
Cafe In Love


Yoochun opened the door and entered, it was so long since he had his favorite coffee so he went to the café and entered. As he sat down yoochun looked around, his eyes searching for the boy, he wasn't there, he wasn't anywhere in the place and yoochun felt something fall in his heart, as if a tiny hope of him meeting the boy and watching him had shattered, he wasn't sure if it was him or micky who felt it, maybe both?


Ordering his normal coffee yoochun sighed, he looking around bored when he heard the door open again, he wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't for the cute, low sneeze that made him feel breathless, he turned to look and saw the boy enter the place with another man beside him, he had seen him with him before, a friend or a boyfriend maybe? Again, yoochun didn't like the thought of the boy as a boyfriend, he just hated it, him and micky, they both hated it so badly


As the boy and his… friend sat down yoochun frowned some more, the two had sat down in a way that the boy had his back to yoochun, yoochun couldn't see him but he had to face the other man instead, not something that he liked


As the café was served and yoochun began to drink he began to feel weird, like if his entire body was relaxed, as if things went blurry for a second and for the short amount of time he had left he knew micky was about to come out, he knew what was to happen even if he couldn't stop it


Yoochun blinked and opened his eyes, a smile stretched on his face as he stretched out his hands, he looked at the boy with his back to him, he could feel his lover inside, burning to get out, to go to him, burning to hold him and smell him, he was burning for the same as well, he wanted his lover so badly


Waiting, he looked at his lover still, he waited till the other man finished his coffee, he excused himself and went to the bathroom, micky took his chance at once and went to his lover at once, he stood right behind him and lent in whispering in his ear




Junsu felt everything spin around him as he heard the name; his vision went blurry again but somehow he didn't mind it this time, maybe this will mean he will be happy again, he was happier when he had those blanks, maybe he will be happy again now?


Junsu blinked, shook his head and at once jumped up of his chair and looked behind him, tears forming in his eyes as he looked at the tall man behind him


None spoke, micky reached to hold on his lover's hand and super quickly they rushed out of the café, micky even forgot to pay this time as he couldn't wait to have his lover again


They didn't even use the car, they walked out of the café and rushed into the nearest deserted alley where no one was and micky slammed his lover against the brink wall and slammed their lips together kissing the daylight out of his lover


Xiah kissed back at once, his hands around his lover's neck and his legs circling his lover's waist, he was rubbing against him, he needed him so badly. So badly to even stop and yell at him for not coming to him for such a long while, not even to hit him and sniff, not even to be angry at him


Micky must of knew how his lover felt, how much he needed him because he was already pealing his lover's cloth off him not caring about the rain, not caring about the coldness or anything around them, he didn't care even if the entire world caught them right now, he just didn't care, all he cared about was lover in his hands, them together again, everything else was so faint and worn out, it didn't affect them at all






Jaejoong looked at the cupcake in front of him; he had just baked it especially for yunho, just like on the first time they went out together, he smiled and remembered


Jaejoong remembered


He was walking in the park again, skipping happily and holding his lunch in his hands, packed and wrapped, it was still hot and he hugged it tightly to his chest, this was his favorite lunch ever, he had even baked his favorite cupcake and spent about an hour decorating it and placing the icing on so perfectly that it looked too good to eat


Skipping happily jaejoong didn't look around, he was too hyper to look anywhere around him


'Watch out!!'


Jaejoong reacted too late, he was hit by a ball in the head and was falling down, he was falling and so was his precious lunch


Jaejoong closed his eyes, he was ready for the harsh fall but it didn't come, something soft yet firm so jaejoong opened his eyes and looked, he was half a meter away from the ground and as someone helped him up on his legs again he looked at him and widened his eyes, it was the same jerk looking at him and smiling, holding his lunch in one hand and him in the other


Jaejoong pushed him away a little and hugged his lunch at once, snatching it back and hugging it to his chest, he frowned, jaejoong wasn't the type who liked to owe anyone and now he owed the man one, the jerk man


'Are you alright?'


Jaejoong just nodded and frowned, this was the worst day now


'You should be more careful you know, you have such a delicate skin, you'll bruise easily if you fell down' he was kneeling down now and dusting off jaejoong's pants, just on his knee


Jaejoong didn't know why but seeing the man kneeling down in front of him so close made his heart go faster, he liked it somehow


'All good' yunho smiled and stood up again


Jaejoong frowned a little and didn't answer


'I… look, I'm sorry I got you into such troubles before, I was about to tell everyone the truth but I had a call and had to leave for work, it was important'


Jaejoong tsked and looked away, he wasn't going to buy this, he wasn't born yesterday


'Look I can go with you to the park ranger and clear things up' yunho offered


'Ok let's go' jaejoong frowned and began walking, marching ore like it


Yunho blinked, this man was such a baby, he really wanted to go to the ranger and talk to him? Well, if it was going to get him out of this mess then why not, beside, lately it seemed like he couldn't stop thinking about him, especially since last week, when they ate the blue Mochi from his favorite store, it didn't taste right then, when he was alone without the boy around to yell at him and call him a jerk


