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My Love Letter?
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Song Myunghee's Story:

Being intellectually abled was supposed to be a good thing. I was always grateful for having such a gift but right at that moment, I wasn't thanking anyone for my photogenic memory. Even though the occurrence had taken place a mere 17 hours prior; that love letter had engraved itself dangerously in my complex intricate mind. Every word repeatedly bombarded my thoughts as billions of unanswered questions came crashing at me without a fair warning. This was troublesome, Jeon Jungkook you were troublesome.

 Dear Song Myunghee,

    I don't have enough courage to approach you in person, but I hope that you will consider these words written in this letter. I have so much inside my heart that I just can't hide it any longer. I know we've never really talked before but these feelings that I have keep growing stronger and stronger each and every day. Whenever you are around me, I find myself staring at you and yet I didn't know why for the longest time. I didn't know my own feelings up until a few days ago when I saw you walking alone in the cold frigid winter weather. At that moment, I wanted to be by your side to keep you safe and warm. That was when I finally realized my feelings for you. Myunghee, Song Myunghee I'm not good at this whole confession thing but will you be my girlfriend Song Myunghee? Will you let me be your oppa?

    The one and only,
        ~Jeon Jungkook

Every precise word was held a part of my memory and I absolutely hated it. I was living a perfectly normal peaceful life until something unnecessary came knocking at my door and now all that I could think about was you. My thoughts for the past 17 hours was only filled with you and your so called "fake" love letter. Jeon Jungkook, why did our paths have to cross at a time when I wasn't emotionally or mentally prepared? I wasn't ready to face you yet Jungkook.

"Why do you hate me so much Myunghee?"

"If you don't hate me then how come out of everyone at school, you are the only person that has never spoken to me before until today?"

I should have known better. I should have ignored that letter yesterday and simply pretended like nothing had happened. Approaching you was my biggest mistake as I never knew one word from you could have such an impact on my heart. Hate is defined as to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; to detest: It wasn't so much that I hated you, Jeon Jungkook but yet your words somehow got to me. I was hurt that you'd automatically assume and conclude that I just simply hated you. I most definitely didn't hate you Jeon Jungkook, I was just simply avoiding you. I was avoiding from falling for you even more so than I already had. To be honest, I was doing a pretty decent job of keeping myself away from you for the past 10 months but ever since I saw you that day during the entrance ceremony my heart irrationally skips countless of beats every time my mind wandered off towards you. I think about you more often than I had realized ever since I saw you standing amongst the sea of students that day.  


We all had gathered in our high school's gymnasium for the very first time that day to attend our entrance ceremony. There were so many new faces amongst a small handful of my old classmates from middle school, that I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. I hated being in crowded places and being surrounded my strangers wasn't exactly helping my case one bit either. Thankfully though, I was well prepared as being a genius was all about being ready for anything and everything. Many people had their own defense mechanisms and I was definitely no exception. I had always hid myself behind textbooks, books in general were my all time favorite lifesavers as reading was a well known part of being a genius and a great excuse to avoid people. Even then, people would still randomly approach me, not that I was anti-social but I really didn't find joy in talking to people who weren't really interested in becoming my friend in the first place. People usually only approached me when they needed help with something; hints the "genius" status label. But recently, I found myself a new way out of unnecessary conversations. Music. Music was the best escape route that I had found to be the most effective over hiding behind a book. When I had my earphones in, no one seemed to want to bother me and I liked it like that.

At that moment, the room started to fill up with more and more students. I was starting to feel a bit nervous yet again, while looking down intently at the book held ever so tightly in my unsteady hands. I was informed of my valedictorian status a few weeks back as the head principal had bestowed upon me full responsibility over the welcoming speech for our entrance ceremony. I stared at the words written neatly inside on the first two pages of my book. I was nervously rereading my words, even though I had already memorized them way before I had written them down. But the music that suddenly echoed through my ears somehow calmed me. I had found myself in a happy state of mind as a smile formed onto my face, hearing the song continue with its unique rhythmic beats.

