

In which Yoongi blames Namjoon (and Seokjin, but mostly Namjoon) because it's entirely his fault.


©Copyright @ Kellin

I'm nearly finished, Î swear ^^


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ArchieJowist #1
Chapter 1: Ow my gawd, I'm squealing so hard right now ;A; My Yoongi sunshine was so friggin' cute here, I can't even ;; *hugs my cheeks with palms* I so adore your writing style, do you even know how much? ;_; Ah, and that gif in the begining ;_; I always said that if I really need to be in a relationship, then I want someone that looks at me the way Siwon looks at Kyuhyun and the way Yoongi looks at Jimin because you won't see more love in anyone's eyes than in their TT^TT
Chapter 1: Such cute omg x)
Chapter 1: OMG this is so cute! Jealous Min Yoongi is the best! And fanboy totally suit Jimin's image lollll
Dencavitta #4
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaah xD jealous yoongi is so cute~~~~
Chapter 1: Awhhh...this is really cute and great written ^.^ i wish the bonus part will be a little bit long
Ip112233 #6
Ohhh can't wait!!