Sehun, Lu Han, and A Little Misunderstanding

Sehun, Lu Han, and A Little Misunderstanding

“I hate you.”

“You love me.”

“Your feet stink.”

“You stink.”

The two boys glared at each other as they rested against the wall of the dance studio. They both breathed in and out heavily, listening to the squeaks of the other people’s shoes. The boy with pink hair broke the silence.

“Jongin, put your ing shoes back on. I’m going to throw up from the stench.”

The brown haired one scoffed. “ it up, Sehun. Don’t be a .”

“Don’t call me that, you jackass.” Sehun spat back, hitting the tan arm.

“Don’t hit me.” Jongin warned him with threatening eyes.

Sehun hit him again.

Jongin jumped on him.

They rolled around on the floor and fought like girls. Throwing their hands around to slap each other’s faces yet turning their own face away.

Both of them did this until they heard a voice.

“Taemin told me make you guys stop uh- fighting, if you call this that?”

Sehun and Jongin looked above them to see a boy with big, wide eyes and a big clipboard in his small hands.

Jongin jumped up once he saw the eyes.

“Kyungsoo! You look cute with your clipboard.” He complimented the older man, his voice turning into his seductive voice because there was something about the big eyes and lost look that attracted Jongin to Kyungsoo.

“Uh, thanks.” Kyungsoo looked at his clipboard. “Jongin, Taemin also said to put your shoes back on. He can smell them from the office.”

Sehun jumped up and smirked. “Ha!” He said, voice filled with triumph.

Jongin grumbled but Kyungsoo was talking to him so he put on his shoes.

“That’s better.” Kyungsoo said, checking off his clipboard and walking away with a satisfied smile.

“Look at that,” Sehun said to Jongin. “Kyungsoo walking away from you with a smile.”

Jongin glared at him. “.”

Sehun smirked at him. Then he sighed, too tired from dancing and now arguing. He wiped his sweaty palms on Jongin’s face. “I’m going home. You’re too ugly for me to be seen talking to.”
The first thing Sehun did when he got home was strip himself of his sweaty clothes, including his underwear. Mainly because his balls were stuck and it was really ing uncomfortable.

“That’s better.” Sehun said to himself, walking around a little and letting his balls unstick themselves.

He made it to the kitchen when he heard a noise.

Sehun froze on the spot.


He turned around so violently that his hit the end of the counter. Sehun would have screamed in pain but he saw a major hottie sitting at his table. His eyes teared a little instead.

The boy at the table had light brown hair and slightly big eyes. Big, brown eyes and a smile, both pointed in Sehun’s direction.

There was silence as Sehun silently teared and the boy stared.

“You have a nice .”

The boy was the one who spoke. Sehun actually forgot he was and his was currently hanging for him to see. He was quick to cover it with his hands before moving behind the counter.

“Who are you?” Sehun asked, blushing red.

The boy smiled wide and got up, walking to Sehun. He reached across the counter for a handshake.

“Lu Han. It’s nice to meet you, Oh Sehun.” He spoke with a slight weird accent.

Sehun shook his hand and frowned.

“How do you know my name?” Then he realized something else. “How the hell did you get into my apartment?”

“I climbed through the window.” He said, pointing to the opened window.

“I live on the third story.”

“I know.” He said.

“Okay.” Sehun said, slowly processing that he needed to live on a higher floor and change his locks. “Who are you again?”

It was Lu Han’s turn to frown. Which made Sehun a little sad because he still looked too beautiful.

“Didn’t Jongin call you? He said he would tell you so you wouldn’t be yourself. I guess this,” He motioned Sehun’s ness, “is what he meant.”

Sehun blushed again. “Well, it’s my apartment. I can be if I want.”

“So, if I live here with you, I can be if I want, too?” Lu Han winked up at him.

Sehun’s eyes widened and Lu Han laughed at his reaction.

“I’m just kidding, Sehun- ah. But I really was hoping I could stay with you. I ran into Jongin earlier and were started talking and he said that you wouldn’t mind if I was nice.” Lu Han paused to check out Sehun’s reaction. “Of course, I’ll pay my half of rent and I’ll even cook enough for the both of us.”

Sehun blinked.

“You can stay if you don’t look at my when I go get my clothes.”

Lu Han agreed and Sehun turned to get his clothes.

He could feel himself being totally screwed because he just said Lu Han could stay with him and Lu Han was a hottie and he could feel Lu Han’s eyes watching him and his walk away.
“Where are you from?”

“China. I came to study Korean.”

“You’re speak really well already.”

“Yeah. I honestly just wanted to leave China.”


Sehun and Lu Han sat on the couch, watching television and eating dinner that Lu Han made. Which was delicious.

“That was delicious.” Sehun praised him when they finished.

“Eh.” Was Lu Han’s reply.

Sehun stared at him. “Can you cook better than that.”

Lu Han thought about it for a second and then nodded. Sehun stared at him.

“If you cook for me, you can stay without even paying the rent.” Sehun said, only half kidding because he had very specific tastes and his mother had cooked some things he liked.

Lu Han laughed his angelic laugh that echoed in Sehun’s ear. “I’m not that great.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” The pink- haired boy said, putting the dishes in the sink. “I’m going to get ready for bed.”

As Sehun brushed his teeth, he smiled to himself. It had only been six hours, tops, and Lu Han had carved a placed in Sehun’s life. He didn’t know it was possible but it felt like he’s known Lu Han his entire life.

Sehun finished brushing his teeth and took off his clothes again because Sehun always slept .

He looked at his balls. “You need to stop getting stuck.” He spoke in a baby voice to them.

Then he turned out the lights and went to his bedroom.

Sehun dropped his clothes, turned out his lamp, and climbed into bed. Only to scream like a girl and fall onto the floor.

“Are you okay?” Lu Han’s head peaked out of the side of his bed, under the sheets.

“What are you doing in my bed?!” Sehun shouted, his heart thumping because there was a person in his bed that he didn’t know about.

Lu Han gave him big, deer eyes and pouted his lip. “I need to snuggle with someone to sleep.”

That made Sehun’s heartbeat return to slightly normal beating because now he knew that Lu Han wasn’t there to murder him.

“That’s- that’s fine, then. You just scared me.” Sehun explained, getting back up.

“Sorry.” He didn’t sound sorry at all. “I still like your .”

Sehun shrieked because once again he was and his was hanging and he was in front of Lu Han.

Lu Han smirked and pulled the covers back, patting the space for Sehun to lie with him.

“Come in, then.” Sehun stared at the space. “Hurry, I’m cold.”

Sehun sighed and climbed in. The chinese boy instantly clung to him, making him blush.

“You may be but you’re really warm.” Lu Han commented. Sehun could feel his hands all over his body. “I like your abs, too.”

“I’m gay.” Sehun blurted out.

And this is really . Sehun added to himself.

“Cool. Me too.” Lu Han smiled. That made Sehun relax a bit because it would be worse if he liked a straight guy.

“Cool.” Sehun repeated, a smile on his face.

“I have a boyfriend back in China, though.” Lu Han announced before he fell asleep on Sehun’s chest.

Sehun looked down to Lu Han’s baby face and his soft smile. He dropped his head on his pillow and sighed, trying to stop his from hardening from the feeling of Lu Han’s leg thrown around his stomach.

When Sehun woke up the next morning, he heard laughter.

Groggily, he threw the sheets back and found himself wearing underwear. Just woken up and not able to think straight, he stumbled to the kitchen.

“Morning, sleepy head.”

It was almost comical how fast Sehun looked up and began stuttering as he saw Lu Han smiling at him, wearing a flower apron and cooking something at the stove. At the table, Jongin sat with a mug.

“Go sit down. I’m almost done with breakfast.” Lu Han told him. “I also put some underwear on you. Jongin came by.”

Sehun blushed and closed his mouth as he walked to sit across from Jongin.

“How’s the roommate I sent you doing?” Jongin asked as Sehun sat down.

“I can not believe you.” Sehun hissed at him.

“He’s hot, isn’t he?”

“You know I don’t do well with hot people.”

“He was just telling me about how you walked in twice.”

“He also told me he likes my .”

“Well, he hasn’t seen mine.”

“Jongin!” Sehun leaned in to hiss at him.

“Someone’s a bit overprotective.” Jongin , leaning closer with a smirk.

“I made western.”

Lu Han put down a plate of eggs and bacon between Sehun and Jongin’s faces before taking a seat next to Sehun. Jongin poked the fluffy, yellow eggs and put the fork down in disgust.

“It’s weird.” Jongin announced.

The chinese man pouted. “You haven’t even tried it yet.”

Sehun looked at Lu Han’s adorable pouty face and picked up the fallen fork, shoveling the eggs in his mouth.

“It’s tasty!” He complimented as he tried to swallowed, proceeding to choke.

Lu Han whacked his back a couple times as Jongin laughed. When the eggs were out, Lu Han handed the boy a glass of juice, which Sehun downed completely in seconds.

“It- was- good.” Sehun breathed out, trying to get enough air into his lungs.

Lu Han giggled at his actions. “You’re cute, Sehunnie.”

He kissed Sehun on the cheek.

Sehun froze.

“Well, this is interesting.” Jongin noted.

Sehun lifted his hand to where Lu Han’s lips were previously on his cheek. It kind of stung when he remembered Lu Han mentioned he already had a boyfriend.

“We’re going to my cousin’s dance studio later. Wanna come along?” Jongin changed the subject.

Lu Han shook his head. “I have a job interview. Need to pay rent somehow.”

“You already have a job interview?” Sehun asked. “Isn’t this only your second day in Korea?”

He nodded. “Yeah, but I made a friend yesterday. He said he would talk to his boss for me.”

