The Friendship That Lead

Pressures of Being a Kingka

Throughout the years, Tao and Kris had been the best of friends, almost too close to be friends. They hung out, watched movies alone, and had sleepovers. When they entered high school, they met more pairs of friends like them. Luhan and Sehun had transferred from a school out of district. Kai and Kyungsoo came from a local middle school. Baekhyun and Chanyeol entered from an out of school district as well. They were all wealthy, as were Tao and Kris. The 8 of them were known as the kingkas of the school.

Kris, Luhan and Kai got to know each other through modeling because they were under the same agency. Sehun, Chanyeol and Tao knew each other from music class. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo shared the same vocals class. The pairs brought their friends together during lunch and they wound up becoming a popular group of 8 handsome men.

None of them knew about Kris’ past except Tao’ well, he only knew part of it. It was an extremely close call one day, however, for the rest of them, when they all had a sleep over. Kris had received a call on his cellphone. He picked up.



“How the hell did you get my number?” he asked in Chinese. The rest of the group looked at Kris curiously, wondering what caused him to get mad all of a sudden. The person on the other line murmured something. “I’m going to ask you one more time. How did you get my number.?”


“He’s gone too. He betrayed me. Just like you.”


“Are you ing kidding me? Do you know what hell you put me through?”

“!!!!!!!!!!” The person on the other line scream something into the phone.

“SHUT THE UP YOU . I DON’T GIVE A DAMN. GO DIE IN HELL!!!” Kris screamed, almost crying, into the phone. Kris threw his phone at the wall and stormed away to the washroom. The remaining members looked at each other confused on what to do. They heard sudden crashing sounds from the washroom. They looked to Tao. It was his mansion, and he was the closest to Kris. Tao went to check on Kris and told the others to relax and watch a movie.

As the other 6 watched a movie, Tao went into the bathroom and saw something that haunted him for nights. The what-was-once a mirror on the wall was now in shattered pieces on the floor. Toilet paper was spewed all over the floor. The floor was stained a crimson red. Kris lay, his back against the bathtub, his arm hanging by his side, cuts from the mirror Tao assumed he had smashed with his hand. It was bleeding and Tao’s eyes froze directly on it and couldn’t look away.

‘Kris has never acted like this. He’s always been quiet and gentle. What happened?’ Tao thought.

Kris looked up at Tao with blood shot eyes that had tears dripping out of them. He breathed out and almost unperceivable “I’m sorry.” He looked down in guilt and Tao saw that his hand was trembling. Kris started helplessly crying. Tao didn’t know how to react. He had never been in this situation.

Tao ignored the disastrous mess in front of him and started cleaning the blood from Kris’ arm. While washing his arm, he asked Kris, “Gege…” Kris looked at him and made direct eye contact with him, signaling for him to continue. “Who was the woman that called you?” he asked.

Kris cried harder and managed to croak between heavy sobs and breathlessness, “It…was…my…mother…” He continued crying and used his non battered hand to grip tightly to his hair. He started pulling hard, anything, to make him forget about the emotional memories his mother had brought back to him.

Tao put his hand on Kris’s back and brought him towards himself and embraced him. They stayed in that position until Kris had stopped crying.

“Gege… You don’t have to tell me what happened right away…. But if you need someone to comfort you… I’m always here.”

“Promise?” Kris asked.

Tao ruffled Kris’s hair and kissed him on his forehead. “Promise.”

Tao helped Kris up and got out the first aid kit and bandaged Kris’s arm. Kris stayed silent the whole time. He looked at Tao with thankful eyes. Tao noticed how quiet Kris was being.

“Ah gege~~~~~ Smile!!” he used his aegyo on Kris and hugged him tightly. Kris let out a small smile. The same smile he let out when he first met Tao.  Tao smiled brightly. “Ge, they’re watching a movie outside. You wanna watch it?” Kris nodded.