"Hello students, may I please have everyone's attention at this time. The entrance ceremony will now begin. The top student of your class Miss Song Myunghee will now come up to the stage and present her welcoming speech to all of you at this time." I was so fixated in my own little world that I didn't even know my name had been called out but thankfully my one and only friend, out of a handful of friends that I had gently nudged me and mouthed "Myunghee go on stage now, he just called you."

I'm not gonna lie, I was quickly and utterly thrown into a bit of shock at that mere second in time. But none the less, I had managed to calm my nerves almost immediately knowing what I had to do. As I pulled my earphones out discretely, the students around me started to look around as most of them didn't even know who Song Myunghee was to begin with.

I slowly but diligently made my way towards the front and headed up on stage as faint whispers were erupting from the crowd behind me. I made it to center stage and bowed respectably towards the principal before I proceeded with anything else. I couldn't bare to look up just yet as the entire room grew utterly silent. My shaky hands subconsciously placed the book held tightly in my grip onto the podium stand before my very eyes as my heart started to violently pound inside of my chest. I was more nervous than I've ever been before for some reason but I knew that I needed to get this over with. I needed to give this speech and I couldn't run away now. My unsteady hands flipped open the book in front of me as I inhaled one last deep breath before beginning. Figiting with my glasses for some reason always helped with my unwanted nerves as I softly began to speak up for the first time in front of my whole entire class that day.

"Welcome fellow classmates, teachers, family, and friends. My name is Song Myunghee and I'd like to welcome everyone to our first and only high school entrance ceremony." Even though I had a hard time looking up at the crowd, my natural instincts had kicked in. As I became more comfortable standing up there in front of everyone, my speech also started to flow out relatively smoother than I had thought it would. My eyes darted up every now and then as I saw everyone's' attention fixated on me. My nerves were still lingering inside of me but I was doing perfectly fine at that moment. I was doing perfectly fine until my heart suddenly stopped. My heart shook lightly that very moment, the very moment that I saw you standing there Jeon Jungkook.


That very moment that I saw you standing there, that very moment that our eyes met for that brief mere second was the moment that I realized my heart had been stolen. My heart shook uncontrollably after I pulled my gaze away from you and that's when I knew that there was no doubt in my mind that I needed to stay clear of you. I needed to stay clear of you from that day on because the way you affected me was not something that I was willing to accept. You were totally different from me and I knew better than to play a game that I would never have a chance in winning.

I was doing so well, keeping myself away from you for the past 10 months and yet I let one piece of paper get in the way of my better judgement. 17 hours ago, I confronted you and I shouldn't have. I knew better, I really did but when that very letter fell out of my locker somehow I just wanted to believe for once that it was something real. My heart fluttered endlessly inside of my burning chest as I read each and every word precisely. I knew better than to take what was written on it to heart but my emotions were out of my control.  

A part of me wanted to believe that what was written on that very piece of paper was true but my logical side knew that it couldn't have been. There was no way that you could have liked me Jeon Jungkook. You were someone way out of my reach and even though we've been in the same class for nearly 10 months, you've never once tried to approach me. So of course, how was this love letter real? I made the biggest mistake of my life yesterday when I showed up directly in front of you. I knew better, I really did.


"Jungkook shi..." You were headed towards the school gate, when my soft angelic voice called after you. My heart was recklessly pounding violently inside of my chest at that moment in time. I should have known better than to approach you but it was already too late. You quickly turned to face me a mere two seconds later as my body instantly froze loosing all control over its senses. I couldn't seem to look directly at you as my head tilted low while my thick black rimmed glasses slid to the very end of my nose without my knowledge.

"I...I'm sorry." I knew better than to think that what was written on that very letter held tightly in my grasp at that moment was actually real. But somehow my thoughts were slower than the words that had suddenly subconsciously came out of my trembling lips.

"I can't except your proposal..." I stood directly in front of you as my pulsating heart never stopped racing, I was so sure that you heard it from where you were standing at that moment. I knew better than to think that that love letter was real, I really did.