“I hope you get it! Hopefully, you can influence Sehunnie because he doesn’t do .” Jongin joked as Sehun slapped him.

“Shut up.” Sehun grumbled, grabbing a handful of eggs and throwing it at him.

“My eggs!”
“I heard you got a roommate.”

“Is he hot?”

The two boys bombarded Sehun with questions once he came back to the apartment building.

“Aren’t I hot enough, Channie?” The smaller boy pouted up to the taller one, Chanyeol.

“Of course you are. It’s just basic information that we need to know, Baek.” Chanyeol told him, holding the smaller boy at the waist so he felt appreciated. That was enough for him because he was asking Sehun more questions about Lu Han.

“I heard he was from China.”

“How did you guys even figure out?” Sehun asked them.

“Thin walls.” Chanyeol told him, knocking on the wall of the hallway.

“You two do not need to tell me about thin walls.” Sehun pointed out to them.

They were pretty quiet after. All three of them remembered how they first met.
Sehun had just moved in the apartment next door and Baekhyun and Chanyeol were pretty much running a marathon. Somewhere around Baekhyun’s fourth and Chanyeol three quarters of the way to his third, Sehun knocked persistently on the door. Sehun glared at them, threw in a voice recorder, and slammed the door shut. When they pressed play, their moans filled the room.
“Oh Sehun, always the conversation killer!” Chanyeol threw his hands up.

“Dammnit!” Baekhyun followed in fake anger. The couple walked away, continuously throwing their hands in the air and letting out loud outbursts.

Sehun looked after them.

“Weirdos.” He said as he took long strides because his balls were sticking again.
“Um, am I interrupting something?”

Sehun walked into his apartment to find Lu Han and some other man sitting rather close together on the couch.

“Sehunnie!” Lu Han jumped up, the man looking somewhat disappointed. “This is Joonmyeon! He’s the son of the building owner.”

Joonmyeon waved and Sehun was jealous.

Lu Han tugged Sehun so all three of them sat together on the couch. “He just came to let me in because I didn’t have a key.”

“Oh, right. Take this before I forget.” Joonmyeon smiled, handing Lu Han a key.

He squealed and took it. “Thank you so much, Joonie!” Lu Han smiled, hugging him.

The man bit his lip, looking uncomfortable under Lu Han’s touch (as well as Sehun’s glare).

“It’s no problem. Just call me if you ever have a prob-”


“I’ll get it!” Lu Han bounced towards the door, swinging it open.

“Is Joonmyeon here?” A man asked Lu Han, poking his head in.


“Lu Han!” Lu Han added, getting a weird look from Jongdae, to whom he asked, “Who are you?”

“Joonmyeon’s boyfriend.”

Sehun smiled and stood up, pulling Joonmyeon with him to the door. “Here’s your boyfriend. Take him back.” He pushed to man into Jongdae’s arms and backhugged Lu Han.

Jongdae frowned at his boyfriend. “We have dinner reservations. Stop working.”

“Sorry. I just got caught up talking to Lu Han. He just moved here from China.”

The man in the doorway reached into his pocket and pulled out a card, putting on Lu Han’s outstretched hand. “Feliz cumpleaños.”

Then he walked away, Joonmyeon in tow.

Sehun looked down at the card. “That’s a phone number.”


“Did you just put that in your pocket?”

“You’re wearing underwear to sleep tonight?”

“Yeah. I figured it wouldn’t be right if you have a boyfriend and you’re sleeping in the bed with me. Which you apparently are.”

“The couch is not suitable for my body like your bed is. Plus, my boyfriend trusts me.”

Sehun climbed into the bed, where Lu Han’s head popped out from under the covers.

“If you sleep , it doesn’t make me uncomfortable.”

Sehun looked at the ceiling. Then he felt blood rush to his face.

“Is that your ?”

“I like to sleep too, Sehunnie.”

Sehun stiffened.

Lu Han yawned. “I’m tired.” He rested his head against Sehun’s arm and hugged him tightly as he drifted to sleep.
Sehun walked into Taemin’s office at the studio. He dropped his bag and lied on the older man’s desk.

“I hate your cousin.”

“I actually hear the exact opposite a lot.” Taemin answered calmly, sitting back in his chair.

“He doesn’t make them have a hot person as their roommate.”

“What’s wrong with Lu Han?”

“He has a boyfriend.”

“Already?” Now Taemin sounded interested.

“Back in China.”


“Yeah.” Sehun sighed and covered his eyes with his arm.

“You know people lie about having boyfriends and girlfriends and stuff, sometimes.”

Sehun sat up instantly. “What?”


The office door opened and Kyungsoo came in.

“Sorry I’m late.” Kyungsoo said, “Jongin came out of nowhere and started talking to me even though I tried to tell him I was going to be late for work.”

“Kyungsoo!” Taemin got up, ignoring Sehun. “I forgot to mention this before but I hired someone else to work with you. Our parents are close and he just moved here so be nice.”

Kyungsoo blinked. “Are you giving him my clipboard?”

“No, I bought him a new one.”

“Good.” Kyungsoo went to pick up his black clipboard with red heart stickers on the back.
“I hate Taemin.”

“And I hate you but what can we do?”

“Shut up, Sehun. This is serious.” Jongin proclaimed. “We have to get rid of the new guy.”

“I like him.” Sehun said. “He speaks three languages, the nicest person anyone’s ever met, and he has ing dimples.”

“Exactly! He can use all those and more to take my Kyungsoo away from me.”

“Did you just call me your Kyungsoo?”

Sehun and Jongin turned to find Kyungsoo standing behind them with his clipboard in hand.

Jongin shrieked and ran out of the dance studio.

“Is he okay?” Kyungsoo asked, watching the spot where Jongin stood a few seconds ago.

Sehun shrugged. “Not really.”

“Kyung! I need help!” The new guy, Yixing, called out to Kyungsoo.

“Okay.” The small boy replied indifferently.
“Smells amazing.” Sehun complimented Lu Han as he watched the Chinese boy cook something at the stove.

“Thanks! My mom taught me. Here, try this.” Lu Han pulled out a spoonful of the liquid and held it to Sehun’s lips, letting him taste a little.

Sehun moaned. “Your cooking is going to be the death of me.”

Lu Han giggled at his reaction.

“Do you need help?” Sehun offered, getting up.

“Um, yeah! Do you mind setting the table?” Lu Han asked. Sehun nodded, grabbing two plates from the cabinet, only to be stopped by the man. “Actually, I forgot to mention, I invited some people over for dinner.”

Sehun’s mouth formed an ‘o’. “Okay. Um, do I need to change into something nicer?”

Lu Han was quick to shake his head. “I don’t think you have to. You already know th-”

Ding dong.

“I’ll get it.” Sehun said. Lu Han smiled and went back to his cooking.

The bleached- haired boy opened the door and almost shut it instantly.

“You’ve never been good with guests, have you, Sehunnie?” The tall one said.

“Tsk, tsk. These are manners you need in life.” The short one added, pushing the door open and walking in, the tall one trailing behind.

“Oh, shut up, Baekhyun. What the hell are you guys doing here? Lu Han said that he’s having gues-”

“Baekhyun, Chanyeol! You came!” Lu Han shouted, smiling dazzling at them.

Baekhyun winked at Sehun and went to greet Lu Han. “We brought beer.”

Chanyeol handed the carton over to Sehun as Lu Han pulled them to the kitchen. He came back for Sehun.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, Sehunnie. I bumped into them earlier and being new, I thought it would be good if I got to know our neighbors. I forgot to tell you earlier. Is this alright with you?” Lu Han said, looking up at him with wide eyes.

Sehun nodded automatically. “It’s your apartment, too. As long you want to have people over, then it’s okay.”

The chinese boy jumped up. “Thank you, Sehun- ah.” He kissed Sehun’s cheek. “Come on, let’s have a glass of wine.”
The night wasn’t as bad as Sehun thought it would be.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun didn’t say anything embarrassing about him, so that was good. As well as the wine that they brought over, which Lu Han enjoyed a bit too much. Not to get drunk but just under the line. They found out that wine and Lu Han equals extra- touchy Lu Han. And extra- touchy Lu Han eventually led to a red and hard Sehun.

The only bad thing was when they finally left, Baekhyun said a few things in Chinese to Lu Han that made him blush red and glance at Sehun, so he needed to know what he said.

“That was fun.” Lu Han hiccuped, sliding into Sehun’s bed.

Sehun hummed a response as he climbed into bed.

“We should have them over again. I like them.”

Again, he got a hummed response.

“Are you okay?”

“What did Baekhyun say to you?” He needed to know. It was killing him.


“Baekhyun. When they were leaving, he said something in Chinese and you got all red.” Sehun explained even though they both knew exactly what he was talking about.

“It’s not important.” Lu Han said, turning away from Sehun for the first time since they met.

“It must be.” Sehun said, hugging Lu Han, blowing on his neck, making him shiver.

Lu Han muttered something Sehun couldn’t make out the words.


“He said that we make a great couple.”

Sehun was shocked. “Really?”

Lu Han turned around and saw Sehun’s skeptical expression. “What’s that face for?”

“I’m just shocked that he would say that.” Lu Han raised a brow. “You mentioned your boyfriend over dinner so I thought that would be kind of rude to say.”

Lu Han blinked blankly at Sehun and then turned back around.

“Right.” Lu Han said, curling into a ball.

Sehun gave a small smile as he spooned the smaller man, falling asleep with the scent of his strawberry shampoo.
“The new guy is really getting on my nerves.”

Jongin’s eyes narrowed as he zoned in on Kyungsoo and Yixing, laughing closely.

“I literally told you a thousand times to ask Kyungsoo out to avoid stuff like this.”

