Chapter 6 - Rumors

"Umma!" "Appa!"

Chapter 6


Inspiration for this chapter: Airbag [ feat. Naul ] – Tablo. What Tablo said about this track: "I thought, just like how airbags are always there in case of a car accident, how nice would it to be to have someone there to shield you from difficult times. BLESS YOU TABLO FOR BEING SUCH AN AMAZING SONG WRITER. Speaking of which, I should really improve my lyric skills.


Dae’s POV


I slipped on my school uniform and reached for my headband. Dujun bought it for me a while ago but I never really got the chance to wear it. It was a simple white headband with a pale pink flower on the side. I slid it on and grabbed my school bag. Dongwoon and Dujun were already eating breakfast. “Noona already made breakfast.” Dujun grabbed my hand and pulled me down to the seat next to him. It was scrambled eggs with buttered toast. We finished our breakfast in silence. Dongwoon finished his breakfast first, excused himself and entered into my room where Hyungshik stayed for the night.


Hyungshik emerged from my room wearing a fire engine red baby clothes with small cars patterned across. He yawned slightly. “Appa…” He mumbled quietly. I finished my breakfast and I brushed my teeth. I switched the tiger plush toy with a dinosaur plush toy. “Here, you hold him for a moment.” Dongwoon told me as he placed Hyungshik into my arms. Dujun slung my school bag over his shoulder along with his own school bag. “Have you contacted the day care?” He asked me. I shook my head. “Dongwoon’s mom said that she can baby sit him today since she had a day off. She also wanted to know what her new ‘grandson’ was like.” I quoted as I pushed the stroller out from our apartment.


We began pushing the stroller out from our apartment and down onto the street. Dongwoon lived close by where we lived so it wasn’t that much of a walk. It was a quick 10 minute walk with Hyungshik ogling at the passing scenery from his stroller. Finally when we reached to the front of his apartment Dongwoon unlocked the front door. “Umma?” He asked. His mom emerged from the living room with a smile. She looked different from most Korean woman so I guess this is where Dongwoon got his ‘Western’ looks from.


“Hyungshik, umma and appa have to go to school. But Dongwoon’s mom is going to take care of you until we come back from school okay.” I told him. Hyungshik glanced at Dongwoon’s mom; his head tilted slightly trying to remember who she was. “Don’t worry she’s nice.” Dongwoon assured him kissing him slightly on the forehead. He glanced at me and pushed me foreward slightly. I kissed Hyungshik lightly on the forehead. “Be good okay? We’ll come back and we’ll play with you afterwards.” I said holding his hand lightly. I waved goodbye to him.


As we did, Hyungshik emerged into sobs for missing his mom and dad.


Dongwoon’s POV


As we reached school I noticed that a lot of people kept at glancing at Dae and I. Dae usually ignored all stares but I grew rather uncomfortable under their stares. I headed quickly over to my locker and opened it. A couple of pieces of paper fell out meaning that they were stuffed in. Most were asking how I was able to knock up Dujun’s sister. I sighed and I just stuffed the notes back into my locker.


I placed my unneeded textbooks and my lunch into my locker and headed to my first class; English.


Dujun’s POV


I noticed Dongwoon wasn’t as happy the moment we entered into school. A lot of people kept glancing over at Dae and Dongwoon. I managed to kill most of them when I slung my arm over Dae’s shoulder and led her to her locker. She gave me a puzzled look and I knew why, it was unusual that I did something like this. I growled back in annoyance and most people backed off. “Dujun, I have to get to class.” She said as she escaped out from my grip and ran towards her class. She was heading towards her art class and I headed towards the gym.


As I entered into the change room there was a sudden silence. I walked over to Junhyung who was also changing into his gym clothes. (AN: Assuming from my grade 9 GIRLS gym class, I’m going to assume that all guys are comfortable with each other and change in front of each other) “What were they talking about?” I murmured to him as the chatter within the change room started again. (AN: According to one of my best guy friends whenever they’re in the change rooms, they’re always gossiping. Apparently they’re worse than girls) “They were talking about Dongwoon and Dae. How did they already know?” Junhyung asked me. “According to Dongwoon people already knew since last night.” I hissed, as a picture of Hyori flashed into my mind.


