Chapter Seven: Classmates

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You look pretty.

Those words echoed inside Jiwon’s mind for the past two days and it was giving her a headache. She sighed and blinked back at the ceiling which was facing her for the past 30 minutes after she woke up. She shut her eyes and to no success of calming down, all she could see was Jongin’s smiling face. She swore she still could feel his warm hand on her cheek.

She grabbed the pillow from her side and screamed with it covering her face. Her heart is still in abnormal condition. For the past 2 days, she’d been too awkward with him around and it was making him uncomfortable.

The sound of two beeps coming from her computer made her sit up. She moved in front of her computer and she clicked the icon on the corner of the page.

guardian001: Hi! How have you been? I just saw your latest posts and I’m intrigued about the story of the guy with amnesia. I don’t know if he’s telling the truth. I think he’s hiding too much secrets. Sorry for my imaginative ideas. Am I right with those assumptions? Can you give me some hints? J I just got back from school trip and I have to say that I’m very tired right now. Give me a heads up when you come to Seoul, okay?

She smiled and clicked on the reply button.

writerSky: Oh hey, congratulations on making it back from your school trip! We’re also going to a school trip next week. And no, I cannot give you hints. I will spoil too much if I will give you. And you my friend, do have some imaginative ideas. They’re not bad. That could happen but I’m not telling you. And yes, I’ll give you a head up when I will come to Seoul. I just talked with my mom and she’s okay with me coming to Seoul after high school :) 

She sent her reply and leaned on her back. She’s been friends with guardian001 for 2 years now but she knows only the little things about him. She knows that he’s going to Daewon High School and is the top 1 on his entire school. And yes, he’s a he. And his name is Suho, which she doubts, is not his real name. Nonetheless, Jiwon can call him a friend.

She stretched her arm and decided to get ready for school. She grabbed her towel and other necessary things before heading towards the bathroom. She reached for the knob and opened the door. And there she was, staring at Jongin who was half with a towel wrapped around his waist and another on his damp hair. He blinked at her in surprise and she immediately turned around.

“There’s a thing called lock!” Jiwon yelled at him as she closed the door. Her heart was beating so fast that she felt like it’s going to jump off from her ribcage. She took a deep breath and started counting from one to ten.

“I forgot,” Jongin replied.

She couldn’t help but sigh. It’s going to be totally awkward in a while.



“Kim Jiwon.”

Jiwon turned her head to Jisoo who was nudging her for the last 5 minutes. “What?” she asked. Jisoo nodded towards the back where Jongin was sitting. He was surrounded by three girls and were giggling at each word that he was saying. His facial expression was screaming uncomfortable.

“Sena has her eyes on Hyunjae. What are you going to do?” Jisoo asked, whispering. Jiwon’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean what am I going to do?” she asked back. Jisoo rolled her eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh. “Oh c’mon, he’s living in the same house as you. You’re pretending to be cousins and now Sena’s on the move. Do you want her to be your future in-law?”

Jiwon sighed and held her friend’s shoulder. “Kim Jisoo, we’re only pretending so she’s not going to be an in-law. And I bet she’s not Hyunjae’s style,” she replied, waving her hand casually in front of her.

Jisoo stared at her for some moments before leaning towards her. “How did you know that she’s not Hyunjae’s style?”


Jiwon blinked and looked away. “Well…I just felt it.”

Jisoo nodded as if calculating her answer. “Mmm…felt? You’re so rational,” she said with sarcasm.

The door opened and Taehyung entered while yawning. He waved at Jisoo and Jiwon before going towards them. He sat on the seat in front of Jiwon and turned to her before turning to where Jongin was. “Oh, hi Kim Hyunjae,” he chirped as he waved at him with a smile on his face.

The three girls surrounding Jongin turned and glared at him for interrupting their conversation. Jongin was not sure if Taehyung was really greeting him or if he was making a joke out of him. Taehyung shrugged and looked at Jiwon.

“What?” Jiwon scowled when Taehyung just stared at her for the next 2 minutes. He shook his head and made a face before patting her head. She immediately slapped his hand away and hit him on his arm.

Their teacher entered just right on the dot when Taehyung was supposed to pick her cheeks. She made a face before he looked in front and sat properly. Jisoo leaned forward and whispered something on her ears.

“I already told you…Taehyung likes you.”

Chanyeol slowly placed a towel on Lauren’s forehead. He carefully brushed some hair sticking on her face before sitting on the side of her bed. He’s been up for the whole night; looking out for Lauren.

There’s a soft knock on the door before it opened. Mrs. Lee, their landlady, peered inside. She asked about Lauren’s condition to which he replied with a headshake. The lady went inside and checked on Lauren by herself and sighed.

“She can’t handle her Alice very well. Poor child, why does she always end up with collapsing and having high fever when visions come to her?” she asked; more of asking herself. She stood and looked at Chanyeol. “Go down and eat. You should go to your classes. I’ll take care of her. Minseok already left for school a while ago,” she said softly.

Chanyeol shook his head. “I’ll just skip school for the day,”

The lady kept quiet and just nodded. She knows that if Chanyeol said something, there’s no way he’ll take it back that easily. “Then at least eat something,” she said while patting his shoulder. He nodded and she left the room.

Mrs. Lee was more of a guardian than just a landlady. Chanyeol knew him for more than 4 years now. Lauren literally grew up in that house with Luhan and Minseok. Before them, Mrs. Lee had been taking care of Alice users, like her, who does not have anywhere to go.

Now, three rooms are vacant inside the house.

He looked once again at Lauren as he sighed. He couldn’t help but feel sorry and pity towards her. Her brother’s whereabouts is unknown and she’s one of those kids who can’t handle their abilities well that it takes toll on their bodies.

He sat there for couple of minutes before deciding to get some food downstairs. When he was about to stand up, Lauren moved with a small cry.

He waited for her to wake up. And when she opened her eyes, he helped her sit up. “Are you okay

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(Untold) - chapter 15 is posted! 06/09/16


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If season 1 is about Gakuen Alice
The spin-off reminds me of Tokyo Ghoul
Also, hello author-nim! I hope you're doing well :) Stay safe!
dibaalatee #2
Chapter 18: Hi I'm new to this story and it interesting I hope you can update the story I want to know happen next
Chapter 18: Hii, please update this one. This is so good
Omg I saw Alice and I was like "someone other than me knows Gakuen Alice exists?" Thanks for making my day!
Congratulations on getting featured!
omg! i actually read the manga and also watched the anime of gakuen alice! I'M A BIG FAN OF NATSUME!
and i can imagine it well kai as natsume sjfnskfnsnsnf
i'm gonna read this story <333
jae12340 #7
Nice story!
DreamyTown #8
Congratulations on the feature! ♥
Congrats on the feature! c: