Man or Maknae

Man or Maknae?

"Hyung, you wanna hang out today?" he asked with wide puppy eyes locked firmly onto Minho's. "Sorry kid," his beloved hyung replied as he stood from the sofa, ruffling Taemin's hair in the process, "but I’m off to meet Khunnie.” Seeing the disappointment written all over his dongsaengs face, Minho pulled Taemin into a tight embrace. "We will hang out tomorrow though, ok?" the younger boy just nodded, arms wrapped around his favourite hyung. "Good, see you then, take care," he pulled away and headed towards the door, waving and passing a quick 'bye' over his shoulder. Taemin sank into the sofa feeling totally dejected.


Ten minutes or so later, the front door opened and closed, then light footsteps headed towards the living room, Taemin sat forward on his chair. "Hey Taeminnie," Onew smiled as he crossed the room. "Hyung, you're back," Taemin stood from the sofa and enveloped Onew in a tight hug. Laughing whilst gently removing Taemin from his body, Onew looked down into the maknae's glistening eyes "I’m sorry baby, I’m going back out, I have to meet Hyori nuna for lunch, I just dropped back to grab my MP3 player to let her hear our new song." Seeing the look of upset spread slowly over Taemin's face Onew pulled the boy into another small hug before releasing him and heading towards the door "I won't be long though, nuna has to meet other friends later, so after I have met up with Leeteuk hyung for dinner, I’ll be back, ok?” Again, Taemin nodded as yet another wave and goodbye was thrown at him.


After pacing the apartment for almost half an hour, Taemin heard voices coming from Jonghyun hyungs room. 'Hyung is home' he thought to himself with a smile as he headed down the hallway and towards his older brothers room. Stopping in the doorway before the closed door, he could have sworn he heard two voices, 'Yes, Key hyung is here too' the grin on his face only widened, 'someone to play with, FINALLY'. Turning the door handle his eyes met with what he can only describe as pure horror, right before his very young and fairly innocent eyes was both his hyungs, limbs entangled, sweat covered bodies moving together, moans filling the room along with the undeniable sound of skin slapping against skin. His eyes widened in shock, he knew they made love regularly, I mean, god, he had heard them often enough, he wasn't stupid, but Jesus, he had never seen it with his own eyes before. Shocked to his very core, he slammed the door shut and retraced his steps back towards the living room, as fast as lightening. This just wasn't his day, he just wanted to hang out and have fun but he was having far from that.


'Alright, that’s it. I will have fun today if it's the last thing I do' his mind was set as he picked up his phone, dialling the first number that sprang to mind, 'Yesung.’ The phone rang once, twice, thrice and continued on until it went to voicemail "Hey this is Super Junior's amazing voice, Yesung, im not available at the…” Taemin slammed the phone shut, a low growl escaping his throat. Trying again, he dialled Sungmin's phone with the same result as before, straight to voicemail. If he wasn't so damn determined to be happy today, he would have given up right then and there.


For the rest of the day until at least 8pm that night, he tried all of his contacts in his phonebook with either the same turnout as Yesung and Sungmin's call's or with a 'sorry kid, I’m busy, maybe tomorrow though, ok'. Feeling utterly dejected and totally exhausted, Taemin retreated to bed.


The next morning he was awoken by the sounds of his hyungs gathered in the living room, whispering something along the lines of 'we need to make an effort today, he looked so upset yesterday, I feel so bad'. He rolled in his bed and pulled the covers over his head. The door to his bedroom burst open as all his band mates rushed in and dived on top of him with loud yells and happy faces. Taemin grumbled as he pushed them away and off his bed, before burying his head back under the covers.


"Minnie, we came to hang out," Minho protested at being shoved away


"Yeah, get up squirt, let’s play," Onew quipped


Taemin snorted, "Now you wanna hang out?"


Unbeknown to him, his band members exchanged confused glances as they each tried to figure out why their cute little dongsaeng was being so snippy with them.


Taemin sat up in his bed, a look of sheer annoyance crossed his pretty features "Get out, the lot of you.”


Minho stepped towards the bed, arms outstretched towards the maknae and Taemin pulled his hand out of reach, halting his hyung in his tracks. "Just leave me alone, you all wanted you're alone day yesterday, I want mines today, OK?" he enunciated the last word loud enough for the neighbours to hear. He was clearly pissed off at them but that didn't stop the Onew condition as he smiled and said, "Come on Teaminnie...” but before he could finish his sentence, a loud yell ripped through his speech " OFF.”


The shocked hyungs didn't bother to question the maknae as they hastily retreated from the bedroom, footsteps loud on the wooden floor boards. Each one of them shocked and surprised to see their sweet dongsaeng acting in such an -ish way, and also each one of them, secretly feeling slightly hot from the dark glare sent their way and the pissed off manner of their maknae but none of them willing to admit it, especially to each other, considering he was their baby, usually a very quiet pensive but happy young kid. If Lucifer didn't prove their baby was no more, this morning’s outburst certainly did and it was about time they opened their eyes and realized that their baby was now a man.  

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As I'm reading your one-shots I've come to a conclusion EVERY single one of them should be a full story ^_^ #that is all
@melfaescotland [A]<br />
<br />
Lol!! No problemo babe! Always on the prowl for good fics, kekeke^^<br />
@Jileeah<br />
<br />
ing awesome comment =)<br />
<br />
Which means that you are a ing awesome person =)<br />
<br />
Thankyou so much for reading my fic and commenting on it, I appreciate it soooo much<br />
Take care babe and have a wicked day<br />
Much Love<br />
PEACE OUT!!!<br />
ing awesome one^^
@sonicBOOM<br />
<br />
He does have a y glare <br />
( ^ _ ^ )<br />
<br />
I would have told them to f off too<br />
keke<br />
<br />
Love ya babe<br />
@kpopvyshi<br />
Haha<br />
Couldn't agree more ( ^ _ ^ )<br />
LOL AWWWWW Taemin come here and i'll cheer you up~ :DDDDD yes, Taemin is now a man, but a very cute and innocent one at that~ and that's what i love about him~ his adorable and glompable mixture of cute and y~ :D <3 <br />
<br />
great job! :D kekeke
@RainStormRaider<br />
Keke, me too ( ^ _ ^ )<br />
Thankyou so much for reading and commenting, i appreciate so much<br />
Take care and have an awesome day<br />
PEACE<br />