Hongbin's driving lesson

Sanghyuk's Driving Lesson

Sanghyuk thinks he’s made the right choice.


He watches Hongbin swivel the key ring around his right finger with a look of confidence. He always thought the older boy one of the more “even-keeled” of the group. When Wonshik is profusely apologizing to one of the members for no reason, Jaehwan trying to butter up one of the other members for no reason, Hakyeon fussing over one of the members for no reason, or Taekwoon avoiding one of the other members for no reason, Sanghyuk has always noticed the visual prefers to stand in the background of the mess and enjoy the show. Of course, Sanghyuk himself is the one always stirring up trouble with one of the members. For no reason. While the others jump on the hotel beds when Taekwoon and Hakyeon are tying up loose ends at the front desk, Hongbin might give each bed a good bounce or two, but usually is the first to check out the bathroom or unpack his overnight bag. While the others go big, Hongbin doesn’t necessarily go home, more like he goes the appropriate amount for each occasion.


“The key to being a good driver is knowing when to be an aggressive driver, and knowing when to be a defensive driver.” Hongbin says as the two open the doors to the black car parked in the basement of their garage. “Some drivers take too many risks, that’s not good. Alternatively, not taking enough is just as bad.” Hongbin has his finger pointed to the roof of the car, as if he’s letting Sanghyuk in on one of the greatest secrets of life.


As he fastens his seat belt he thinks he should have brought a pad of paper and pen. The drive isn’t long, ten minutes at the most. The boys travel through 3 blocks of city onto a highway for about five miles. Their studio is right off the next exit.


Hongbin starts the car and faces the younger boy. “Remember, aggressive when needed, defensive when needed. Right?”




Sanghyuk watches out the window as they pass parked cars in the garage. Hongbin searches for a radio station for something they both like. He explains the importance of the right song while driving and how the wrong song can throw one’s driving mood off. He talks about the distance between cars and breaking. He is just about to explain the importance of turn signals when Sanghyuk feels the car come to a jerky stop.


“The fu—“ Hongbin’s voice trails off when he realizes the youngest is staring at him. “What’s the hold up?”


There’s a car driving a little too slow for Hongbin’s liking.


“There’s no traffic in here, what’s the problem?” Hongbin’s fingers tighten around the wheel.


“Hyung,” Sangyuk’s eyes don’t leave the knuckles on the wheel now losing their color, “maybe they’re new to the garage.”




The two sit in awkward silence, slowing turning the corners trailing so close behind the light blue car.


“What did you say about distance between cars, hyung?” Sangyuk can’t drive, but he’s already grown accustomed to an imaginary break against his right heel.


“That doesn’t apply in garages.”


The cars finally surface from the garage. The light blue car turns left while Hongbin signals their right.


“Thank god.” Hongbin finally let’s go off the wheel and wipes his palms on his sweatpants. “I thought I was going to die if we were stuck in there for much longer.” He glances at the radio clock, “! We’re going to be late at this rate.”


Sanghyuk knows they won’t start without them; they’re a third of the group! Although Hongbin almost lost his cool in the garage, Sanghyuk looks forward to seeing Hongbin in action on the open road. As they wait for the light to change Sanghyuk takes note of Hongbin’s posture behind the wheel. He thinks the visual is seated a little farther back than what looks comfortable, but he also doesn’t remember him adjusting the seat. He thinks Wonshik or Taekwoon must have used the car last.


It doesn’t help that his hands are fighting at 12 on the wheel. A little too close together and a little too high on the wheel if Sanghyuk can remember from his driver’s manual. Just two hours off... each way.


“Come on come on come on.” Hongbin is bouncing on the balls of his feet, shaking the whole car.


“Hyung, it’s okay, they’ll wait—“


Sanghyuk doesn’t see the light turn green, he only sees the red light flicker off and there’s motion in the car. One more right turn and straight through two lights, then it’s on the highway.


Hongbin screeches the tires of the car as he take the right turn a little too sharp. Sanghyuk barely has time to connect eyes with the young couple jumping back on the curb, fear struck in their eyes.




“Hold on.” Sanghyuk thinks the request is to wait for the driver to speak, but as they approach the now yellow light, he understands that it’s a literal request.


The gears shift as fast as the can for the impatient driver. The engine screams in discomfort and the tires beg for relief. Hongbin makes it through the yellow light just as the lights change and continues to pick up speed, facing the next light, which also happens to be turning yellow. Signaling caution. Signaling maybe the car flying towards the intersection should slow down. Just a little.