Tao led Kris out and they went into the living room. Tao gasped and clung onto Kris because the other 6 were watching a horror movie. The 6 heard Tao’s gasp and looked towards him and started laughing.

“Tao, you missed the ghost scene,” Luhan said. The others laughed as Tao’s face drained of its color and turned pale. He kept clinging to Kris, but Kris didn’t mind. As the movie progressed, Tao became more tired and laid his head against Kris’ shoulder. Kris smiled at the kid.

Then, came a scene where there was a mother abandoning her child. The child kept crying, “Mama… Mama…”

Kris’ breath hitched in his throat. He remembered calling for his mother after she left. His dad kept abusing him. Kris breathed in shallow breaths with sharp gasps.  Tao, still half-awake, saw the distress in Kris’ eyes and could see him on the verge on crying. Tao found Kris’ hand and held it tightly, reassuring him. Kris felt a sense of safety when Tao held his hand. He felt like he could face anything. They continued to watch the movie until another scene came up. The father of the child began hitting him. The child cried, but the father would not spare him mercy. All the memories started flooding back through Kris’ head. His grip on Tao’s hand tightened. Tao looked up and didn’t know why Kris was reacting that way to the scene. He only knew that Kris didn’t live with his parents. Everything else was a mystery. He could tell Kris was trying to stay strong throughout the movie.

“Ge,” he whispered in Chinese, “lay your head on my lap okay?” Kris obeyed and laid down. Tao covered Kris’s ears and bent down towards his ear. “Sleep,” he said, and kissed him on the head. Kris slept and felt safe with Tao.

Kris knew he was going to confess one day. He thought the confession would go well. He thought Tao liked him back. Oh how wrong he was when he was so right. 


Hey guys! I tried to updated before the new year! I hope you guys enjoy the new year! Happy 2k15!! 

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Chapter 3: ing Sulli I'm mad, I couldn't even read this chapter bc of what Tao did. Ahhh!
dyemolink1 #2
Chapter 3: Update pls I hate sulli alot
Chapter 3: Oh come on where are yooou? PABO TAO YOU THINK KRIS WASN'T AFFECTED BADLY BY IT YOU DAMN IDIOT *slap* UGh, anD thaT B*tCh sUllI ... ARGH
Lulu is so nice. <33333333
Chapter 3: I hate Tao's guts full stop.
Kris ... Noooooooo ... You Coward, Tao, how DARE you? You dare go that far with Kris? How COULD YOU?????!!!!!!
Agh, I hate that Sulli too ... She is a downright b*tch. You ... I really need to go right into this fic and slap her right in the face.
Kris ... Don't gooooooo ... Tao you ... You ... *screams* i really need to knock some sense into his damn head. UGH
update soon, pls, but no hurry, huhuhuhu. Just miss this fic ~ where are you these days? *pouts*
Chapter 3: Sulli-ah ... I'm warning you ...
I need to know what is happening ... Please ... So, the 8 kingkas shot down to 7 kingkas ... Ooh. And he out ... Eh?
My poor kris
and why does Tao have to be so scared ... Hmph
come on boys get moving and pick yourselves up. No use moving around, kris and Tao!
And luhannie is so nice in all of ur fics. Yay ...
Congrats and for god's sake UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BillyBobJones_Bertha #6
Chapter 3: T^T T~T >~< TT^TT
Please make updating your 2k16 resolution. I love this fic too much <3 fighting !!!
unicesawmhal #7
Chapter 3: Updated soon
eris_0068 #8
Chapter 3: Author-nim, I hope you'll update this story. It's very interesting and my feels are everywhere. Please update~
BillyBobJones_Bertha #9
Chapter 3: Holy feels attack...I love it tho. I know you will make me cry, and I don't cry easily. But seriously I love this. Amazing job, author-nim fighting!
KrazyKowaiGG #10
Chapter 3: i really like this story a lot! i hope you can update soon, but just take your time ^-^