“I have asked him out!” Jongin insisted.

“By ‘ask him out’, I meant in a way that he can hear every word you say and can understand what you mean.”

“Oh, piss off.”

Sehun was silent and Jongin looked like he was going to steam when he saw Yixing holding Kyungsoo’s hand.

“Maybe we should go for a walk?” Sehun suggested.

Thinking for the best for both of them, Sehun pulled Jongin out of the studio and into the chilly air.

“Calm down, Hulk.” Sehun told him, closing his eyes to make him stop watching the two. “Let’s take a walk.”

They made it two minutes down the street when Jongin stopped steaming and five minutes before Jongin was pulled them into a store.

“My money’s in my bag at the studio.” Sehun told him.

“Mine too.” Jongin informed him. “But I think you might get something on the house here.”

“What do you mean?” He looked at the rows of fresh cookies to the sign with all the different flavors of bubble tea. “Woah.”

“Sehun- ah!”

The loud shout made Sehun jump back into Jongin’s arms. He searched for the owner of the voice, finding Lu Han behind the counter with a bright smile and a nametag.

“I didn’t know you were coming!” Lu Han said, surprised.

“I didn’t know you worked here?” Sehun told him, using Jongin’s arms to steady himself. Lu Han’s smile faltered for a second but it came back, just less bright.

“I forgot to tell you! I got the job!” He smiled, waving his arms wildly and almost whacking someone coming from the back of the shop.

“You have worked here for five hours and that is literally the third time you’ve almost given me a black eye.” The smaller man complained (not really), lowering Lu Han’s arm.

“Minnie, this is my friend I was telling you about. Sehun- ah, this is Minseok. He hired me.” Lu Han introduced them.

Minseok reached across the counter and Sehun slowly met him a quarter of the way, shaking hands.

“I’m Jongin, Sehun’s partner in everything because he can’t human right.” Jongin introduced himself. Minseok looked at the pair, smiling.

“Nice to meet you. Do you guys want something to eat?” Minseok asked, gesturing towards the food.

Sehun’s eyes went immediately to the list of bubble tea. Lu Han noticed.

“Or do you want a bubble tea?” Lu Han asked. Sehun turned red.

“No, we left our wallets and stuff at the dance studio.” Sehun told him.

“It’s on the house, then!” Minseok smiled, clapping his hands.

Sehun looked unsure while Jongin jumped right into the idea. “Really?”

“It’s alright.” Minseok told him, “What flavor do you want?”

“No, no, I don’t want to make you do that. You’re working and we don’t have money,” Sehun trailed off.

Jongin started to order without another thought.

Lu Han leaned over the counter towards Sehun.

“It’s okay, Sehunnie.” Lu Han tried to re- assure him. Sehun opened his mouth to protest but Lu Han covered it with his hand. “I don’t care what you say. I’m going to make one for you anyways so you might as well say what flavor you want.”

Sehun mumbled something against Lu Han’s hand.


Sehun lowered Lu Han’s hand and spoke again, “Can I have a choco flavored one?”
“What are you doing now?” Lu Han asked as he came by to take a seat with them for a second, just to talk.

“We were going back to my cousin’s dance studio.” Jongin said before Sehun even had a chance. “Wanna come with us?”

Lu Han shook his head. “I don’t want to interrupt you guys.” Before Sehun could open his mouth to say ‘having you be with me would never be an interruption’, Lu Han spoke again. “Anyways, I still have to work. And I am totally going to just sleep when I get home. I’m completely exhausted.”

“You guys should go back home together.” Jongin said.

“No, no! It’s fine. You guys were going to the studio so it’s fine.” Lu Han rushed.

Jongin kicked Sehun’s shin.

Sehun whimpered at the pain.

“Are you alright, Sehunnie?” Lu Han asked, noticing the little tears at the corner of his eyes.

Sehun nodded rapidly as if it would stop the pain, feeling himself blush under the close examination of the chinese man.

“I’ll see tonight, then. Be careful dancing, Sehun- ah.” Lu Han ran his fingers through Sehun’s bleached hair and smiled as he walked away.
“It’s your own fault.”

“You broke my shin! How could I say anything when your ing foot was digging a hole in my leg?!” Sehun shouted at his friend, pissed at his actions earlier.

Jongin scoffed. “Don’t be like that. I barely touched you.”

Sehun looked at him with disbelief and yelled for Kyungsoo. He came in a second, Yixing following a second behind him with his own pink clipboard with unicorn stickers.

“Are you guys okay?” He asked, prepared to write their problem on his clipboard and report back to Taemin.

Sehun pulled out his pout and pointed to his leg. “Look what Jongin did to my leg. It really hurts.”

Kyungsoo squatted down and looked at it with wide eyes.

“How could you do this to him, Jongin?” He asked. “A little more force and Sehun could have bled.”

Jongin dropped his jaw as Kyungsoo scolded him. When he was done, the big eyed man took Sehun to Taemin’s office to put a bandage on his leg.

Sehun stuck his tongue out as he was being pulled away.
I made you some rice and fish. I should still be kind of warm if you didn’t come back to late. I hope it’s enough. xoxo :)

Sehun smiled as he read the sheet.

He remembered Lu Han saying he was tired from work and he still made him some dinner. Sehun unwrapped the rice and fish, steam escaping immediately and inhaling the smell.

He ate quickly, washing his dishes after. Sehun went to his room, expecting to find Lu Han in his bed but found it empty.

“Hyung?” Sehun called out.

Now he was frowning. He walked and looked for his chinese man.

Sehun found him in the living room, sleeping on the couch.

“What are you doing sleeping on the couch, hyung?” Sehun said out loud to the sleeping man, frowning as he looked down. He stared for a second and made up his mind, crouching down and picking the man up in his arms, making their way back to his room.

Carefully, he placed Lu Han in his bed, tucking him into his sheets.

Sehun went to shower and brush his teeth before coming back out. He smiled when he saw Lu Han snuggled in his bed.

“Better.” Sehun smiled, climbing in next to him.
Lu Han was certainly dazed when he woke up the next morning in the middle of Sehun’s bed.

“What?” He wondered out loud, sitting up. He looked around and rubbed his eyes, making sure he’s seeing right. “Didn’t I sleep on the couch?”

“I moved you.” Sehun smiled as he walked in with a tray of food. He placed the tray on Lu Han’s lap.

The man looked down and found himself staring at a bowl of rice soup. He looked at Sehun with a confused expression.

“I, um, I made you breakfast. Since you came home tired last night and you still made me food before you went to sleep.” Sehun cleared his throat, feeling his blush as he looked at the floor. “I thought this could be a thank you.”

There was silence and then a loud gasp followed by a clank.

Sehun jumped back and looked up at Lu Han, his face full of surprise.

“This. is.” Sehun closed his eyes, not wanting to hear Lu Han’s response to his bad food. “Amazing.”

Sehun blinked. “Amazing?”

Lu Han nodded and shoveled more into his mouth. He finished the bowl sooner than Sehun thought he would have.

“We should make you cook for me.” Lu Han joked as Sehun picked the tray back up.

“Then we would only eat rice soup for the rest of our lives.” Sehun responded, half jokingly, walking at turtle pace to the kitchen.

Lu Han frowned behind him. “Why are you walking so slow? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Are you limping?”


“Did you hurt yourself dancing yesterday?”



“Hey, what ar- !”

Lu Han jumped on Sehun, sending the tall boy crashing. Lu Han sat on Sehun’s chest as the boy scrambled on the floor.

“Get up, hyung.” Sehun whined.

“Just let me see first.” Lu Han told him, making the boy still underneath him as he rolled up the pant leg. “You say it’s nothing and it’s bandaged?”

“It’s not that bad.” Sehun insisted.

Lu Han gasped for that second time that morning. “Sehun, what happened?”

Sehun peer to look at his leg. The bruise was blue and black and a lot bigger.

“Wow. It’s wasn’t that bad last night.”

“What did you do?” Lu Han asked, poking it, making Sehun shout.

“That hurts!” Sehun shouted, rolling over.

Lu Han looked sheepish. “Sorry. Seriously, though, what happened?”

“Jongin happened.” Sehun mumbled.

“Jongin did this to you?” Lu Han asked, eyebrows raised.

“Yeah, he’s an .”

Lu Han bit his lip nervously and got off Sehun, kneeling next to him instead. “Maybe you shouldn’t see him if he does this to you.” He said slowly.

“Well, I’m not seeing him today. I have work.” Sehun told him.

“Let me walk you there!” Lu Han said quickly, holding his arm.

Sehun looked at the hand on his arm and laughed nervously. “If you want to, I guess.”

“I want to!” Lu Han said, helping the boy up off the kitchen floor and pushing him back to his room to get ready.
“You work here?”

The two of them stood in front of a little building named Pandao’s Martial Arts. The logo was a cute yet fierce panda holding a bamboo stick in fighting position.

“Yeah. Zitao has the Prince Disease so I basically get paid to watch him do martial arts and just answer the phone and stuff.” Sehun shrugged, holding the door open for Lu Han.

“Woah.” He said, amazed as he looked into a room and saw some kids practicing their board breaking skills.

“Yeah, they’re new but they’ll learn from Zitao so they’ll get better.” Sehun told him.

“They’re going to get even better? I don’t even think I can’t even hit a punching bag without getting a sore hand and they’re breaking boards in half.” Lu Han said, surprised.

“You’re late!” A voice boomed through the front room. Lu Han jumped back and Sehun just rolled his eyes.

“I’m sorry I’m late. I’ll leave sooner next time.” Sehun replied in monotone, turning face- to- face with a stoic faced man.

“That’s what you said last time.” He crossed his arms.

