Wonshik's driving lesson

Sanghyuk's Driving Lesson

A/N: Thanks everyone for reading! I know it's a little boring and the driving is repetitive, but the thought of each boy having a different driving style just amuses me.



“Han Sanghyuk.”


Sangyuk’s ears are awake but his eyes refuse to follow suit.


“Yah. Wake up.”


He feels a foot trying to shake him awake. Sanghyuk curls in at the action, but the foot does not stop. Sanghyuk times it out, and when the foot rolls to the front of his body he wraps his body around it, stopping the shaking foot.


Sanghyuk smiles as he hears the foot’s owner struggle to break free. His eyes still closed, he thinks he could fall back asleep cuddling the foot as long as the mouth doesn’t start again.


He feels the weight of the other body shift and can feel the heat of one of the member’s very close, now. He wants to sneak a peak at the owner of the foot, but he can’t give away that he’s awake.


“Fine, act like you’re still sleeping, I don’t care,” now the voice is clear. He doesn’t care if it’s the Leader shaking him awake, he missed out on maximum sleep time yesterday and he intends not to miss out again.


Sanghyuk feels Hakyeon’s face draw closer to his and he realizes he’s holding his breath. Any longer, Sanghyuk is either going to pass out or give himself away. He refuses to give himself away, and he thinks that passing out will solve the issue of waking up, too.


“Was just going to warn you that Jaehwan’s planning on waking you up again for lesson two.”


His eyes burst open and his lungs demand air. He misses knocking heads with Hakyeon by mere centimeters. The oldest doesn’t expect the abrupt movement, but can see the look of fear in Sanghyuk’s eyes he’s caused.




“Hey, just trying to be nice.”


Sanghyuk rushes to the bathroom door and hears Jaehwan singing in the shower. Like an animal that’s fallen for bait in a cage, he runs in all areas of the room, realizing he has nowhere to hide.


“I gotta get out of here. I need to think. Don’t have much time.” Sanghyuk gathers his bath towel and the closest pair of pants and t-shirt he can find. He even grabs socks and shoes, planning on taking as much time as he can in the second bedroom bathroom.


“Hyukkie, just tell him no.” As much as Hakyeon enjoys teasing the other members, whatever happened in the car yesterday really shook the maknae’s nerves. Once he realizes the younger is so frazzled by the thought of another lesson from Jaehwan, he opens the door for him and follows him to the next door blocking his way and opens that one as well. After opening the door to the second bedroom bathroom he leaves Sanghyuk to his mumblings he’s been mumbling since he’s clearly felt in danger.


He puts his ear up to the door. As he hears the shower turn on he can still hear the youngest mumbling, “Need to think, need to think.”




After shampooing and before washing Sanghyuk comes up with an idea. It was almost too simple. It wasn’t until he had to focus on something else that the idea surfaced in his mind. So simple.


After this he rushes through the washing and drying. He has to slow down to get his shirt put on the right way, but he knows he still beat the main vocal out of the shower. He puts a shoulder into the bedroom door, hands too busy with this untied shoelaces.


There are three boys at the table this time. The two oldest, as always, drinking coffee, but this time Wonshik joins the table. The rappers shoulders are hung low like they still want to sleep but his eyes skim the newspaper as he drinks his coffee. Taekwoon is cutting fruit from its rinds and carefully placing bites in the rapper’s mouth.


Hakyeon raises his eyebrows at how quickly Sanghyuk is ready to go for the day. Before he can ask, Hakyeon motions with his head to the bedroom door still closed. He can hear Hongbin and Jaehwan listening to music and talking about their next interview. Sanghyuk breathes a sigh of relief that he’s able to set his plan into action before Jaehwan can get to him.


He turns to address the boys at the table. He watches as Taekwoon perfectly times the bites of fruit with Wonshik’s sips of coffee. Every so many bites, Wonshik shares something interesting in the newspaper with the quiet member. He thinks Wonshik is the perfect candidate, so nice and caring. He can’t possibly say no.


“Wonshik Hyung, please teach me how to drive.”




It takes Sanghyuk a few seconds to register the quick response. In fact, he doesn’t really comprehend until he realizes the two older boys at the table are staring at him. Hakyeon’s evil smirk is back and Taekwoon’s hand is suspended with a bite of a melon on his fork, halfway to the rapper’s mouth.


“Wait, what did you say, hyung?”


“No,” Wonshik says as he searches for his next bite. He spots it halfway to its intended destination and lifts his head to meet the bite. He realizes everyone in the room is now staring at him. “What?”


“How can you just reject me, just like that!?” Sanghyuk whines, looking to the older two for help.


Taekwoon shrugs his shoulders and resumes the feeding while Hakyeon waits for the conversation to continue.


“Listen, Hyukkie, I just…” He looks at Hakyeon, then to Taekwoon.


“He at driving.” Taekwoon finishes for him.


“Hyung, not so mean.” It’s Wonshik’s turn to whine.


“Taekwoonie is right.” Hakyeon defends, “Wonshik isn’t the greatest drive, how is he supposed to teach you how to drive when he should take lessons himself?” Wonshik kicks Hakyeon from underneath the table.


“I don’t need lessons.” Wonshik mumbles, taking another bite off Taekwoon’s fork.


Sanghyuk can hear Jaehwan and Hongbin’s voices getting louder. He swears he hears his name from Jaehwan’s mouth and he panics.