Hongbin has to cut off a car in the lane left of them and cut off another car to get back into the lane they need for highway entry, but they make it through. The brake pedal; while neglected by one of the members in the car is being summoned for a miracle by the other.


“Jesus.” Sanghyuk clutches his seat belt and grabs for the bar hanging above the passenger window. “Think you could slow down?”


“We’re going to be late.” Along with the brake pedal Sanghyuk notices the turn signals are being ignored as well. Taking two lanes at a time it’s as if Hongbin is slowly pushing the cars on the highway to his liking. Once he’s caused enough stress to the minivan in the far left lane, he quickly switches lanes and tails the two-door car in the middle lane. He adds just enough stress on the back end to cause the car in front to speed up just enough to create what Hongbin deems an opening in the lane. The two-door car, quickly feeling the stress, jumps over to the right lane. No matter, Hongbin snuggles up with the Jeep that was in front of the two-door and veers two lanes over to the right exit ramp.


A quick horn honk and Hongbin hauls his middle finger to the left. Sanghyuk feels like ducking his head or shouting out an apology, but before he gathers the courage to unhinge his fingers from the death grips he has on the safety features of the car, the car is already stopped at the top of the ramp. The only time the brake has felt love this entire trip.


“H-Hongbin.” Sanghyuk somehow finds himself out of breath, as if he hasn’t taken a breath the whole care ride, “that was, are you sure you should have, I mean, are we going to jail?”


Hongbin’s eyes are trained on the studio building they can see from the red light. His legs still shaking the car as if he can’t stand to stay still in the car. “We’re almost there.”


“Yeah, but I mean, I’m sure everyone else has places they need to go. Oh, I think you’re in the wrong lane.” Sanghyuk points at the sign hung above the lane the car sits in. There’s an arrow pointing left and the word “Only” in black letters. “We need to turn right”


“We’ll make it.”


The green light turns and Hongbin follows the other cars in their lane as if their studio might somehow stand and step over the highway below, making it’s location left off the exit, just for Hongbin and Sanghyuk. Instead at the last minute Hongbin catches a car to their right driving a little slower than the rest. He turns so fast the wheels lock and he lays on the horn. Sanghyuk thinks the feeling similar to being thrown around in those giant teacups at festivals he’s gone to when he was little. The car takes almost a 360 but stops at about 300. Hongbin doesn’t wait for the car to straighten itself out. Instead, he put’s it all in the gas pedal’s hands. Think of the sound a cat makes when you step on his tail, the sneeze of an old man when accidentally inhaling pepper, the gasp of a girl when a man kneels before her, offering a ring and his heart to her. The pedal gives a grunt comparable to the cat, man, and girl; but just like the aforementioned pulls it together just as soon as it begins. The car skips gears and is finally on par with the crazy driver behind it’s wheel.


By the time Hongbin pulls into a parking spot even Sanghuk’s toes are curled by fear in his shoes.


“Made it!” Hongbin smiles and for the first time is still in the car. He’s facing the Sanghyuk now with his palms facing up in the air. “Well, what did you think? I will say; that was defensive driving. The drivers were crazy today!”


“I’d say that was aggressive driving.” The minute the car engine stops Sanghyuk opens his door and tries to jump out. He ends up being choked. He forgot to unbuckle his seat belt.


“Aggressive, defensive, driving. They go hand in hand, really.”


Once he’s out of the car Sanghyuk thinks of the only lesson in driving he’s learned today. Don’t drive like Hongbin.


Hongbin has to run to catch up the other boy. “Yah, what’s your rush? We’re early!”






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emmyrose #1
Chapter 5: Awwwww i laughed like a maniac at every chapter omg... this was good..really good...and i totally understand that fear :( it's the one thing that's stopping me from driving... but gosh god this was wonderful
Chapter 5: good for Hyukkie! this was a great story, authornim, good work!!
Chapter 4: i had a feeling Leo would be the best driver of them all (not counting N since we haven't seen him drive yet)
Chapter 3: *snort* poor Ravi. and poor Hyukkie. i think i know who the next teacher is gonna be haha
Chapter 2: hahaha poor Hyuk
Chapter 1: wonder who Hyuk will go to next for driving help since Hongbin is......clearly not the best person to go to for driving help