“That’s what I’ve said everytime.” Sehun pointed out. “This is Lu Han, by the way.”

The man looked at Lu Han for a second and came to a conclusion.

“Lessons for kids from ages 15- 18 are held every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Sometimes Saturdays and Sundays, if you really want to improve your skills.”

The man took a paper from the pile on Sehun’s desk and handed it to Lu Han. “Fill this out and have your mommy or daddy sign it. Bring it back to us and you can start your martial arts lessons.” He ended with a gummy smile.

Lu Han blinked at him.

“I’m 23 years old.”


Sehun tried and failed stifling his laugh behind his hand.

“You have lived for 23 years?” He asked slowly, completely surprised.

“Yes, I have!” Lu Han pouted, making him look even younger (and cute as , Sehun noticed).

Sehun just bursted out with laughter.

“Shut up!” Lu Han’s face was red.

“What’s the big idea out here?” A man with dark circles around his eyes shouted, before slamming the door shut.

The tall man sighed. “Sorry, I’m Kris. That guy was Zitao- he owns the place. He hates when it gets too noisy when he’s teaching.”

“I guess I should get going then.” Lu Han said. Kris nodded.

“No, you don-”

“Sehun, shut up and do your job.” Kris ordered. “Your boyfriend can come get you later.”

Sehun blushed and Lu Han smiled as he left the building.
“So, who was that guy earlier?”


Zitao rolled his eyes.

“The guy who was with you when you came in half an hour late again earlier.” Kris said, putting a file in the cabinet and walking away.

“No one.” Sehun said without looking up.

“I have another class to teach in 30 seconds. Tell me who he is.” The older man ordered.


“Tell me.”

“Go teach.”

“Tell me.”

“My friend.”

“Zitao! Where are you?” It was a student’s voice.

“Dammnit.” Zitao muttered. “I’ll just ask Kris later, then.”

And he walked away.
“What are you doing here?”

“I told you I was gonna come back to pick you up.”

Lu Han smiled and Sehun frowned, putting on his jacket.

“I thought you were joking. Me and Jongin had plans.”

“Cancel them. You’re coming home with me.”

“He’s going to be mad. We had this planne-”

He was cut off when Lu Han pulled him forward, making him stumble a little before he straightened himself upright.

“I don’t care. We’re going home and we’re going to eat chips and cookies and popcorn as we watch Shrek.” Lu Han informed him, tugging the younger boy out as he signed out, waving goodbye to Yifan and Zitao as they passed by.

“Jongin told me to cut back on junk food because I get chubby and it hurts my dancing.” Sehun told him.

“I can’t express how much I don’t care about Jongin and what he thinks.” Lu Han said, mumbling something else.

Sehun still tried to protest.

Lu Han sighed and put his hand out. “Give me your phone.”

He gave it to him without a second thought. The chinese man typed something and put it back in Sehun’s pocket. “There. Now the only plans you have are with me and junk food.”

Sehun opened his mouth to protest but then he saw the small smile on Lu Han’s face and he closed it.

The smell of lavender woke the young man up, liking the sweetness. He sniffed some more and opened his eyes a little, finding brown hair. Lu Han’s hair.

Sehun blinked and then he smiled. He pushed himself onto his elbow, finding that they fell asleep on the couch, facing each other. Lu Han in front and Sehun with a leg thrown over the smaller boy. He moved his leg back and Lu Han shifted, turning around to bury his face in Sehun’s chest.

He would have moved back but he liked how they were together, just peacefully and not doing anything.


Sehun snapped his head up and saw someone who looked just like Jongin, his black hair shiny and his eyes sparkling.

“You almost gave me a ing heart attack.” Sehun snapped before slowly getting up. Lu Han made a noise of displeasure but he was still asleep.

“Good morning to you, too, Sehun.” He said. “I guess your roommate situation is under control if you guys are sleeping together.”

Sehun blushed. “We didn’t have !”

The brown eyes twinkled. “I didn’t mean it like that but okay then.” Sehun glared as he realized he fell into the trap. They walked into the kitchen.

Sehun’s eyes were still narrow as he glared at the older man and they stayed narrow as he turned to make coffee as Taemin sat at the counter. “Jongin’s mad at you.”

“I had plans.”

“With Jongin but cancelled last minute for Lu Han.” Taemin added.

Sehun sat on the counter, crossing his legs like a princess. “So?”

Taemin glanced at the slim legs. “You know better than anyone that Jongin gets what Jongin wants.” The man separated the crossed legs abruptly and stepped between them. “And he really wanted something last night.” He whispered into Sehun’s ear.

Sehun’s breath hitched, making Taemin’s eyebrow raise.

Taemin had kissed Sehun before. As did Jongin. And maybe even all three of them once (but that’s for another time).

“What’s wrong, Sehun? Am I not good enough anymore?” Taemin’s hand was burning a hole on his thighs, through his jeans. “Did you replace me?”

Sehun gulped visibly. Sure, Sehun liked Lu Han but he said he already had a boyfriend. But he really, really liked Lu Han. Sehun bit his lip and decided he shouldn’t fall in love with someone who already had someone special and complicate things.

“N- no.” Sehun’s voice cracked.

Taemin smirked.

The black- haired man moved one hand up Sehun’s side, maintaining eye contact. His tanned hand stopped on Sehun’s cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

Sehun opened his mouth slightly and Taemin leaned in close. Their lips touched in a second and Taemin was on Sehun’s pink tongue.

They made out for minutes and when they parted, they both had red lips. Sehun looked down.

“It’s okay, Sehun.” Taemin said understandably in a voice Sehun never heard before. “Things with Lu Han will work out if it’s really meant to be.”

And Taemin left the apartment.

The man on the counter didn’t like this. He thought kissing Taemin would weaken his feelings for the older, chinese man but it did nothing. Sehun’s eyes stung, feeling tears forming.

“Hey, was that Jongin leaving the apartment just now?”

It was Lu Han, awake now.

Sehun didn’t trust his voice to say anything, knowing it would crack if he tried. Instead, he nodded, which made his tears fall. He quickly wiped them away but Lu Han was in front of him and he saw.

“Are you crying? What happened? Did Jongin just do something to you?” Lu Han panicked, holding Sehun’s face up, seeing the wet tears slid down. “, I’m going to kill him.”

He turned but Sehun grabbed his arm, slingshotting him back into his chest. Sehun tucked his wet face into Lu Han’s neck, holding him tight.

“Don’t. Just- just stay here with me.” Sehun whispered.

Lu Han bit his lip and nodded, holding Sehun close.

“I’m here for you.”
Lu Han pushed his chair back and stood up.

“Fresh air.”

Sehun looked up. “What.”

“Fresh air!” Lu Han screamed, throwing his arms up. “Ever since I got here, all you do is see Jongin, go to work, and eat and sleep. You need to get outside!”

Sehun looked at the overexcited man.

Lu Han smiled brightly.

Sehun and Lu Han were happy the entire time.

They walked and shopped and talked and skipped. The two of them were the happiest people on Earth at the moment.


Lu Han turned around and Sehun forced a hat on his head. He fixed it and Lu Han looked in the mirror.

“Ai! What’s this?”

Sehun laughed. “It’s a panda hat! Look!” He picked up the long part attached to the head. “You look cute!”

Lu Han crinkled his nose cutely and he spotted his defense weapon.

“Close your eyes!”

Bzz. Bzz.

“Wait, someone’s calling me.” Sehun muttered, taking his phone out. “It’s Jongin.” Stupid idiot, ruining my time with Lu Han. Sehun thought.

“Ignore it.” Lu Han simply. Sehun rejected the call and was about to put his phone away when it rang again.

Sehun sighed. “He always does this. Everytime I don’t answer, he just calls until I pick up.” He explained, rejecting it again, only to have it ring half a second later.

“I’ll just take that.” Lu Han plucked the phone out of his hand, turned it off, and put it in his backpack he was carrying around.

“He’s going to be so mad.” Sehun told him.

Lu Han shrugged. “He’s going to have to go through me if he’s interrupting our time together with useless things. Now, just close your eyes.”

Sehun smiled because our time and squeezed his eyes shut and Lu Han put a hat on his head. “Open!”

Sehun opened one eye and groaned.

“I’m not a vegetable!”

Lu Han exploded.

On Sehun’s head was a potato hat. The color somehow matched Sehun’s own skin color. His head and the hat becoming one.


“You did not just take a picture of me in that hat.”

“Who knows?”

“You’re lucky I like you.”



“No, what?”

“Nothing. I’m starving.”

Sehun pulled Lu Han towards the register and pulled out his wallet.

“What are you doing?” Lu Han asked, confused about everything.

“Paying, what does it look like?” He snarked back, pocketing the change.

Lu Han pouted. “What did you buy?”

“That panda hat you’re wearing.” Sehun pointed to the hat on Lu Han’s head.

Lu Han’s eyes widened. “You didn’t have to buy me this! It doesn’t look good on me-”

“Shut up, hyung, it was mostly for me. You just look so cute in it.”

Lu Han blushed deeply.

“Hyung! I’m hungry!”
“I’ve never had this before.”

Lu Han put some meat and greens in the boiling pot.

“You’ve never had hot pot before?” The chinese man asked incredulously.

Sehun shook his head, sniffing the pot. “I mean, Jongin’s mom made it for us before and I asked my mom but she never said yes.”

“Forget that. I’m here and now you’ll always remember that time you had amazing hot pot with hyung.” Lu Han smiled, putting food on Sehun’s plate.

The tall boy blushed and Lu Han giggled. Sehun ate a piece of meat and widened his eyes.

“Lu Han! This is the best!” Sehun said, completely serious. He began to shovel the food in his mouth at a rapid rate.

