29. Cuteness overload

Cafe In Love


'What're you doing here man?' yoochun spoke in clear English as he walked to his friend and gave him a fleeting one hand hug before they broke apart, they entered yoochun's office and sat down


'It's boring lately, morale are low too… I took a plane and got here' he shrugged


Yoochun tsked and they both sat down, yoochun walked to the mini fridge and handed donghae a can of beer while he took one himself


'So, how about you show me around your hotel here?' donghae sipped some beer and spoke up


'You got time?' yoochun cracked an eyebrow


'Not really, my lawyer called, some troubles in Japan and I must go, my flight in hours but I thought about stopping by first. I'll be back in a week or less'


Yoochun nodded his head, he spent the morning with his friend remembering the old times, and every time the question of boyfriends or girlfriends popped up yoochun would change the topic quickly






Junsu opened his eyes and looked, it was the same again, he was in yoochun's bed, for sure, he could feel the blankets in his skin, and right beside him was sleeping yoochun, as well


Junsu sighed and pulled the blankets closer to his body, it was cold, he didn't complain about being , nor did he panic, it was normal thing now, to wake up in yoochun's bed or to find yoochun and himself in one if the beds in his store. It seemed that lately both micky and Xiah have been too active, not that he cared anymore. Now, for some strange, twisted reason, everything was alright, and he had spent an amazing week, as much as he hated to admit it at first he was having a blast with yoochun


'You're still here?' yoochun mumbled in Korean, his Korean had improved so much the past week as he tutored him and to tell the truth junsu was doubting that Xiah was teaching micky some Korean too


'Hmmm' junsu mumbled, he was too lazy to get out of this comfortable bed


'I'll order breakfast' mumbled yoochun again, reaching only his hand out from under the blankets to grab the phone and call room serves


'I should go' junsu mumbled but made no effort to get out of the bed


'I know, I got a meeting too' yoochun added and he too made no attempt to get out of the bed


'I must open the shop' junsu added pulling the blanket even tighten around his body and taking most of it leaving yoochun with so little that he barely covered himself


None of the two moved till they heard the knock on the door, unwillingly yoochun reached his hand again and grabbed his jeans, lucky micky always kept his cloth around the bed


Slipping the boxers and the jeans on yoochun got out of the bed, as he did so he gave junsu a good view of his well built chest while he slipped the shirt on and went to open the door


A few seconds later yoochun walked back in with the trolley of food


Junsu got up unwilling too and picked up his cloth, it was a normal thing for him to find some of his shirt buttons ripped off and shattered all around the room, it was normal too that yoochun kept a few shirts his size in his closet for him to wear when his own shirts were too ripped beyond repair, today it seemed his shirt was beyond repair too so junsu got his pants on and stood up, shivering, and walked to the closet opening it, as he did he missed yoochun's eyes which were eyeing his body no stop, eyeing his body  as if it was the most amazing piece of art ever


As junsu got dressed yoochun forced himself to look elsewhere, he always did before the boy could notice him,


Sitting to eat together yoochun spoke again:' lunch together?'


'I'm taking Hyukie to the mall today, Christmas shopping and all, meet me there after?'


Yoochun nodded his head and went on eating again; lunches or dinners with the boy were normal things now


'Ok, I'm going' junsu finished eating and stood up, yoochun did too


They walked out of the room together but separated in the lobby, as junsu left and yoochun went to his office


Entering his office yoochun blinked and smiled, he was back again


'How's Japan?' he asked sitting down


'Boring, you're late' donghae frowned ' new habit I see'


'Shut it' yoochun snorted at him and sat behind his office


'So, you're going to show me around? Spend the day together?'


'I got a meeting at lunch, but I will cancel and…'


'Oh lover?' donghae smirked


'Huh?' yoochun blinked, his heart beating fast ' no, a friend, he's just a friend' he spoke hollowly, he didn't believe his own words as he spoke them, but as he didn't make a move on the boy yet, as they were in that complicated situation, he wasn't going to tell his playboy friend about him


'So why cancel it?' donghae blinked ' take me alone, let me meet him, or is it something privet and secretive?'


'What?' yoochun fisted his hands underneath his desk as he spoke ' what's up with you man? Sure you can come along, he's a normal friend who's helping me with my damn Korean' yoochun spoke in super fast English and donghae grinned






Junsu was with his younger brother in the mall, up till now he didn't see his father's men anywhere near him, Hyukie called him last night, they talked for half an hour, he told him that it was more than he talked to him in the last half a year together, somehow, Hyukie was a little happy his dad was interested in his life, it was as if when he ran away from him he found him


'Hyung, how about this?' Hyukie rushed to the toy store and pointed at the one and a half meters long Christmas tree and smiled


'But Hyukie we already got tree, we need some decoration for the house, that's all' junsu tried


