The project.

Don't Flirt



“Kim Jongdae, don’t stress yourself it’s only a university project and they’re nothing but friends, plus you have to trust Naeri, she’s a nice girl and she loves you, why would she cheat on you with him?”

This is driving me crazy, she said she would be meeting him for two weeks or more to do that project and Naeri knows how much I hate him, I feel she could leave me for him at any time, I mean he’s almost perfect for her they get along pretty well, I listen to people every time saying how good they would look together and they don’t even care she has a boyfriend and it’s me.

“It’s not that I don’t trust Naeri Chanyeol, I don’t trust Nam Taehyun, he’s been trying to get Naeri since the first semester, we’re in the fourth he knows we’ve been dating for a year but he still doesn’t care, I saw him trying to hold her hand, and I even saw him kissing her cheek weeks ago, I mean I was there and he did it.”

“Hyung, I think you have to take it easy, Naeri is clever, she knows he likes her, I bet she already told him to stop being like that; I don’t see why they can’t hang out like friends?” Tao said calm.

Sure, they’re like this because is not their girlfriend the one who some guy is flirting with, I’m so done with this, I don’t know what is happening to me anymore, I’ve lost all the confidence I had in myself, since the day even I realized how good they would look together but she’s still with me loving me.

I say goodbye to the guys and head to Naeri’s place; she said she would like me to be with them while they’re working on their project, I drive as fast as I can and reach the place soon, I type the key and God I can smell food, she’s baking a cake, chocolate, my favorite.

“Darling I’m here” Naeri shouts from the kitchen, I close the door and head to the kitchen, sadly in my way I see Nam Taehyun sitting on the table working on the project, he raises his head and glares at me.

“Good night Nam Taehyun” I politely greet him.

“Hello Kim Jongdae is nice to see you.” He reply’s with a smirk.

I keep walking to the kitchen to meet Naeri, I really want to see her, she looks so cute with the apron and the way she cooks makes me realize every time more that she’s the girl I want to share my whole life with.

“Hey beautiful” I say while I back hug her.

She turns around, smiles and pecks my cheek. Take that Nam Taehyun.

“I thought you weren’t coming, were you busy, did I make you leave something important?” She says looking at my eyes.

“No darling, plus nothing could be more important that accompany you and protecting you from that jerk.”

She hits lightly my chest and giggles.

“Don’t be silly Chen, Taehyun is a nice guy, I don’t know why you don’t like him…”

“He likes you, that is why I dislike him.” I say as I poke her cheek.

“Well he might like me but I love you so there’s nothing for you worry about, now go and ask Taehyun if he wants more tea.”

Tea? For that guy we should let him die of thirst, but I can’t say no to Naeri, you’re weak Jongdae, weak.

“Taehyun-sshi are you thirsty, do you want tea or something?”

“Sure, tea is fine you could bring it to me fast and leave, we don’t need you here to do our project.”


“So that’s all for today, thank you Taehyun, then when are we meeting again?”

“Friday is fine, and we could hang out after this”

“I’m sorry Taehyun but we’re going out with Chen, maybe Saturday…?” 

“Okay then, see you on Saturday, dress nice, we may be going to a club in the night, bye.”

This guy has not shame, he’s asking my girlfriend to go with him to a club on Sunday in front of me but worst she didn’t say anything to him.

“Han Naeri, did you just accepted to hang out with him?” I ask a little bit angry.

“I did, why wouldn’t I, we are not going to do anything on Saturday night, I thought we could go with them…”

I just fall for everything she says, I can’t get mad and she’s just too kind to reject the guy I bet is that. I didn’t have another option it was going with her or leave her go alone with that guy, I agreed and as a price I stayed at her house that night, well done Jongdae, well done.

Saturday came soon and Nam Taehyun seems surprised to see me here, why wouldn’t I, haven’t he processed I’m her boyfriend?

“Jongdae-sshi you’re here too, well I can’t help it, I hope you enjoy watching me dancing with Naeri” He says with a smirk.

I glare at him as my hand turns in to a fist, say something else and I swear I’m going to hit your pretty face. Night came soon and it was time for us to leave, it’s going to be a long night, I hope Nam Taehyun behave because if he doesn’t he’s going to meet the real Kim Jongdae. 




This is the first chap~~~~ I hope you leave a comment down there. ^.^/




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alyssa01 #1
Chapter 2: Love the story! <3
Your such a great writer! ^^