Lu Han laughed and started eating. “I’m glad you like it, Sehunnie.”

“It tastes like heaven.” Sehun spoke through a stuffed mouth, picking out some watercress and even more meat.

Lu Han smiled wide, watching the younger boy eat his cooking. He was like a little boy.

Sehun felt the older man’s gaze on him. “Aren’t you hungry, hyung?” He picked up one of his own pieces of meat and pushed it against Lu Han’s closed mouth. When Lu Han didn’t open his mouth, Sehun said, “Say ‘ah’!”

The chinese man laughed at his childish tactics but Sehun took the opportunity to put the meat in his mouth.

“I am a pretty good cook.” Lu Han complimented himself.

Sehun rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you’re a pretty good housewife.”

“I am not.”

“You even look like a girl.”

“I do not!”

“A little eyeliner, a little lipstic-”

“Say it again and I’m never making you hot pot again.”

“I apologize.”

Sehun put on fresh underwear (he was used to it now) and walked back to his room, looking for his phone.

“Have you seen my phone?” Sehun asked Lu Han, who was waiting in bed. “I can’t find it anyway.”

“Your phone? Oh! It’s in my backpack!” Lu Han pointed to the black bag on the dresser.

Sehun opened the bag and shuffled through. He found a box and some other things that made him blush before he found his phone. He slipped into bed with his phone and a red face.

“I- um- I got 21 missed calls from Jongin.” Sehun informed him, to which Lu Han rolled his eyes.

“Don’t call him back now. He’s an , remember? How’s your bruise doing, anyways?” Lu Han asked, remembering the black and blue mark on Sehun’s pal shin.

Sehun didn’t answer, his mind lost.

Lu Han looked up and smirked, poking his face. “You’re always red when you get into bed with me, Sehunnie. Do you want to start sleeping without underwear again?”

He shook his head.

“What is it? Did you see something in my bag?”

He didn’t move.

“What was it?”

Sehun bit his lip. “I shouldn’t say.”

“It can’t be that bad. I packed it before I left China. There’s only some extra money and junk.” Lu Han shrugged.

He shook his head.

“There’s a 32 piece box of condoms, two and a half bottles of lube, and a pink .”

Lu Han choked on air and Sehun blushed even more.

“My friend must have done that as a joke.” Lu Han explained, himself turning red.

Sehun nodded, just going along with it.

He felt warmer.

Lu Han trailed his hand up the pale, bare torso to where Sehun’s neck and shoulder connected, arm bent. He put a leg between the taller boy’s thighs and crawled up to whisper in his ear.

“We can use them if you want to.”

Sehun froze.

“I- Hyu- Lu Han-”

Lu Han removed his entire body from the younger boy.

“Don’t worry, Hunnie. Goodnight.” Lu Han kissed underneath his chin and snuggled into the blanket.

Sehun’s entire body was so worked up from Lu Han’s statement that he should have been burning up from embarassment or something.

But Lu Han wasn’t touching him so he felt like he was freezing.
“Hey, kid.”

Lu Han groaned and pushed the bigger man away. He walked to Sehun’s desk and put an arm around his shoulders.

“Your canadian co- worker is being mean to me, Sehun- ah.” He pouted.

“What do you want me to do about it?” Sehun asked, pretending to look busy by flipping through papers.

Lu Han made a noise. “Now you’re being mean to me, too!”

“I am simply working at my job.”

“I guess working people don’t deserve my special made chocolate bubble tea.”

“I apologize.”

“Not needed.” Lu Han pushed the bubble tea into Sehun’s waiting hand. “This is my apology for leaving so early this morning. Sorry about that.”

Sehun shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. You went into work early, right?”

“Yeah. Minseok found a ferret in his apartment this morning and he had absolutely no idea what to do.” Lu Han explained, sitting on Sehun’s desk.

“Chanyeol use to have a ferret. He might want it.” He suggested.

The clock rung 7 o’clock.

“It’s 7:00!” Sehun shouted and grabbed his jacket. “I’m leaving!”

“See you tomorrow!” That was Yifan.

“Shut up! I’m trying to teach this kid how to kill a man with a thumb!” That was Zitao.

Lu Han watched as Sehun left all the papers on his desk, not even pushing his chair in, and walked to the exit.

“Coming?” Sehun asked.

“Don’t you have to put your papers away? You know, clean up a little?”

Sehun shook his head. “I’m just going to take it back out when I come back. It’s a hassle, really.”

He shrugged and followed Sehun out.

They walked in complete silence, neither one of them trying to initiate conversation. Sehun sipped on his bubble tea and tried not to turn red.

Memories of what happened last night made him nervous to be around Lu Han. Although Lu Han said he already has a boyfriend, Sehun couldn’t help but develop a crush on the older man. Everything about him was just sweet and attractive to Sehun. And Lu Han being on him and whispering in his ear, whispering that ual sentence in his ear after he found ual things in his backpack- it wasn’t helping Sehun’s problem.

He has a crush on Lu Han. Who is his friend/roommate. Who already has a boyfriend.

“I’m sorry about last night.”

Sehun snapped out of his thoughts, looking to the smaller man.


“I’m sorry for what I did last night.” Lu Han was looking down, not meeting Sehun’s eyes. “I know it was completely inappropriate.”

“It’s okay. I’m completely fine with it but since you have a boyfriend back in China, it would be inappropriate.” Sehun bit his lip to make himself not say anything too stupid.

Lu Han stopped walking. “Boyfriend?”

Sehun looked back at him. “Didn’t you say you had a boyfriend?”

“Oh, yeah!” Lu Han started walking again. “My boyfriend. In China. Right.”

The younger boy frowned as Lu Han power walked past him, muttering to himself.



“I’m sad and lonely and get your dumb over here.”

Sehun groaned when he heard the words. “Jongin, it’s 2 in the morni-”

“You’ve left me alone for days.”

Sehun checked to make sure Lu Han was still sleeping soundly next to him before saying, “I’ll be over in ten minutes.”
“Hunnie!” Jongin’s voice rang through the hall as he jumped on Sehun into his apartment.

“Oi! You’re heavy!” Sehun shouted as he fell on his , Jongin on him.  Jongin giggled as Sehun tried to lift him up but only succeeded in putting them in sitting position. “You’re drunk again, aren’t you?”

“What makes you say that?” Jongin asked, poking Sehun’s cheek. Sehun grabbed his hand and stood up, pulling him up with him. The tanner boy was leaning on Sehun as the younger brought them in his apartment.

Sehun dropped the man on the couch and went to the kitchen. He came back with a cold glass of water for Jongin and a cup of tea for himself.

“What did you do today that made you think you needed to get drunk?” Sehun asked, making the man drink the water.

Jongin mumbled something in his shoulder and then repeated himself clearer when Sehun jiggled his shoulder.

“I threw up on Kyungsoo earlier.”

“How did that happen?” Sehun asked.

“I ate two chickens for lunch and I must have pushed myself dancing. I feel awful.”

“You should. Two chickens, dancing too much, and now drinking too much?” Sehun shook his head disapprovingly at the older man. “Come on, let’s go to the bathroom. I don’t want you puking in your bed.”

In the bathroom, Sehun sat next to Jongin as he held his head near the toilet.

“Don’t push yourself too hard, Jongin. Everyone knows Kyungsoo already likes you.” Sehun said, rubbing his back soothingly, hoping he was easing the pain.

Jongin finally threw up.

“Why did you leave me, Sehun? You know I can’t get Kyungsoo without you.” Jongin whined, wiping his mouth.

“You can get Kyungsoo all by yourself.” Sehun reassured him.

Jongin grumbled, pushing Sehun’s hand away. “You’re just saying that so you can spend all your time with your Chinese man.”

He struggled to stand up and Sehun was taken aback by his words. Was he really just saying that?

Sehun shook himself out of his thoughts and stood up, grabbing the small, metal trashcan. He went to Jongin’s room, the man on the bed. Sehun rolled the man over so he was on his stomach and his head was almost off the bed, just in case he needed to puke again.

Being the (slightly) good friend he is, Sehun cleaned the apartment a little and went back to check on his friend, finding him still passed out.

He looked at the clock and found that it was already 3:30 and it was still pitch black out. Tired, Sehun took his clothes off and crawled into bed with Jongin, yawning before falling asleep on the soft pillow.
“How is it that I always end up on the floor when I sleep over?”

Sehun rolled on the floor, hoping the pain would somehow stop.

“You know I’m a twisty sleeper.” Jongin insisted from where his head looked down at Sehun from the side of the bed.

“And you know I’m such a good friend because you called me over at 2 in the ing morning and here I am, on your floor.” Sehun groaned, standing up and stretching.

Jongin squinted at him. “What’s that on your face?”


“On your cheek.” Jongin pulled him down. “It’s a cut.”

“Seriously?” Sehun went to the mirror and, sure enough, there was a red cut on his cheek. “How did that happen?”

“Probably when you fell.” Jongin shrugged, not really caring.

“I hurt myself for you and you don’t even care about me.” He pouted.

Jongin yawned and pulled on a sweater. “I care enough to wait a minute for you to wash the blood off your face before we go get food because I am starving.”
Sehun wiped the meat Jongin accidentally spat on his face.

“You ate two chickens yesterday, puked both out, and now you’re eating chicken again.”

Jongin shrugged and spoke through a full mouth. “Basically.”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” Sehun was right in Jongin’s spit zone.

“Are you going to eat this?” Jongin took the leg before Sehun could even say anything.

It was ten minutes before the tanned man stopped eating like he was going to die from starvation.

“I’m tired again. Let’s go watch Cinderella at my house.”
“Isn’t that-”

“, he can’t see me!”

“Why no-”

“I threw up on him, remember?!”

