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A's (Ace)
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Author's Note: Here it is. :) Enjoy. ;) I don't know when will be the next update but I try to update as much as I can. :0


Taeyeon run as fast as she could and check for every room that Tiffany could possibly stay with. She checks the library first and foremost but she found out that it was lock already. So she dash to each room and call Tiffany’s name. But she failed to find her. The only room that she wasn’t able to check is the principal’s office.


Tiffany, where are you? I hope my gut tell me wrong.


As soon as Taeyeon reach the hallway towards the Pricipal’s office, she was surprise to see two girls standing at the door. She was confused as to see that there still some student stay at this hour. She was a little bit relief to see that there are still student left. So they are the night class student who work after the class ended. Maybe Tiffany is still inside as well.


When she reaches the door she notice that the two girls were surprised as well. One girl immediately went inside the room and the other one approach her immediately.


“Mm..Ms. Kim. What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here.”


“Don’t worry’ I don’t have plan to stay longer’ I’m just waiting for Tiffany. Have you seen her? Is she still inside?”


“Tiffany?..You’re with that girl?”


That girl? Why does she refer Tiffany like just a girl? I thought night class has only few student and all of them knew each other and close to one another? And the way this girl dress shout like all branded items.


“Yes’ I’m with her. Is she still inside? I need to speak with her.”


Taeyeon was about to walk forward when the girl block her way.


“Ms. Kim! Wait’you can’t go there.”


“I’m just going to call her and tell her that her friend is worried about her then I leave.”


“No you can’t..She’s…she’s..she’s not there. She went home already. Yes’that’s right. She told me that she needs to go home early. Only me and my friend is left here to uhmm.. to close the facilities.”


The moment the girl told her that Tiffany went home already, she knew that this girl in front of her is lying. Tiffany will not be going to leave her bag and will not inform her friend about her whereabouts. She knew that there is something wrong going on.


“What’s your other friend doing inside the faculties room. The lights seems all closed already. What took her so long to go out?”


“Huh’well..she’s uhm..we’re just closing up then we’ll leave as well.”


“Are you from the night class?”


“What? No’ definetely not’ we’re not associated to them in any way.”


Taeyeon immediately grab the girls collar and she knew that the girl didn’t expect her to act that way as the latter gets pale as she try to tighten her hold.


“It’s either you’re going to tell me the truth or I’m going to rip your neck here.”


“Mi…Mi..Ms. Ki Kim..I..uhm..I-


“I’m just going to asked you one more time. Where is Tiffany?”




Taeyeon immediately let go of the girl and run towards the close door. Thanking the lights that coming from the window, she saw a girl lying on the floor. She immediately notice that it was Tiffany so she rush over to checks up on her. Thanking God that the girl is breathing but still unconscious. She try to call the girl’s name but still she’s not moving. She heard muffled sound on her right corner and see another girl sitting on the floor  with being cover by a cloth. She was about to get her phone and call for help when the lights suddenly open and notice that there are three more people inside the room.

As the lights finally on, she clearly notice Tiffany’s state. The girl on her lap is still breathing but un eyes close. She also notice a cloth near where Tiffany is lying. She suspect that it’s some kind of chemicals to make the person fell unconscious.


“Hi Ms. Kim. Good thing you’re here.” Said a guy whom she didn’t know. But clearly he’s one of the student in the school as he’s still wearing his polo shirt with his button open. She also notice two girls on his side. She somehow remember those two in the coffeeshop were she and Yuri met.


“Who are you? What the hell did you do to them?”


“Don’t worry Ms. Kim’ we are not the bad guy here. In fact you need to thank us for not making this whole thing a big fuss.”


“What the hell do mean by that. You tie two girls and you use some chemicals to harm then. I swear to God’ you’ll going to pay for this.”


“I think you’re not listening Ms. Kim. We are not the bad guy here. This two girls that your trying to protect is the culprit. I wonder what will the Dean and the whole school will react if they knew that this students that they thought as genius is a big fat cheater. They’re trying to steal the exam paper. Thanks to us that we knew their plan and catch them. We’re planning to call a police and let them do the necessary action but’ since you’re here and it seems like you’re friends with that girl..then, maybe we can consider to just be quiet. Of course we’re doing this for your friend there.”


The girl whose mouth is still cover by cloth strongly shake her head for disapproval. The guy went to her side and slap her to make her quit.


“Shut up! You !”


“Stop it!”


Taeyeon stand up and carefully untie Tiffany’s hand gently carry her to put her in a safe corner. Then she went to the other girl and untie her hands and remove the cloth on . As soon as the girl is free she immediately run to Tiffany’s side to check the girl.


“Unnie..Fany-unnie..wake up.”


Taeyeon observe the concerned girl on Tiffany. She knew that the other people are lying. She make a quick voice message to Yuri telling her where she is and she needs to come immediately. She walks back again to Tiffany’s side and ignore the other people inside the room.


“Well, I think we should leave you and your friends now Ms. Kim. We’ll let you decide what punishment you could do to them. But rest assured if you want this not to get out with anyone’ our lips are closed. You can count on that.”


Before the other student’s left the room Taeyeon speak out without looking at them.


“You are all aware of the CCTV in every corner of this room and facilities right. I’ll make sure to suggest a strict investigation about this. And if we found out whose lying then those people will be kick out from the University.”


“Ms. Kim!.” One of the girls which she remembers the face try to appeal, but the

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I hope this update will be some kind of peace offering for the long wait.


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Covid419 #1
Chapter 9: The times when sones referred to jessica as jennifer when asking snsd about any updates with jessica after she left. Brings me back to why i hate sme. Anyway OT9 till forever.
Chapter 26: Hi author!

This story is really good, and finally I get to catch up with this amazing story ^-^, I really like how protective is Jessi, oh Taeng you are in big troubles with Yuri hahaha can't wait to see what's going to happen when Yul gets to know that Taeng told Jessi about her feelings. I think is really funny how Jessi really doesn't want to be friends with Taeng but still for her Fany she'll do everything, I wonder why Jessi can't stand Taeyeon, is she jealous? does Jessi has feelings for Tiffany?.

Thanks author, you did great, I really like and enjoy reading this chapters, I'll wait patiently for more, keep going, good luck (^-^)v
Chapter 25: Hi author! this story is really good, and finally I get to be back ^-^, I really like how protective is Jessi, oh I can see that all those that try to mess with Tiff will have lots of troubles hahaha. Aww Jessi finally give her permision to Tiff to be friends with TaeTae that's so sweet.

Thanks author, you did great, I really like and enjoy reading this chapters, I'll wait patiently for more, keep going, good luck (^-^)v
1122 streak #4
Chapter 26: I like how this secret things going wt Tae and Sica, prepare Yul!!!
1122 streak #6
Chap 24: hahaha oh Yul better tell Sica the truth or she'll froze you to death with her glares...
HiroTakahasi #7
Chapter 26: Damn! Jessica is so cool i pray for those who have sinned for they will face the wrath of taengsic.
CrissYoung #8
Chapter 26: Goodluck with those people who have sinned haha
It's scary when taengsic joint forces, setting aside their differences for the same goal.. please make it a hard punishment.. let them pay...
1122 streak #9
Jessie should talk to Taeng and deal with those girls who keeps on toubling tiff... Sica is really the ice queen one glare from here and it freeze you ^_^
CrissYoung #10
Chapter 25: Yeah sana all.. Those bullies deserves some punishment..