'But hyung, I was a Christmas tree in my room as well' eunhyuk pouted cutely


'Aish' junsu sighed but smiled ' okay, we will buy it, but you're taking it home'


Eunhyuk nodded happily and pulled junsu into the store to buy his Christmas tree


After buying the Christmas tree eunhyuk used his cute charms to get junsu to buy him three sets of Christmas lights and a lot of fake snow and a bunch of other things, finally junsu had to ask the store to deliver everything to their house


'Hyung, I'm going home to wait for the stuff' eunhyuk grinned as they walked out of the shop


'I thought you wanted to meet my friend' junsu blinked


'Another time hyung, I want to wait for the stuff, it's the first time I'm decorating my own room, I want it amazing' eunhyuk grinned


'With everything you bought I'm sure it will be' junsu spoke


Eunhyuk stuck out his tongue, giggled and ran away from his hyung back home waving goodbye, junsu waited till he saw his brother out of the mall safely before he walked to the restaurant where he was to meet yoochun


Entering the restaurant junsu pouted at once and walked to the table, yoochun was there with another man


'Hey' junsu dropped in the chair and took yoochun's coffee toward him sipping some, it was normal between them two now, yoochun didn't even object on that but smiled a little


'He worn you out, didn't he?' yoochun chuckled in Korean


Junsu nodded and pushed the mug of coffee away from his lips frowning now and making a soar face


'Not good' he hissed and yoochun nodded ' our place has the best coffee, this is just standard'


Junsu nodded and pouted puffing out his cheeks


'Hi, I'm donghae' donghae grinned charmingly and reached to shake junsu's hand ' micky's friend'


'Junsu' junsu mumbled, he didn't like the part when the boy said micky's friend, something inside of him began to boil and he knew what it was, Xiah


'Shall we order then?' yoochun didn't like the way his friend eyed junsu with, he knew donghae was the kind to always get the boy he wanted, to always charm him and have him and he feared it would be the case with junsu too, what will micky do then? Heck, what will he do then?


'Yoochun' junsu tugged on yoochun's sleeve a little and yoochun blinked looking at him, the waiter was there and waiting for him to order, he sighed and looked up:' whatever he took' he pointed at junsu and the waiter bowed and left


Yoochun was about to say something else when his mobile rang and he answered




'Oh yes, of course, tomorrow would be a great day'


'The aquarium is ready and everything is perfect…'




'Great, thank you' yoochun hanged up and looked, junsu was looking at him with big, round eyes that had hearts in them


'They will bring the dolphins tomorrow?'


Yoochun nodded, he gulped seeing how cute junsu was, his hands fisted and gathered under his chin, his eyes big with happiness and his cheeks pink, his cute pouting mouth opened slightly as he looked at yoochun, as he nodded yoochun saw junsu grin so happily, he almost jumped out of his seat to celebrate this


'Want to come, watch as they bring them?' yoochun asked at once and junsu nodded without any hesitating whatsoever, he was hoping for this invitation


Yoochun smiled and looked at junsu some more, junsu looked amazingly cute and innocent as he went on and on talking to him about the dolphins and how he must take care of them and give them the biggest, prettiest tank there is while he nodded agreeing with him on whatever he wanted, anything to make him happy, beside he was taken aback by all this cuteness he couldn't even remember how to say no


Donghae smirked, this boy was so pretty and so cute, his type exactly



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Chapter 46: And Yunho, why so mean to my poor Minnie? *pouts* At least there is Jae umma to help him. Evil Yunho. :(
Chapter 46: I looooooooove it!!!!!!!
YooSu couple so cute.
YunJae ... Haha, Jae is the wife who cooks cookies, *giggles*
KiMin ... Wow. Minnie O_o
Naughty boy Minnie (but still too cute, kekeke)
this is so entertaining, just like your other fics, well done!!!!!!
Chapter 46: I looooooooove it!!!!!!!
YooSu couple so cute.
YunJae ... Haha, Jae is the wife who cooks cookies, *giggles*
KiMin ... Wow. Minnie O_o
Naughty boy Minnie (but still too cute, kekeke)
this is so entertaining, just like your other fics, well done!!!!!!
Lia00027 #4
I always like ur story of yoosu couple this one is not an exception.
Chapter 44: YUNHO now it look like you just want jae alone with ya LOL
Chapter 14: Hahahaha im with you all the way yunho....<3
Chapter 7: Damn yunjae are strict parents thats really jung yunho <3
Chapter 6: oh my God hilarious chapter yunho still feel jealous over his son for his wifey LOL changmin your a troll LOL
Yoosu always fight its new yoochun act like that LOL
Chapter 3: Aw sweet yoochun...damn i wonder why changmin acts like that and im so proud of yunho staying calm all the time wow <3
Chapter 2: Ahahaha yoochun was fast eh...aw changmin i, a rebellious stage eh...can't blame it though...damn i wish that cafe really exist with yunjae because i'll go there everday :-)