Yunho shrugged and thought what the hell, he walked with the boy to the park's ranger office and entered, yunho bowed and told the man that it was him picking up the flowers and how he didn’t mean to get the boy into trouble but had to leave because of work and finally when he paid jaejoong back they were allowed to leave


'Happy now?' yunho asked, wondering if the boy was to make him do anything crazy


Jaejoong pouted a little, yunho couldn't take his eyes off those pocked lips, they were too… attracting? For him that he couldn't take his eyes off them for a second


'I… I should go…now' yunho mumbled shaking his head, he had to go now before he do anything stupid which he will regret later on


'Wait…' jaejoong blurted out just as he walked a few steps away from him, he froze and smiled a little turning to face him


'W…would you like to have lunch for me… I hate to owe anyone and…and you…you saved me so…'


'I'll always hold you when you fall' yunho grinned and rushed back to jaejoong's side, they walked to a big, fully blossomed cherry tree and sat under it, the place was the best they could have, it was amazing and jaejoong opened the lunch boxed one by one showing yunho who smiled at him


'It's nothing much…' he mumbled but yunho shook his head ' it looks great'


Because there was only one set of chopsticks they each held one, sticking it into the food and eating, for rice and anything that needed both chopsticks they took turns to use them, anyone who looked at them would think they were on a date, they sure looked like they were on a date and jaejoong couldn't stop thinking that himself


Yunho smiled a little and began those small conversations with the boy to get to know him, it wasn't that bad or awkward as he thought it would be, they had a good time


Finishing their lunch yunho smiled, the last box was still closed, jaejoong too was eyeing the same box, slowly jaejoong reached to it and opened it, inside there was one cupcake, looking too good to eat, it was so cute and so well made


'You baked this?' yunho couldn't but ask


Jaejoong nodded and smiled:' it's my secret recipe'


Yunho nodded and looked at the cupcake, jaejoong had reached and held it as if wondering what to do with it, a while later he frowned and handed it to yunho:' here'


'For me?' yunho blinked holding the cupcake


Jaejoong nodded, he didn't know why he gave the man his favorite cupcake, he just felt like its okay to give it to him


'Thank you' yunho smiled ' how about we share? We can each have a half and I'll treat you to some Mochi from our favorite store'


Jaejoong thought about it and nodded his head; it wouldn't be too bad, he watched as yunho cut the cupcake in half and handed him back his half


Jaejoong watched the man as he ate his cupcake, he looked manly and strong, not like him who was so girly eating it with bird bites and his fingers and nibbling his cupcake, he saw the difference in the style and couldn't but pout, why was the man so manly? He looked…


'Baby?' jaejoong gasped as he felt someone hug him tightly, he looked and smiled to see his husband grinning at him


Jaejoong reached out and kissed his husband's lips softly:' I made you this'


Yunho looked at the cupcake and grinned widely:' we'll share it again later on'


Jaejoong nodded and whispered in yunho's ear:' thank you, for spoiling me last night'


'Oh baby, you know I'll spoil you every night if that's what you want, we just need to kick changmin out of the house, make him sleep in a tent in the backyard or something'


Jaejoong smiled and hit yunho's shoulder lightly, he lent in against his husband and smiled, he was so happy now


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Chapter 46: And Yunho, why so mean to my poor Minnie? *pouts* At least there is Jae umma to help him. Evil Yunho. :(
Chapter 46: I looooooooove it!!!!!!!
YooSu couple so cute.
YunJae ... Haha, Jae is the wife who cooks cookies, *giggles*
KiMin ... Wow. Minnie O_o
Naughty boy Minnie (but still too cute, kekeke)
this is so entertaining, just like your other fics, well done!!!!!!
Chapter 46: I looooooooove it!!!!!!!
YooSu couple so cute.
YunJae ... Haha, Jae is the wife who cooks cookies, *giggles*
KiMin ... Wow. Minnie O_o
Naughty boy Minnie (but still too cute, kekeke)
this is so entertaining, just like your other fics, well done!!!!!!
Lia00027 #4
I always like ur story of yoosu couple this one is not an exception.
Chapter 44: YUNHO now it look like you just want jae alone with ya LOL
Chapter 14: Hahahaha im with you all the way yunho....<3
Chapter 7: Damn yunjae are strict parents thats really jung yunho <3
Chapter 6: oh my God hilarious chapter yunho still feel jealous over his son for his wifey LOL changmin your a troll LOL
Yoosu always fight its new yoochun act like that LOL
Chapter 3: Aw sweet yoochun...damn i wonder why changmin acts like that and im so proud of yunho staying calm all the time wow <3
Chapter 2: Ahahaha yoochun was fast eh...aw changmin i, a rebellious stage eh...can't blame it though...damn i wish that cafe really exist with yunjae because i'll go there everday :-)