"Huh?" It was the first time that I could feel your intense gaze on me. I somehow knew that I should have just quietly left at that moment. I shouldn't have continued the conversation but I did, without even knowing I had done so.

"I can't except your proposal of wanting to be my oppa." Every word that was written had clearly marked its territory in my mind and there was just no way for me to erase them. My hesitant eyes came crashing onto yours as my words echoed through the cold rigid air surrounding us. You were taken aback by my words and I knew at that moment that this game was now over. The game I should have never played, I had lost.

"I want to be your oppa?! Wh...when did I ever say that?" I knew the moment that you looked at me utterly lost and confused that I should have never confronted you. But it was already too late. You were playing with me, I knew for sure you were because there was no other reasonable explanation for your bewildered expression at that moment.

"You didn't say it Jungkook shi, you wrote it to me in your love letter." I should have walked away but I didn't. I was angry at the fact that I had been subjected to such a prank and at that moment I wanted you to know that I wasn't going to accept being the laughing stock of your little game.


Everything happened so fast yesterday, that it had nearly felt like a mere dream. Everything that had happened dangerously engraved itself in my unforgettable memory and I absolutely hated it. I hated the fact that I was mentally and emotionally unstable because of you, Jeon Jungkook. I was living a perfectly normal peaceful life without you unintentionally being a part of it until 17 hours ago. 17 hours ago, you had denied writing me a love letter that had somehow magically appeared inside my locker and yet you ended up saying such troublesome things that left my head spinning all night long.

"Even though I didn't write you that love letter, I'll admit somehow you were right. I...I do want to be your oppa..."

"Song Myunghee, I...I think I like you..."

I don't understand Jeon Jungkook? You think you like me? I absolutely hated how you made me feel. You had somehow managed to turn a genius into a complete fool overnight. it was impossible but you had achieved it without much effort and I was stumped for the very first time in my entire life. For the first time, I didn't have an answer and I was actually scared to face you after what had happened. My mind was trapped in an endless whirlwind of emotions as of yesterday, up until this very second and I just wanted this to end. I wanted you out of my head Jeon Jungkook but it was nearly impossible and I knew it all too well.

The morning breeze was always colder than in the afternoon as my tired eyelids barely lifted due to a restless night that I had all because of you. I always walked to and from school because I found it to be somehow therapeutic and calming. Even in the cold winter, it was still relaxing to me as I took small baby steps in the snow covered ground and seeing my warm breath hit the air in front of me was like magic. It only took a mere 10 minutes or so for me to arrive at the front gate, as I lived relatively close by. I knew that I had to brace myself for what could happen but I hoped and prayed that somehow miraculously you wouldn't be in class at all today.  

"Please, let him have schedules today. Great, now I'm even talking to myself... Thank you for making me into a complete idiot, Jeon Jungkook. AISH..." I whispered quietly, mentally kicking myself for acting like a fool as I took a deep breath before opening the front door. Even if you were there today, I was just going to simply ignore you like I had done before yesterday had happened. I was ready and armed with my headphones in, when the song that I didn't want to hear the most suddenly came crashing through my ears. It was my favorite song to listen to but after what had happened yesterday, I just couldn't stand to hear it. I immediately pulled the ear buds out, frustrated that nothing was going right. As I entered through the front entrance of school, somehow something was way off. I had a bad vibe as I made my way slowly and quite cautiously down the hallway,

What the heck is going on?  I could physically see and feel everyone's gaze land at my direction. I had no idea what was going on, but I didn't like the attention I was gaining all of the sudden as I walked ever so reluctantly towards my classroom. My heart nervously pounded as the hallway became crowded with students and not only did they all stop and stared at me but they also cleared a pathway for me to walk?

"Song Myunghee!" I could recognize that voice a mile away as I saw one of my closest friends charging full force towards me like a mere maniac caught on fire.  

"Hey, what's going on? Why is everyone loo...looking at me?" I looked at her and softly mumbled unsteadily towards her out of breath figure slouched over next to me.