“Please please please please.” Sanghyuk pleads. “You don’t have to teach me, just, just go along with it, okay? Just don’t deny me when—“


“Sanghyuk!” The attention is shifted to the two boys entering from the bedroom. Hongbin is pulling on a sweatshirt, hiding his smile, while the other boy’s smile is on display proudly. “Are you ready for your next lesson?”


Sanghyuk is tongue-tied. He looks at Wonshik but he is too focused on the next bite Taekwoon is about to feed him. “Hyung I—“


“Wonshik is teaching him today.” Taekwoon softly speaks once he’s shoved Wonshik’s mouth too full to complain.


Wonshik tries to plead with the other boys but Hakyeon’s evil smirk is in full affect. “Here’s the keys, Wonshik-ah.” Hakyeon slides them towards the baffled rapper.


“Let’s go!” Sanghyuk pulls Wonshik to his feet and before he can see the disappointed look on Jaehwan’s face he closes the door behind them.




“No lesson.”




“No questions.”


“Okay, okay.”


“No talking.”


“Okay, hyung, Good god, are you really that bad?”


“I said no talking.”


The two boys walk towards the car in the garage, Wonshik still chewing his final bite, pulling on his coat Sanghyuk grabbed for him. Not the coat he intended to wear today, but he guesses it will do.


“I just don’t think you can be as bad as Jaehwan, or Hongbin for that matter.”


The two buckle in and Wonshik adjusts the seat and mirrors to his liking. “Just let me focus on driving. We can talk once we get there.”


Sanghyuk stands by his last comment. Of course, in Jaehwan’s defense, Sanghyuk has no idea how Jaehwan’s driving is, but he knows Wonshik’s mouth is less intimidating than his other hyung.


Not even out of the garage, Sanghyuk understands what the older two were talking about. Opposite of Jaehwan, Wonshik and the brake pedal are way too close. Even with the less than 10mph speed the car is crawling at, Wonshik’s foot finds the need to meet the brake pedal every so many yards, especially when a turn is coming up.


Sanghyuk feels the pressure from the other cars in the garage. He knows Wonshik feels it, too.


“Sorry, hyung, I didn’t know.” Sanghyuk speaks once the car emerges from the garage.


“Just, let me focus.” Wonshik cuts off a car turning out onto the road. Sanghyuk counts the cars that come up behind them and pass. Wonshik leaves enough space for at least two cars to squeeze in. Within the next few stoplights, a few cars take Wonshik up on the offer.


On the highway, Sanghyuk knows the flow of traffic is important. Unlike Hongbin, one should not try to push the flow. However, one should not slow the flow either. Like Wonshik is doing right now.


He’s never had so many cars honk at him in his life. He’s never seen so many middle fingers, nor heard so many angry comments being yelled at him.


Hongbin must have been right, if not aggressive or defensive, then you’re not a good driver. Wonshik is most definitely not aggressive or defensive. More like weak and defenseless.


Sanghyuk is so low in the passenger seat he’s practically laying flat on his back by the time they pull into the parking lot of their studio. The other boys are waiting in the parking lot, all seated as if they had been waiting a while.  He thinks he finally hears Wonshik breathe once the car is stopped and ignition off.


“Made it.” He sounds drained and still on edge. “Questions?”


Sanghyuk tries to think of a nice question to ask, but the only ones popping in his mind are anything but.


It’s scary for Sanghyuk to think that Hongbin has been his best teacher so far.


The two boys are pulled out of the car.


“Come on come on, we can’t be late two days in a row.” Hakyeon is pulling the youngest while Taekwoon pulls Wonshik to his feet.


“How was your lesson with Wonshikkie?” Jaehwan catches up with Hakyeon and Sanghyuk.


Sanghyuk wants to say it was great, he’s learned so much, but he just can’t bring himself to lie to Jaehwan any more.


“Not really a lesson, to be honest. Sorry we couldn’t do another lesson today.”


“Oh I didn’t want to teach you again!” Jaehwan holds his hands up while the other two stopped at his confession.


“Really?” Hakyeon and Sanghyuk say at the same time.


“Yeah, I was actually going to suggest a lesson from Taekwoon hyung. He’s the one that taught me.”


“Seriously.” Sanghyuk deadpans and glares at the oldest member now slowly inching away from the conversation.


“Yes! Well, really he just gave me the driver’s manual and told me to memorize it, front to back,” Jaehwan watches as Wonshik tries to find his footing while Hongbin asks how the lesson went. Taekwoon tries shoving the smiling boy’s face away from the now nauseous looking rapper. “Wouldn’t let me get in the car until I had it memorized.”


“That explains a lot.”




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emmyrose #1
Chapter 5: Awwwww i laughed like a maniac at every chapter omg... this was good..really good...and i totally understand that fear :( it's the one thing that's stopping me from driving... but gosh god this was wonderful
Chapter 5: good for Hyukkie! this was a great story, authornim, good work!!
Chapter 4: i had a feeling Leo would be the best driver of them all (not counting N since we haven't seen him drive yet)
Chapter 3: *snort* poor Ravi. and poor Hyukkie. i think i know who the next teacher is gonna be haha
Chapter 2: hahaha poor Hyuk
Chapter 1: wonder who Hyuk will go to next for driving help since Hongbin is......clearly not the best person to go to for driving help