“Oh, yeah.” Sehun smiled, recalling the information. “Hi, Kyungsoo.” He smiled down at the man who was crouching on the floor.

The wide- eyed man stood and dusted himself off before smiling up. “Hi, Sehun. I was waiting for Jongin. He didn’t seem well when he left yesterday.” He looked around Sehun. “Do you feel better, Jongin?”

Jongin looked at the smaller man and widened his eyes in fright.

He didn’t say anything.

Sehun elbowed him.

“I’m sorry I puked on you!” Jongin screamed, covering his ears and closing his eyes, curling into a ball on the floor.

Kyungsoo blinked.

They looked at the man on the floor.

“Let’s go inside. He’ll uncurl when he’s done freaking out.” Sehun explained. Kyungsoo looked worriedly at Jongin but Sehun led him inside before he could open his mouth.

“Do you want something to drink?” Sehun asked casually, as if his friend wasn’t lying in a ball in the hallway.

“Um, can I have some juice?” Kyungsoo asked, still looking worriedly to the door.

Sehun pulled the man into the kitchen and sat him down in a chair before pouring a glass of orange juice.

“What are you doing here? Trying to give Jongin a heart attack?” He said as he handed him the glass and sitting across from him.

Kyungsoo tilted his head. “Heart attack? I just wanted to see if he was okay.”



They heard a noise outside.

“Sounds like he’s alive.” Sehun said, pushing back his chair and standing. “You guys should get some dinner tonight. He mentioned he was hungry.”

Kyungsoo smiled at the suggestion.

Sehun noticed.

“He might still be feeling a bit sick so you really should stick around.” Sehun added for good measure.

“Of course. It’s not fun being sick.”

“Yeah. Stay and keep an eye on him.”

“I’ll stay until he wants me to leave.”

Sehun walked out.

“He never wants you to leave.”
When Sehun got home, the door was open and there was a hole the size of his fist where the peephole used to be.

Sehun looked at it for a second and stepped inside.

The couch cushions were thrown everywhere, the couch upside down. The glass table was shattered to pieces and the curtains were torn down. There was a mug of something steaming on top of the television that was flat on the ground.

He blinked.

“Lu Han?” He shouted from the doorway.

There was a loud crash and a clatter and heavy footsteps and Sehun was on the ground, little fists on his chest.

“You idiot! Where have you been? I thought you died or something! I looked everywhere for you and called you a thousand times and you ing left your phone at home, you idiot!” The chinese man kept on shouting and repeatedly hit Sehun with weak punches.

Sehun grabbed his fists and called his name. “Lu Han.”

Lu Han didn’t stop.

“I freaked out and I went over the Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s and they came here we
looked everywhere! And I mean everywhere. Under the couch cushions, in the coffee mugs, under the coffee table. They made posters while I cried for a little while and now they’re putting them up all over the ing city so I could cry in peace because you and your stupid face were gone!”

“Lu Han.”

Lu Han stopped.

“You’re hurting my ears.”

He looked down at Sehun with wide eyes. Then he glared at him.

“I’m hurting your ears?! You’re hurting my heart! Don’t leave me without telling me! Especially in the middle of the night!” Lu Han crossed his arms. “I got scared.” He said quietly.

Sehun sat up and Lu Han slid down to his lap. He would have fell if not for Sehun’s hands on his shoulders.

“Did you really get scared, hyung?”

“Don’t make fun of me. I was just worried.” Lu Han pushed his chest softly. “Where were you?”


Lu Han looked up. “Sehu-”

“He wasn’t feeling well and I said no but he was saying how I haven’t spent any time with him in the past few days.” Sehun explained.

“Did anything happen?” He asked, searching Sehun’s eyes.

Sehun shrugged. “I got there and he was drunk so I just put him to be-”

“Did he do that to you?!” Lu Han exclaimed, holding Sehun’s face in his hand, just noticing something.

“Hmm?” Sehun felt his face and remembered the cut he got from falling off the bed. “It was an accident. He moves a lot in bed and I fell.”

Lu Han eyes flashed something Sehun didn’t know, only for a second, and then he was thumbing the cut.

“You’re never leaving me in the middle of the night again.”

“I’m sorry, hyung.” He wrapped his arms around Lu Han’s smaller body. “I won’t leave you again.”

He heard Lu Han sniffle and held him tighter.
“What are you doing?”

Lu Han looked at Sehun in bed.

“I’m locking the doors so you don’t leave me.” Lu Han answered.

The door clicked and Lu Han jumped into bed next to Sehun. He was practically lying on top of the younger boy.

“Lu Han!” Sehun whined, trying to get the man off him. “What are you doing?”

“I’m keeping you.” Lu Han responded, kissing his neck because it was right next to his own lips.

Sehun could feel the blush crawling up his face at the action.

“Good night, Sehunnie.” Lu Han said softly.

“Good night, Lu Han.” Sehun whispered back.
Sehun woke up to a loud crash a few hours later.

He felt Lu Han twist in his arms at the sudden noise and since the noise was annoying Lu Han, Sehun felt like he needed to find out what it was.

He got out of bed and struggled to open the door, forgetting that Lu Han locked it. The tired man unlocked it and called out through the wood softly enough not to wake Lu Han but so whoever it was could hear him.

“Whoever is there, please don’t kill me.” He said. Sehun didn’t hear anything else so he opened the door and found the lights in the kitchen. Another bang and he slowly made his way to the kitchen.

“-ut of the package.”

“I did!”

“Then why is it still wrapped in plastic?!”

Sehun knew those voices. He crossed his arms and pasted on his trademark face.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?”

The men in the room turned around and shouted.

“You’re alive!”

“Make this for us!”

Baekhyun climbed onto Sehun’s back and clung to him tightly.

“Sehun, we posted posters all over the city for you. Where were you? How could you leave Lu Han all alone?” Baekhyun interrogated him.

The younger man sighed in annoyance and tried to get Baekhyun off but he didn’t budge off at all.

“I just went to Jongin’s for a while.”

A gasp came from Chanyeol as he opened something and put it in the microwave. “You left in the middle of the night, though. You don’t see me or Chanyeol leaving each other in the middle of the night after amazing , do you?”

“We didn’t have !” Sehun told them, finally getting the man off of his back.

Baekhyun frowned. “We found a half empty bottle of lube, though.”

“Don’t just go through our stuff!”


Chanyeol opened the microwave and took out two steaming burritos. He wrapped one up and handed it to Baekhyun and wrapped another for himself.

“Huh.” Chanyeol looked at the food in his hand.

“I know.” Baekhyun sighed.

“What?” Sehun asked flatly.

“We had a bet you guys would .” Chanyeol explained.

“20,000 won down the drain.” Baekhyun sighed, climbing on Chanyeol’s back this time.

Chanyeol kissed his cheek and smiled and Baekhyun was smiling again. A sleepy smile but it was a smile so Chanyeol was happy.

“Let’s go home.” Baekhyun mumbled, his eyes already shut but the burrito still somehow gripped tightly in his hand. Chanyeol led them out and left Sehun in the kitchen alone.

For a second.

“You guys should totally because, honestly, I can cut the . Seriously.” Chanyeol told him.

“It’s leaking out into the hallway, too.” Baekhyun mumbled against Chanyeol’s shoulder.

They left.

Sehun stood in the kitchen, waiting for his face to cool down because he was burning up.

Because means that people know that he wants Lu Han.

That means Lu Han might know Sehun wants Lu Han.

Which means Lu Han could reject Sehun.

He felt sick to his stomach.

He trudged his feet back to his (and Lu Han’s) room. Sehun found Lu Han tossing and turning, a frown on his face. He quickly slid back into bed and held the man tight, hoping to calm him down from, seemingly, a nightmare.

“Shh.” Sehun said softly, running his fingers through Lu Han’s brown hair.

After a while, Lu Han’s frown disappeared and he stopped moving so much.

Sehun relaxed and continued to hold him close as he fell back asleep.
“We need to talk.”

“Is it about my shoes because I’ll pick them up.” Sehun panicked, kicking the enormous amount of shoes he left at the front door.

Lu Han shook his head and patted the seat on the couch next to him. Sehun sat down cautiously.

“What is it?”

Lu Han took a deep breath and it made Sehun nervous.

“You need to stop dating Jongin.”

Sehun was taken back. “What?”

“He’s not good for you, Sehun.” Lu Han said. Sehun opened his mouth but Lu Han wasn’t having it. “He’s hurting you all the time and I don’t know if you fight back or not but I won’t stand for it. That bruise, the cut on your face. And I saw you two when I went to go get you at work.”

“You skipped out on me again, you !” Jongin yelled at Sehun at his desk his work.

Lu Han froze with his hand on the door handle and his ear to the door.

“I thought you were okay without me so I left.” Sehun replied.

Jongin was centimeters away from Sehun’s face, his hands gripping Sehun’s shoulders tightly.

“You little . You always leave me. Next time, I’m gonna tie you up to make sure you never leave again.” Jongin threatened him.

“I want you to never look at Jongin again. He’s hurting you and that’s not what a boyfriend does. I won’t let you get hurt again.” Lu Han said firmly. His thin arms were crossed and his eyes were dark.

Sehun watched him and blinked, confused.


Lu Han didn’t budge, his stern face stayed in place.

“I’m not dating Jongin.”

Lu Han broke down slowly.


“I’m not dating Jongin.” Sehun repeated slowly.

Lu Han tilted his head. “You’re, not dating Jongin?”

Sehun straightened Lu Han’s head and felt for a bump. “Hyung, did you hurt your head? Should we go to the hospital?”

“No, wait.” Lu Han pushed his hand off his head. “What about that bruise on your leg? Or this cut on your face?”

