

Minseok had gotten quite fit since his debut, but he could never get used to being chased around the streets of Seoul. He’d just gotten out of the gym to find about two dozen girls, all probably younger than him, waiting with notepads and high-pitched screams. It took all of his remaining energy to sprint down any direction that showed a clear path, and after having turned numerous alleys, he finally found himself a corner where he could take a breath.

"Jesus," he muttered to himself, hands on his knees and sweat beading around the crown of his head. That’s what you get for insisting that manager hyung let you go to the gym alone, he told himself. This kind of stuff was only supposed to happen in movies. He finally stood up, and with a long sigh, he sidled on the very edge of his hiding place for any sign of the fangirls. Thankfully, there were none. As slowly as he could, and nearly holding his breath, he walked into the first establishment within reach, and sighed as he closed the door of the small boutique behind him.

It smelled nice. Clean. Summery clothes were neatly piled and hung in racks all around the small place, and lucky him, it was empty except for whoever was at the register. Well, now that you’re here, might as well shop for a little bit.

It was quite a slow day at the shop. You were sat at the register, elbows rested against the cool glass table and face propped in the palms of your hands, you blew out some air to get stray strands of hair out of your face. Your eyes perked up when you heard the bells hung by the door ring, and stood up to find that your first customer of the day had just walked in. You couldn’t really see his face well, since he kept bowing his head, but he was breathing quite heavily and looked relieved to have found the store. Your eyes follow him curiously as he rummages through the sun dresses hung in a circular rack. A gift for a girlfriend, maybe? You were actually quite good at helping confused boyfriends find nice dresses for their girlfriends, and it wasn’t because of your noticeable lack of arm-candy. No, sir, it was not. Deciding not to dwell on the curiosity for too long, you confidently make your way toward him, determined to get this customer’s girlfriend the best possible gift.

"Hello! How may I help you?"

Minseok turned around, and his eyes widened immediately at the sight of you. He called out your name, mentally slapping himself because surely he shouldn’t have recognized you that fast. After all, he hadn’t seen you in years! But he had liked you. Quite a bit. “Minse—Xiumin-ssi!” you bow immediately, your cheeks flushed deep red. You hadn’t seen Minseok since graduation, though you had followed him after he debuted as an idol. He looked so handsome! But this you knew, because you had seen a lot of EXO’s appearances on variety shows and award shows and the like. You’d yet to see them live, but that was only till you saved up enough to be able to. “Stop that!” Minseok placed a hand on your shoulder and you rose slowly, still hesitant to meet his eye. “How’ve you been?” he says in a warm voice, and it makes you smile because now that you get a good look, his face hasn’t changed much. He still has that mischievous look, the one that makes him look much younger than he actually is, and the cheeky smile that has always been contagious.

You tell him all about your life. You’re still studying to become a doctor, and you’re balancing two part-time jobs, and you’re still as beautiful as ever. He’d always pictured your life would be good, because you were the type of person to make the best of everything. He realizes, as you speak non-stop and don’t ask him any questions, that he never really stopped liking you. A long time may have passed, but his feelings had not dissipated. Although he felt it was something more like admiration and physical attraction than actual love. He was still willing to indulge it.

"So, are you buying something for your girlfriend?" you ask suddenly, and he almost jumps. "N-no!" he responds instantly, "I was just running from some fangirls—" and he chuckles because he didn’t mean to sound arrogant, but ultimately he did. You narrow your eyes at him with a smile, and he knows that you understand. "Well, feel free to browse till they’re gone, then!" and the conversation continues. Suddenly he feels like he’s seventeen again, though without the worry of what his future held.

"I really missed your face," he says before he can catch himself, and his smile drops and his eyes widen. You laugh at his expression, "I missed your face, too, oppa," you say between giggles. And yet again you fly by the awkwardness like nothing had happened in the first place. This he always liked about your personality.

"We should go out for coffee sometime. Although I can only go past 2AM. But you go to med school, it should be no problem," he smirks that smirk that always had you laughing, and yet again, you’re holding on to your sides and your shoulders are shaking. "I’ll go out to coffee with you," you humor him, "On one condition."

"What is it?"

You hold out a notepad from behind the register and a pen, shoving it at him. “Can you get me Luhan oppa’s autograph?” your eyes are twinkling at him and you’re smiling so wide it must surely be hurting your cheekbones, and he can only laugh.

Why don’t you ask me for my autograph, you silly girl?

