Like and LOVE

Can't Ever Replace You

Kyuhyun woke up with a start only to find himself in a plain bedroom that seemed foreign to him. He his head slightly to find a familiar face. "Mi Sun..."

Min Jong gave a sigh. "You fainted."

"I did?" He couldn't remember what happened to make him faint. Whenever he tried to summon up the memory, he could only see fuzzy, blurred images. The idol groaned as he felt a pulsating migraine hammered into his skull.

"Here." Min Jong handed him two pills. "For your migraine."

He gratefully swallowed them, and eased back into the small bed he was laying on. "Where are we?"

"In my apartment. You should be lucky it was nearby, or we would've been in a predicament."

"Do you live here alone?" Kyuhyun who was used to staying with his Super Junior hyungs in the dorm never found himself lonely and wishing for company.

"Yeah." She gave him a stern look. "Are you sure you're okay? I can call that Sungmin guy in case you want to go home."

"No. I want to stay with you for a while. If that's alright with you?"

Min Jong gave a nod. "If you want. There's nothing entertaining here though. I'm always at university classes or my part time job, so I'm not here that much."

Kyuhyun just then noticed music from the radio on the bedside table. Super Junior's Why I Like You poured into the room. Without even noticing, he sang along to his parts with a smile on his lips. Not even minding his surroundings, he performed like he would to an audience full of avid fans. When the song finally ended, he heard clapping. Min Jong clapped and stared at him with a knowing look.

"You must love singing a lot." She observed.

"I do?"

"Well, to sing along with the song without giving it a second thought, I would think that you played it to make yourself happy."

"I never really noticed." Kyuhyun rubbed his head with embaressment. He hadn't meant to sing it aloud in front of Mi Sun.

"Anyway, what do you love about Mi Sun?" Min Jong asked.

There was a long pause in which Min Jong stared at him expectantly. "...Well, I really love your bright smile, and the way you cheer me up when I'm having a bad day, and-"


Kyuhyun was slightly bewildered by what she said. "What?"

"You should have answered more quickly than that." Min Jong answered cooly. She was slightly disappointed that he had to take a pause just to find out why he loved Mi Sun.

"I don't understand..."

"If you really loved Mi Sun, than you would have answered with lightning speed. You took such a long pause that if I hadn't known you, I would've thought you weren't all that into her."


"Furthermore," Min Jong continued, "It sounds like you had fallen into like with her. Not fallen in love with her. Love and like are completely two different things."

"But I'm sure that I fell in love with you, Mi Sun!" Kyuhyun insisted.

"Then tell me something really personal that Mi Sun shared with you."

Another silence filled the room. Min Jong had her eyebrow raised as Kyuhyun rubbed his hair to try and answer her command.

"How do you even know about love, huh?" Kyuhyun shouted, trying to turn the tables on her.

She looked at him with a pained expression on her usually impassive face. "I fell in love once. Whenever my friends asked me what I loved about him, I would answer quickly list so many things I loved about him."

He regretted bringing the subject up. It looked so hard for her to talk about it. "What happened to him?"

"Hmph. Bastard broke up with me over the phone, and the next day I saw him face with another girl."

"I'm sorry..."

"I don't need sympathy." She stood up. "Let me call Sungmin to pick you up."


Sungmin and Kyuhyun rode home in silence with Kyuhyun thinking about what Min Jong had told him. Was it really true? Had he really fallen in like with Mi Sun?

"What's wrong, Kyu?" Sungmin had kept casting worried glances at him when he wasn't looking.

"Hyung...have you ever fallen in love before?"


"Tell me. What did you love about her?"

"I loved how she always knew when I was down, and how she would share anything with me even if some things were really personal. I loved everything about her." Sungmin said.

Kyuhyun was stumped. Sungmin had answered without even hesitating. Was it really true that he hadn't really loved Mi Sun at all?

"Hyung. How can you tell the difference between liking someone and loving someone?"

"Well, if you like someone, you just want to be friends with them. When you love someone than you're willing to take that extra step. At least that's what I think." Sungmin answered.

"I see..."


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omg that dude is such a douche! Min Jung shoulda hit him
sjlalalalalove #3
I'm a first time reader. :) Gosh! I really love your story. ♥ Please update frequently. :D
ladywcat #4
please min jong, stay away from money, money is the root of all evil and should be earned through hard work !!
misseusimple #5
Stupid Dongmin. :| Aiiisssh. :| Please update soon. :))
hooray u updated!!
update soon:)
ew dongmin xP <br />
yay kyu <333<br />