“Jongin kicked me because I didn’t come back home with you that day we interrupted you working.”

“The cut?”

“I told you, he moves a lot in bed.”

Lu Han frowned. “So you guys are sleeping with each other?”

“No! I mean, we have’ve given each other a hand or blow sometimes but that not the point now. Jongin and I sleep with each other like you and I sleep with each other.” But I don’t think about having with Jongin, Sehun thought.

“But- but when I came to see you today! Jongin was pushing you around!” Lu Han told him.

Sehun thought about for a minute and then smiled. “Remember that time in the middle of the night when I went to his house? Well, the next day, this guy Jongin likes came over and I left them together even though Jongin was nervous.” Sehun explained.

“Oooh.” Lu Han trailed off.

They didn’t say anything for a long time.

Lu Han moved first.

“I’m going.”

Sehun panicked and latched himself onto his arm. “No, I’m sorry it seemed like we were dating. Please don’t leave me.”

Lu Han smiled brightly.

“I’m not leaving you!” He shook Sehun’s hand off and patted his head. “I just remembered something I have to do!”

Sehun looked unsure as Lu Han put on his shoes so he went to sit in front of the older man, looking up at him with sad eyes.

“I’ll be back!” Lu Han laughed at his childish actions. When Sehun pouted, Lu Han scratched his head like a dog. “I’ll be back, doggie. Don’t make a mess!”

“I’ll miss you.” Sehun pouted as Lu Han closed the door.
“You can’t come over!”

“Why not?”

“I just said so! Plus, Kyungsoo is with you! You can’t just leave him alone at your apartment!”

“Do you want me to leave?” Sehun recognized Kyungsoo’s voice.

“No, I don’t! I just- I don’t know how to entertain people.” Sehun could felt his embarassment over the phone.

“I think it would be best if I left. It’s Yixing’s first day working alone at the studio and I think I should go back to h-”

“No! Don’t go! You’re mine!”



“That’s the second time you said that.”


Sehun frowned at his phone.

And then he smiled because Lu Han knows he’s officially not dating anyone.

Then he frowned because there was a guy standing in his doorway.

“You’re really creepy.” Sehun commented when the guy didn’t say anything.



“Can I help you with something?” Sehun asked, uncomfortable with a weirdo in his house.

“Hmm? Oh, I just came to drop this off.” The guy said, handing Sehun a bag.

He looked inside and blushed red.

“Eh?!” Sehun yelled.

The guy smirked.

Sehun looked up at him and glared. Then he recognized him.

“Aren’t you the one who gave Lu Han the phone number?”

“Maybe.” He walked outside and turned back to yell, “Happy getting- ed- in- the- day!”

Sehun was shocked and dropped the bag- colored and flavored lube and spilling onto the floor.
It was late and Lu Han still wasn’t back. Sehun sat on the couch, re- organizing the many different lube and condoms on the small coffeetable, his leg bouncing from nervousness.

He gave up and sighed, throwing himself backwards onto the couch.

“Lu Han, when are you coming home?” Sehun whined to himself.

He looked at the ceiling and then remembered there were such things as cell phones. Sehun took his out and punched the first speed dial (because he would definitely call Lu Han before the police and Jongin if he was in trouble).

The phone rang twice before it stopped.

“Lu Han. Ignored me?” Sehun stared disbelieving at his phone.

He threw it across the room and covered his face.

“Why did it have to look like Jongin and I were dating?” He complained.
Lu Han sighed and rejected the phone call.

“Do you think he’ll like it?” He asked, looking to the opened fridge.

Minseok popped out of the fridge with a mouthful of food. “Hmm?”

Lu Han repeated his question. “Do you think Sehun will like this?"

“Can’t do anything about it now.” Minseok shrugged.

The chinese man groaned. “If we were girls, you would have talked me out of this.”

“If we were girls, I’d be myself right now.”
Ring ring.

Sehun shot up.

Ring ring.

“Ah!” Sehun screamed, running across the room to his phone. He picked it up and put it to his ear before he realized he didn’t even answer it. He pushed the answer button that the screen almost cracked.


“Where are you?”

“Where do you think? I’m where you left me.” Sehun told him, pouting although they couldn’t see each other.

Sehun could feel Lu Han’s smile. “Did you eat anything yet? Because-”

“It’s eleven thirty at night! Of course I’ve eate-”

“-I bought us pizza.”

“-n but there’s always room for pizza!”

“Good! Now, close your eyes!”

“Wait, what? Why?”

Lu Han whined. “Just do it!”

“Okay, they’re closed.”

“Don’t lie to me. Put on a blindfold.”

Sehun protested but he was protesting against Lu Han so, naturally, he was putting on a blindfold.

“It’s on.” Sehun informed him.

“Okay. Now, sit on the couch and don’t move.”

Sehun was about to whine but he knew it was useless so he didn’t even try. He just sat down and waited.

He heard the front door click and he turned his head.

“I said, don’t move.” It was Lu Han’s voice.

Sehun nodded blindly and turned back. He heard Lu Han put something on the table before sitting on it in front of Sehun.

Sehun felt Lu Han’s hands untying the blindfold and he opened his eyes and saw pink.

“What did you do?”

Lu Han’s blush matched his hair. Both their hairs.

Sehun raised his hand to Lu Han’s head.

“It’s. Pink?”

Lu Han’s hair was pink. Almost the exact same color as Sehun’s.

“Is it weird?” Lu Han asked, nervous that Sehun wasn’t saying anything.

Sehun didn’t say anything, just looking at it and chewing on his lip.

It was a long time before he spoke.

“No wonder people can’t keep their hands off of me. Pink hair makes us look ing y.”

Lu Han looked completely shocked.

“I like it! Jongin was telling me how we would look alike if I kept my hair brown like yours. I guess he’s right!”

Sehun laughed a little too hard and pulled Lu Han to sit next to him.

“Come on, let’s eat!”
“I see you didn’t take our advice.” Chanyeol yawned when he woke up to find Sehun sleeping on his and Baekhyun’s kitchen table.

“What advice?” Sehun asked, rubbing his eyes.

“To Lu Han and stop the .” He clarified.

Sehun groaned. “It’s not like I don’t want to him!”

“Trust me, we all know you do.”

“Then shut up about it.”

“ him and we’ll stop.”

“I would if he didn’t have a ing boyfriend!”

Chanyeol stopped pouring his juice and looked at him. “Lu Han has a boyfriend?”

“Yes!” Sehun shouted, putting his hands on his head in frustration.

“Huh.” Chanyeol pouted. He went back to his and Baekhyun’s bedroom, ignoring Sehun calling his name.

“Lu Han has a boyfriend.” Chanyeol announced, standing next to Baekhyun lying in bed, clearly awake.

“Looks like me and Lu Han have some talking to do.” Baekhyun sighed and stretched his small body before climbing onto Chanyeol’s back. “Take me to the bathroom. I have to look good.”
Baekhyun knocked on the door once and it was thrown open.


“No, it’s Baek-”


Baekhyun knocked again.

“Sehun left again. Please don’t bother me anymore, I’m trying to have a mental breakdown. My Hunnie is gone.”

“He went to work a bit early. He told us so you wouldn’t worry.” Baekhyun lied, fully knowing that Sehun was avoiding Lu Han by hiding out at his and Chanyeol’s apartment.

Lu Han checked his phone in his hand. “That . I’m going to kick his for leaving without telling me again.” He began typing out a text that looked strongly worded from what Baekhyun could read. He took the phone out of Lu Han’s hand.

“I’m hungry. Let’s get tacos.”

“Is something wrong? If your bed broke again, that’s not my fault because you bought it and you and Baekhyun are responsible for what hap-”

Chanyeol shut up his landlord by pushing Sehun into his arms.

“Shut up. Just take him. He’s killing my vibe.”

And Chanyeol was gone.

Joonmyeon blinked as looked at the man in his arms.

The door opened and Jongdae came in. He froze at the scene in front of him and then he sat down on the couch.

“First you were in his apartment and now he’s in your arms. Stop cheating on me, Joonie.”

“I- I’m- ah!” Joonmyeon said, flustered. He dumped the sadden Sehun on his couch and sat next to him, feeling for a temperature.

“Sehun, are you getting sick? I can’t let one of my tenants die.” God, he sounded like a weird mother.

The pink- haired boy mumbled something and Jongdae smirked.

“Lu Han.” Jongdae said.

Sehun straightened at the name and he looked less dead than a second ago.

“He just left the building.” Jongdae told him and Sehun went back to slumping. Joonmyeon frowned at the difference. “He’s the reason you’re like this, though. Isn’t it?”

The man curled into a ball.

“Things must be good if you guys have the same exact hair color.” Joonmyeon thought as he saw the pink outside.

Jongdae elbowed his boyfriend. “They’re not dating.”

Sehun pouted, wondering how this creep knew everything but he was too sad.
“I like the new hair.” Baekhyun said, mouth full of beef, cheese, and lettuce.

Lu Han smiled and ran his fingers through his hair. “Thanks. I just did it last night.”

“It looks good on you.” He complimented him. “Does this mean you and Sehun are together?”

The pink- haired boy went pink.

“Um, we aren’t-”

“But you want to be with him, don’t you?”

Lu Han looked around, watching for someone who was listening, or worse, Sehun.

Then he nodded.

“Was I being that obvious?” Lu Han asked quietly.

“I didn’t realize you were even trying hide the fact.”

“I wasn’t!” Lu Han exclaimed.

Now Baekhyun was confused.

“I thought. You had. A boyfriend?” Baekhyun said slowly, his head tilting to a 45 degree angle.

Lu Han pouted. “Why would you think that?”

“You said you had one.”

The chinese boy looked at the ceiling and Baekhyun thought he might hurt himself thinking too hard.