Minseok rolls his eyes at you, a grin playing at the corner of his mouth, and he takes the notepad and pen from your hands, and instead of pocketing it for his fellow member, he forges Luhan’s signature and hands the pad back to you. You look down at it and chuckle, but then notice that there are a series of numbers below his handwriting, which has become a lot messier since the last time you met him. “That is not Luhan’s number. Sorry, but you’ll have to take mine for now,” the fact that he looks so smug makes you giggle a little bit, and maybe you’re blushing. “Let’s meet at 2AM sharp. Text me when you're ready and I'll send you the address,” he says, a hint of mischief in his voice, and starts to walk out of the store. “Don’t be late!” He calls out without turning to look at you, and you smile a bit more warmly.

You really did miss him.

There must have been really strange forces at play in your life today, because you have a break from 2-3AM at the hospital you’re an intern at and the coffee shop Minseok texted you about is only a couple of minutes away. You would have loved to dress up and maybe put on some makeup, but you’d only just had the spare change of clothes that you kept in your locker and some lipstick and mascara, and that would have to do. You tug at the oversized sweater you’re wearing, glad that maybe it’s a little loose but it looks really cute with your skinny jeans and flat boots. You don’t know if Minseok is expecting you to show up in a ball gown, but you do know that he’s never been the kind of guy to care about things like that. So your steps are giddy and the smile on your face is ever present as you make the trek, and in no time, you’re walking through the doors of the coffee shop.
It is mostly deserted. Mostly.

Mostly because there are faces that you definitely recognize from posters and CFs and all of your favorite variety shows, and there is not just one person, there’s about six or seven, sitting scattered around the dimly lit cafe with walls decorated in elaborately patterned black and white, talking and laughing and completely relaxed. The smell of freshly roasted coffee is mixed with the musky smell of mahogany, which adorns every piece of furniture in the establishment. You walk around half in awe, sure that this has to be a dream and you’re still at shift in the hospital, until you reach the register and meet the eyes of your barista.

Then you grin.

“What can I get for you?” Minseok asks, and you almost want to slap him for the cockiness in his voice, but you settle for rolling your eyes and heaving a sigh. Just what is going through his mind beats you completely, but you pull your eyes to take a look at him. “A doppio and an explanation, please,” his favorite thing in the world was probably when you sassed him for being so smug all the time, and that still has not changed. “Surely. That’ll be on my tab,” and he whisks away behind the counter. You follow him to the complicated machinery, and you watch as he expertly works until an extremely concentrated cup of coffee is brewed to perfection, the smell of good Italian roast mixing into the air. Minseok sets a white ceramic cup on the counter and shoots you a knowing smile. “One double espresso for the beautiful lady, explanation pending,” you almost groan because he definitely was not this smooth when you were in high school, but you take the cup in your hands and watch as Minseok lifts the wooden arm at the end of the counter to let himself out. His hands go behind his back and he unties the black apron that hides the light blue dress shirt and his black slacks. You feel a pang of guilt because he looks so dressed up and you definitely don’t, but his smile lets you know that he doesn’t care one bit.
You walk together toward a table most withdrawn from the other customers (if they can even be called that), and he pulls a chair out for you to sit before going to his own, straight across from you.



“Are we going to ignore the fact that most of the Kyu line is sitting like right there or are you going to get me Changmin oppa’s autograph?” you really don’t mean to sound so cheeky, but the defeated sigh that escapes him makes you somewhat satisfied, and maybe a little guilty. “Minseok, I’m joking. What is this place?” You touch his hand when he doesn’t look at you, and he reacts to the touch immediately, a smile breaking through his face alongside a slight blush. “It was just a crazy idea. I got my barista license a few months ago and I decided that I needed to keep practicing to not lose the skill, so I rent out this place most nights. I’m obviously the best barista in Seoul, so idols and managers come in and out all the time,” he winks at you for a beat, but he relaxes into a contented smile a moment after, “They just like to come and support me, and most of them bring coffee beans from whatever corner of the world they go to for me to use. It helps me unwind, release stress and stuff,” it’s a really amazing thing, and you don’t have to say anything because your eyes are glowing. You are undeniably happy for him. For the next hour he just talks to you, tells you about the hardships of being an idol, about the joys, about getting chased downs round the city, about losing friends and gaining friends, but mostly about his achievements, and his gratefulness to all the people that support him, and about s, how although they’re really loud and childish and annoying, he loved, loves and will always love every single of them.”Look at you,” you shake your head slightly, the smile on your face refusing to shift. “I’m so glad you can make so many of your dreams come true. And look hella fine doing it, too,” it’s your turn to wink but he knows that you mean it in earnest.

“I know, I know, don’t you love me?”

Hm. Maybe a little bit.

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