"That XX doesn't love you”

G-Dragon "That XX" [Lyric Scenario]

“That XX, what does he have that I don’t
Why can’t I have you
That XX doesn’t love you”


“Jiyong stop it!” you yelled, storming your way past him and over to the door. “I don’t have time for this! I really don’t have to put up with your lies! Just get out!”

“(Y/N) just hear me out. I saw him. He was with another girl I’m telling you! I saw him, I know I didn’t want to believe it either, but it’s true. He wasn’t wearing the ring you bought him and he was kissing some other girl! (Y/N) you have to believe me!” Jiyong pleaded. He backed away from the door and stood opposite of you, clearly not budging. You still stood by the door, gripping the handle and gesturing for him to leave your apartment. “Jiyong! It’s 11 o’clock, just go home already. You were probably hallucinating or something. You know, like the other times where you saw my boyfriend with someone else.” You mocked, anger rushing through your cheeks. This had been the third time this month where Jiyong made these stupid accusations; you knew he was just jealous. Just because his best friend asked you out first, and quite frankly you only said yes because you liked him back, now Jiyong was making it extremely difficult for you to even remotely remain friends anymore. Jiyong started pacing back and forth, biting his thumb as he did so. He pondered how to prove it to you. The truth is he did see him with another girl and watched him lie to your face, and watched as you believed every sick lie that came out of his mouth. Where was her “so called” boyfriend now? Probably off with some other girl that you still remain ignorant about…

Jiyong stopped and faced you again. He walked over to you and grabbed both of your hands in his. You struggled against his grip, trying to slip your hands out of his, but he wouldn’t budge. “Jiyong let me go!” you demanded, continuing to struggle to get away from him. “(Y/N)! Listen! He’s a liar, he’s been lying to you this whole time! I can’t believe how blind you’ve been. He’s been lying to your face and you just eat it all up, but you still call me a liar? How?! (Y/N) I would never hurt you, and it sickens me to see that bastard continuing to get away with it!”

How dare you!  You have no right! He’s the most sensitive, sweet, most amazing guy I have ever met…unlike you…I thought you were my friend!” you screamed, forcefully shrugging away from him and to the door where you threw it opened and held out your arm. “Get.Out!” you hissed at him, rage filling your eyes as you locked your stare on him.

Jiyong was at a loss for words. How could you be so ignorant? How could you not see through all of the lies? He’s been using you! How could you not see that?

Jiyong shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed. “(Y/N)…I just don’t want to see you get hurt…” he finally said and painfully made his way to the door. Before he left, you stopped him. “And by the way…That “bastard” is the man I love. Don’t you dare stand between us just because of your selfishness. That’s sick.” You said to him and slammed the door in his face. You continued to stare at the door and sighed in exasperation. You watched the door for a while before dragging yourself to your room. Right as you reached your bedroom your phone rang. You took it out and held it in your hands, the caller ID bringing a smile to your face.

My Loveit read.

You answered it immediately and felt relieved as you answered the phone. “Oppa! I’m so glad to hear your voice. I just got into a stupid argument with Jiyong and I just really need-“

He interrupted you.

You listened to his voice intently, grasping onto every word that escaped his mouth. Your eyesight suddenly began to blur and right as you blinked, a single tear fell down your cheek.

“Uh-huh” your voice cracked

You again hung on to his words, his assuring and loving words. And with them you felt your heart begin to slowly break.

“You know I still love you” he said one last time before hanging up. You swallowed hard, your breath coming out in small gasps as you gripped the phone, squeezing your eyes shut. You threw it on the bed and collapsed on the floor, your head sinking in your hands as tears endlessly fell down your face. He was a liar. He was a cheater. He was a vicious, cold hearted bastard. Jiyong was right…Jiyong!

You scrambled to your feet and ran towards the door, hoping and praying that he was there. You wiped your eyes with your sleeve and opened the door. You sighed , your eyes dropping in despair when you noticed him. Jiyong, sitting on the steps of the stairs huddled together in his jacket, protecting himself against the cold December night. You smiled in relief and shut your door, walking down and sitting next to him. He had both of his hands cupped together, blowing his hot breath on them and rubbing them together. He watched as you sunk next to him in disbelief. “I can’t believe you’re here, I would’ve thought you left after what I had said to you…” you mumbled, looking into his eyes. He gazed into your tear stained eyes and knew. He opened his mouth to say something when you stopped him. “No, no you were right. Everything you said. Feel free to rub it in…” you choked on the last words and Jiyong immediately wrapped his arm around your shoulder and drew you close. You sobbed into his jacket, tears clouding your eyes  as he slowly ran his hand up and down your arm, resting his head on yours as he watched you fall apart. You choked on your tears and sunk your face in his chest, Jiyong’s anger beginning to rise up. “This is what I never wanted to happen. That sick bastard is going to pay!” he gritted through his teeth and stood up, you grabbed his hand to stop him. He looked back at you, your eyes stained as your expression softened as you gazed at him. “Please… stay with me…” you managed out as the cold began to affect your lips. Jiyong slowly sank back down and sat next to you again. You nuzzled your face in his neck as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight. You both stared out at the winter night, remaining undisturbed as you both sat huddled together amidst the cold.  

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Chapter 1: nice... love it.. ...