Then Lu Han smiled and went ‘oh!’.

Then he wide- eyed and went ‘oh.’.

“Were you so entranced by Sehun that you forgot you had a boyfriend?” Baekhyun asked.

“I don’t actually have a boyfriend.”

“I figured that much out.”

“But I can fix this.” Lu Han said, nodding as he thought of a plan in his head. “Yeah, I can fix this.”

“Why did you tell everyone you had a boyfriend?” Baekhyun asked as he chewed on his third taco.

“No wonder he didn’t try to make a move on me. Here I was, thinking he was straight when I was so sure he was gay.” Lu Han muttered to himself, standing and leaving. He muttered to himself as he left Baekhyun to eat the rest of the tacos himself.

Which he was glad to do.
“Go home.”

No response.

“Go away.”


“At least move over.”

Sehun scrunched into a ball and Jongdae sat down on the couch.

They sat there for a while. Jongdae watching television and Sehun in a ball form.

“Do you think Lu Han likes me?” Sehun asked, just barely audible.

“It’s obvious he does. He has the same hair as you.” Jongdae replied.

“You and Joonmyeon don’t have the same hair.”

“We don’t have time to do that kind of stuff.” Jongdae told him. “He owns the building and has to look professional and stuff.”

Sehun opened his mouth again but there was a knock at the door. Joonmyeon came running out of the kitchen in a pirate apron to answer the door.

“Who is it?” Joonmyeon shouted through the door. He doesn’t have a peephole and he has to ask now because he doesn’t want Chanyeol to dump someone else (like Sehun) that won’t leave (like Sehun).

“Open up, Joonie! I want me Hunnie back!”

Sehun uncurled and shot up. “Lu Han!” He whispered shouted. He looked around for a place to hide.

“Do I open the door?” Joonmyeon asked the panicking pink- haired boy.

“No!” Sehun said, taking the couch cushions out and hiding in the couch. “Now.”

The door opened and Lu Han came in.

Jongdae groaned. “Go away!” The man was standing in front of the television.

Sehun thought he was safe but the couch cushions were removed and he was revealed.

“Take your boyfriend and leave.” Jongdae said, pulling Sehun out and leading both men to the door, shutting it behind them.
It was quiet in the elevator.

Sehun looked anywhere but Lu Han.

Lu Han looked directly at him.

“Listen, I-”

“Listen, I-”

“You go.”

“No, you.”


“I thi-”


Lu Han groaned and pressed a button.

The elevator creaked and stopped.

“What the hell?”

“We’re talking and clearing everything up.” Lu Han said.

Sehun went to press the ‘go’ button but Lu Han stopped him.

“This isn’t funny, Lu Han.” Sehun told him.

“I’m not trying to be. Let’s just talk, okay?” Lu Han said in a soothing voice. Even if his voice cracked or anything, Sehun still would have shut up and listened.

Sehun sat down and pulled Lu Han to sit with him.

They didn’t say anything and Sehun opened his mouth and Lu Han covered it.

“I’m going to explain everything first.” Lu Han said. Sehun nodded with trusting eyes and he lowered his eyes.

“I don’t have a boyfriend.” Sehun smiled brightly and opened his mouth but Lu Han covered it again. “Shut up, I’m talking.”

“I did have a boyfriend before but that ship sank faster than anyone could have imagined. After he and I ended, I was always chased by girls and guys and it was getting really annoying. After a while, I noticed there was one guy who was always following me. Like, always following me. Everywhere.” Lu Han said.

Sehun was paying full attention.

“So I decided to leave my hometown for a while and realized that if I went back and said I had a boyfriend, he would leave me alone. And it actually worked. I couldn’t believe it. So, I’ve just become adjusted to saying I had a boyfriend in case he was following me. But the truth is that I don’t have a boyfriend but I would like you to be my boyfriend.” Lu Han smiled weakly and offered. “Plus, we already have matching couple hair?”

Sehun blinked wide eyes.

Then he threw himself at him, hugging him tightly.

“I can’t believe this! You could have just told me you had some crazy stalker before! I could of had Zitao kick his for you!” Sehun told him.

Lu Han laughed and hugged the younger boy back.

“Does this mean you except my ‘wanting you to be my boyfriend’?” Lu Han asked because he needed to be sure.

“Absolutely!” Sehun exclaimed, smiling the widest Lu Han had ever seen him smile.

Lu Han jumped into Sehun’s arms in fright.

“What the hell?”

They looked in their apartment and found streamers and confetti being thrown. There was a table of punch and fruit and a cake that had words that Sehun couldn’t read from the doorway.

In their apartment was Chanyeol and Baekhyun, throwing confetti, Kyungsoo and Jongin sitting on the couch (rather closely), and Taemin, Yixing, and Minseok were drinking and acting like wild unicorns. Zitao and Yifan were probably making out in the closet (something Sehun shouldn’t be so used to).

There was a banner that read, ‘Happy Together!’

“It was the only somewhat appropriate banner for the occasion.” Sehun and Lu Han turned around to find Joonmyeon smiling and Jongdae holding a vegetable platter.

“Did you plan this?” Lu Han asked.

“Chanyeol and Baekhyun did everything. We just came because I thought we should feed you beer- crazed people healthy food.” Joonmyeon explained.

“And we heard there was beer.” Jongdae added, opening a cooler and extracting a beer. “Anyways, happy finally getting together.”

He went to whisper in Sehun’s ear, making the younger man blush.

“What did he say?” Lu Han asked when he left.

“Don’t worry. It’s in the couch cushions.”

That didn’t answer any questions but Lu Han had Sehun in one hand and a beer in the other.
Lu Han groaned when he woke up the next morni- er, afternoon. His head was spinning and he felt like puking. He ran to the bathroom as fast as he could, without making him feel even more sick, and stuck his head in the toilet.

“Ughhh.” Lu Han groaned like a zombie.

The doorbell rang and now Lu Han felt like dying from how the noise pierced his brain.

“Aish, go away!” Lu Han complained, his head throbbing.

The doorbell stopped ringing and the man thought he had magical powers for a second.

“Hello, Lu Han. It’s been a while since we talked.”

Lu Han’s eyes widened at the unfamiliar voice. He turned his head and found him looking at a creepy looking man. He was skinny and he was twitching. He had thinning black hair and was missing a couple teeth.

“Y- y- you.” Lu Han stuttered, terrified at the sight of the man he first saw in China. “D- did you follow me all the way here?”

The creepy man nodded slowly, creepy smile on his face.

“W- why are you here? Leave me alone.” Lu Han said, trying not to let his voice crack.

The man advanced onto Lu Han on the floor.

“Sehun! S- S- Sehun!” Lu Han shouted, wanting to be saved. “Help me!” He said as strong as he could but he was still weak.

It must have been magic but Sehun appeared. He grabbed the man by his shoulders and pulled him back, away from Lu Han. The man fell outside the bathroom and hit the wall. Sehun approached him with clenched fists.

“Don’t touch what’s mine.” Sehun said gravely. The man was frozen with fright and Sehun smirked. He opened a closet and threw the creep in there, locking the door. “I’m calling the police but if you somehow get out before they come, I’m going to hurt you.”

Sehun ran back to Lu Han who was curled up on the bathroom floor. “Lu Han?” He called his name softly.

The small man shuddered and when he realized it was Sehun, he let his salty tears fall as he clasped onto Sehun tight.

“It’s alright. I’m here.” Sehun reassured him. “I’m never letting anything happen to you.”

Lu Han sniffled but buried his face deeper into Sehun’s neck all the same.
“I’m happy I came to Korea.” Lu Han declared one night.

Sehun climbed into bed and hugged the older man tightly. “You should be. If you didn’t, I’d be sleeping here all by my lonesome, crying because I’d think I’d never find my true love.”

Lu Han looked up Sehun and said, “I’m your true love?”

“Of course.” Sehun replied instantly, trying not to blush but his body deceived him. He kissed Lu Han’s eyelids and looked away, not wanting him to see how red he was.

Lu Han smiled and kiss Sehun’s chest, making the younger look back at him.

“You’re my true love, too, Sehunnie!” Lu Han said brightly.

Sehun couldn’t stand it anymore and he rolled them so he was on top, kissing all over Lu Han’s face.

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I felt like the ending was rushed (;_;) it kind a killed me a bit on the inside but that's okay cuz the story was great
srsly sekai hands and blow was just...... disturbing hahaha
so i guessing the creepy guy put the toys & cond in luhan's bag??? how did he get them inthere??? and like dudeeeee the ending like the creep should have got caught and sent to jail!!!!

love the crack!!!!! <3 great job with the plot, but just a bit more detalis and it'd be perfect!!!
Chapter 1: I love sehun and jongin's friendship tho. Hehe
CutieWay #3
Chapter 1: The fact that Sehun and Kai have given head's and blow's to each other before is awfully disturbing and unacceptable. :-(
Chapter 1: Eeeww... The creepy stalker is awful!
Yeay.. Finally, hunhan are together!
Chapter 1: Omigad. this is so freaking great and I spend at least 2 hours in reading this fanfic because omaygad it's so cute and beautiful and can't stop my overflowing feels! :)) thank you author-nim :)) ♥
Chapter 1: Heol~ dis is so daebak <3 deserves to be featured :")
Chapter 1: just go and had a already.
Chapter 1: Awwwww that was soooooo sweeet and also kind of hot X'D ♡.♡ I really enjoyed it!! You should totally write a sequel!!! (Please with included XDDDD)
Chapter 1: I will read the whole thing a little later. I read the beginning at least, and I almost choked on my own breath reading the part where he hit his private while turning. I died, literally. It was so funny! Can't wait to read the rest.