"Um...I think you should see it for yourself. Come~" She quickly, without any hesitation clung onto me and pulled me along without explaining anything. As we made our way down the hall, the attention that I was somehow gaining increased to the extreme. Not only were people staring at me but some of them looked a bit judgmental. The one thing that I didn't like was being judged and right at that moment, people were judging me hardcore.

"See what for myself?" By the time I had gathered up enough strength to mumble out that short simple four word question, we were already approaching my classroom. A mere two seconds later, she had turned and smiled sheepishly at me before responding with nothing more than a playful extended word.

"That~" Was she feeling okay? I was so lost and utterly confused as my eyes slowly followed, diverting towards her outstretched arm while hesitantly landing on my classroom door. As soon as my gaze hit the very spot she had wanted, she had somehow managed to lightly shove me as I stumbled into the classroom without a fair warning. Looking up frantically, I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen next. My heart, my world suddenly stopped the moment I saw you.

"Ju...Jung..." I was at a loss for words, nothing made sense at that mere moment. I strictly had a game plan for today and I was ready for you. I had planned to avoid you at all cost and yet there you were siting on the windowsill next to my desk. Why were you on my side of the classroom? Were you actually waiting for me? No, no way would you do such a thing right? I knew better, I really did but somehow my heart was trembling as soon as my eyes met yours. I wanted to look away, but I just couldn't. Call it gravitational pull at its finest, I suppose but I was frozen in time at that moment. I was rooted to the ground as everyone in the classroom quietly settled down, gazing at us like the world was about to end. I really hated this attention, I hated what I was feeling at that exact moment all because of you Jeon Junglook as your eyes silently stared through my very soul. Just when I thought that things couldn't get any worse, you had to open your mouth to speak up about the evemt of 17 hours ago that I was trying so hard to erase from my complex unforgettable mind.  

"You were absolutely right about what you had said yesterday, I really don't know you..."  Your gentle yet serious tone echoed throughout the entire room as muffled whispers and faint gasp were heard all around me. There was no sign of hesitation when you spoke up loud enough so that everyone heard you clear as day. Why were you doing this? Why in front of everyone would you do this to me? Why couldn't things go back to how they used to be; when I simply avoided you and you did the same to me? Why couldn't you just pretend like nothing happened yesterday? Why now, why were you paying so much attention to me?

Before I even realized what was actually going on, you were already on your feet swiftly standing up without my consent and right at that moment my knees became utterly weak. I watched as you suddenly halted to a complete stand still a mere two seconds later right in front of my desk. You instantly picked up the single lonesome rose that had been sitting there this whole time as everyone in our classroom erupted with "oohs" and "ahhs". I assumed fairly sure of myself that you were indeed the one who had placed that rose on my desk in the first place.

"I really don't know you, but I want to get to know you Song Myunghee. " You shyly smiled, looking deep into my very eyes as you kept getting closer and closer into proximity towards me. I stumbled backwards as you diligently approac

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Pinlyluv87 #1
I couldn't resist to reread this and yet again I still feel all giddy! I can totally imagine the members being all prying into the maknae's love life hhehehehe :P
Chapter 2: Waaaahh daebaaaak!! I really love both stories~ <3
Chapter 1: Woah author-nim's writing is great.. Words flow smoothly :)) chapter 1 is jjang!! And kyeeoopptaa~ kookie <3
S2nancy #4
Chapter 2: Awww such a cute story! It's funny what love does to us. I can understand myunghee' feeling of guarding her heart. But I'm glad The other BTS' members wrote her the love letter so they both can finally meet! And they ended up with each other!!!! Yay!!! Great story!
LuHyunnie #5
Chapter 2: aww both chapters were so cute omgg too much fluff my heart cant. i was not disappointed at all <3 you did a great job author-nim ^-^ and im really curious to what Myunghee wrote
Jia_Yi #7
Chapter 2: aww i thought she would accept him when he confessed in public but i was wrong ahaha xD
i wonder what did Myunghee reply ~
this story is cuteeee ♡
mongguomma #8
Chapter 2: Finally!!! So sweettt that i almost smile like no tomorrow... ngeee~~♥♥