Say Yes

Convenient Encounter (HIATUS)

It’s been about a week since I came back to Korea. I was enrolled in a local (well-known) school and I made a couple of friends.

Things were looking up, except for one problem.

That night I came back and my mom greeted me with hidden tears, we talked about Jungwoo’s education and mine. With my dad sending in money for my education, my problems were set aside. Jungwoo, my dad’s unwanted child, was left in my mom’s care, but my mom was far off from getting him into the school he wanted to go to.

Famous in our city, Seoul, for being the top middle school, that was where Jungwoo wanted to go. That little ambitious child. That was where I was slightly jealous of him. I wish I could be ambitious as he could.

What he yearned for was what set my mom in for stress and trouble. Being a high class school, the expenses to enter was also high. That was the problem that led me to a crazy idea of thinking that I could take on a part-time job along with the crazy stress of the hell year in Korea’s high school. Thing is, I could ask my dad for money, but he’d probably ignore the request. Sometimes, he really is a jerk.

“Mom,” I said one morning, as she was cooking dinner and Jungwoo was getting ready for school.

“Hm?” she replied.

“Hey… What do you think about me getting a job—well just a part-time-- for Jungwoo’s school fees?” I asked, testing the waters. There was a silence as the food was sizzling on the pan. Her shoulders tensed, before I heard her sigh and flip off the stove.

I watched as she placed the freshly cooked eggs and toasted bread on the plates. She brought them silently to the table before turning around to grab milk and orange juice. Wow, talk about typical American breakfast. Is this supposed to cheer me up from leaving America?


She halted, before sighing again. “[Name], you do realize that senior year here is not that easy—“

“I know.” I cut her off. “It’s just that I want to help. I can stay on top of both things. Usually, in America, it’s good to get a job while you’re—“

“[Name],” my mom said sternly, “here’s Korea. This education system is completely different. Have you heard of the terrible things students do when it comes to this year?”

I opened my mouth, before slamming it shut. Then I opened it again. “Trust me. I can do this. I’ll find a job and help you pay for the fees—“

“No is no!” my mom harshly told me. I halted my words, watching her carry the juice to the table, watching her face as it tensed up in annoyance.

This time, I was the first to sigh.

“I know I’m not the perfect Korean daughter like you hoped mom. I can’t sit by idly and listen to your every word like a complete good girl, because I’m not. Look at yourself. You have the worst eye bags, and you look like a complete mess. Just let me help you. Think about it.” I finalized, before I sat down and quietly said thank you for the meal. I ate in silence as my mom watched me.

Finally, she slumped down in her own chair before calling down Jungwoo.

“You…are really like your father back in his day…” she muttered quietly. She rubbed the side of her head before eating herself. I didn’t know if that was a compliment or not, but I knew it was a sign that she was surely thinking about my part-time job idea. I smirked a little, before digging into my meal.

That same evening, my mom came home silently cooking dinner, while I did homework upstairs. I only knew she was home when she called for dinner and I heard Jungwoo’s laughing downstairs.

I came down, greeted them, and ate. After dinner, we all sat in the living room, watching T.V., laughing together as the great comedian Yoo Jae Suk made fun of the actor Lee Kwang soo.

Finally, as it approached Jungwoo’s bed time, he went upstairs to sleep. It was just my mother and I left, downstairs in the deafening silence.


I perked up my ears and faced my mom. “Yes?”

“I thought about it, and… I approve of you finding job.”

As the words left , a squeal erupted from my throat and I hugged her tightly. She chuckled, patting me on the back a few times.

“I hope you will take great responsibility for this. I don’t want you having depressing thoughts later on.” She smiled. I shook her hand, looking at her with determined eyes.

“Mother, I promise you, I will definitely succeed in earning Jungwoo’s funds!”

She laughed.

“Most people wouldn’t be happy getting a job—“

“I’ve got to start looking now!”


“G’night, mom!” I quickly jumped off the couch and ran towards my room. Behind me, I heard my mom’s soft laugh.


Happy (nine days late) New Year!

Sorry for the boring chapter, I just want to get the simple plot line down before we get to the real stuff! That's why I have provided a TRIPLE update! I'm hella sweggy ain't I.

Certain trainee mentioned in foreword will appear soon!

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vindyyo #1
Chapter 13: Dun worrryyyy
I will be waiting
If I got any idea, I will notice you right away.
QueenOfTheB #2
Chapter 13: Don't worry Author-nim, running out of ideas happens to everybody so don't stress too much about it. :) I'll make sure to support you and your story no matter what will happen and if I have any ideas about Hanbin's and Bobby's dates I'll leave you a message.
Fighting ! <3 :D
Chapter 12: wahhhhh Double B getting their movies done *.*

Don't give up please. This is like my favorite hanbin fan fic. Rest well and hopefully you'll be able to gain your motivation to continue this awesome story. ^.^
Chapter 12:
Chapter 12: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DONT GIVE UP ON THIS STORY it's really really good, like, I just absolutely love this fan fiction, ya know? I understand if you decide to quit the story in the nearby future for lack of motivation, though, but I truly hope you decide other wise because this story is literally amaaziiing. Anyway, I hope you have a great day today ~ ^^ ♥
Chapter 12: Noooooo this is the most interesting ikon ff I read so far @____@ you can't lose motivation @_@ but the update was awesome!! :33
It's a really nice story so far @-@
Please update soon if you have time to do so <333
Love this story already xD
Chapter 11: Awwww oh my goodness I really like this story!
Chapter 10: This fic is really great! I think you were able to capture everyone's personalities very accurately, which I totally appriciate! The story is so fun and is such a simple, yet clever concept. Thank you for your hard work!!!
Kat2601 #10
Chapter 9: Please update soon! Love your story!!~