!? It’s from Bucks!


“None? Thank you ma’am! Enjoy your meal.”


Now I’m confused. What’s going on???



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bittersweetlover #1
Chapter 56: Done for the nth time!!! I've lost track of how many times i've read this since it was first published in 2015... it still give me the feels everytime...
bittersweetlover #2
Chapter 1: Hi there, Rui... i miss this story so i'm reading it again... i'm glad it's still here... btw, i miss you too...
xxiforevs #3
Just finished reading this for 3 times! I love this!! Quality content +1
Finally your back:P
Chapter 56: What a great cheara love story.. reading this makes ur heart feels good..
tessaymeg #6
Chapter 52: pregnantttt!!
2ne1stan21 #7
Chapter 54: love it...
Chapter 56: Ruikai... You are one hell of a writer.. I LOVE YOUR FANFIC!!! and yes i will reread this.. of course, i will be reading your other stories as well.. thank you so much for sharing.. i havent got enough sleep, ive read your story in one go.. ^_^
Chapter 29: "She looked like a dehydrated fly" ^_^ that just cracks me up pretty hard.. hahahaha