Junhyung sighed and shook his head. “Dae’s not going to enjoy this. She hates attention.” He grimaced as we left the change room. Gikwang caught up to us. Even though he preferred weights over gym he only took this course because Junhyung and I were both here as well. “You wouldn’t have guessed what I heard!” He whispered to us. “Guys in the weights room were asking me how Dongwoon was able to score your sister. They also asked me how Dongwoon was able to get your permission to date her.” He continued, his eyes rapidly scanning the room for any eavesdroppers.  “What did you tell them?” I hissed. “I said that I didn’t know.” He replied. I nodded as I knew that would be the default answer.


A whistle blew loudly from outside the field as we jogged towards the track. I crouched down into my starting position. A whistle blew loudly and I took off completing the 100 meter dash in 20 seconds. It wasn’t my fastest as I frowned slightly at my time.

Dae’s POV


I was in my architecture class sketching away designs like a maniac. Sketch after sketch, none of the designs seemed right. I hung my head in frustration. A classmate of mine came over to where I was. I think his name was Hongki; he was one of Junhyung’s friends. “Are you having trouble?” He asked me. I nodded my head in frustration. “Why don’t you draw something like… a baby’s room?” He asked. Time seemed to stop as that question was asked. I looked around the classroom and noticed that my classmates were waiting for my reaction. “I’m not pregnant so what makes you think I would draw a baby’s room?” I asked hoping I was able to mask my confusion. He leaned closer towards me as I backed up slightly. “The entire school knows about your little friend.” He said as he patted my stomach.


“Excuse me?” I asked. He sighed. “We all know that you and Dongwoon had a baby.” He said. I blinked in confusion. “Dongwoon and I adopteda baby.” I replied. “Hongki, you know I wouldn’t decide to end my last year of high school pregnant.” I added. “Besides wouldn’t my stomach look bigger if I was pregnant for the past 9 months?” I pointed out. He looked away in embarrassment. “Now onto the real question, who told you about this?” I asked him.


As he whispered the name into my ear my forehead scrunched up in confusion for a moment. Then my eyes widened in shock.




As I entered into the cafeteria, whispers were following me everywhere. I knew I couldn’t sit here, so I headed outside and sat underneath a tree. I began eating my lunch slowly. Finally I flipped open my phone and dialed Dongwoon’s house number. Dongwoon’s mom answered after the first ring. “Hello?” She answered. After she realized it was me, Hyungshik was placed on the phone. “Umma, umma!” He chirped into the phone. I smiled. “Hey Hyungshik.” I then hung up after Dongwoon requested for a face time chat. I faced my phone towards me and saw Hyungshik smiling brightly at the screen. I waved hello at him. He smiled back and waved back happily with his dino toy in the air.


“I have to eat lunch now okay? Bye.” I said as I hung up. As I placed my phone back into my blazer’s pocket, I noticed Junhyung was walking towards me with Hongki behind him. “Hey Hongki, Junhyung.” I greeted with a slight bow. Junhyung nudged Hongki in the ribs. “Sorry.” He apologized. “Louder.” Junhyung hissed. “Sorry for mentioning about the baby during architecture class.” He apologized, this time a bit louder. I shook my head. “It’s alright Hongki. I was expecting that the news would eventually leaked but I never pictured it would be this quick.” I sighed as I shook my head.


-  AFTER SCHOOL [no pun intended] -


School seemed to drag on for the rest of the day. At the end of the day I reached my locker. I tapped on Hyori’s shoulder. Her face dropped when she saw me. “Hyori, did you tell anyone what you saw yesterday?” I asked her. She shook her head. “Look I understand that you aren’t happy of what happened yesterday… I’m really sorry for not telling you earlier.” I apologized. It felt odd apologizing, it was something that I didn’t too often. Actually I did apologize a lot but it would be for Dujun’s actions. She nodded slightly before running out of the school. I sighed and noticed a rather large crowd around someone’s locker. I peered through the gaps of the students shoulders that were in front of me. “Did you hear? Apparently Dongwoon knocked up someone.” I heard someone whispered. “DON’T YOU KNOW THE BRO’S CODE? YOU DON’T TAKE ANOTHER MAN’S GIRL!” A voice roared above everybody else.


I tried to push my way forward but it was too hard. Then something made all of us cringe. I heard a two cracks followed by a slap which echoed across the hall. I pushed my way forward through my frozen peers. There on the floor was Dongwoon with a bloody nose and a bruised cheekbone. He was also clutching his leg in pain. I slid my school bag higher up on my shoulder and helped him up, moving his right arm across my shoulders and my left hand holding up his torso. I glanced up at the boy who was going to confess to me yesterday. “Dongwoon and I adopted a child because that child believes that we are his parents.” I replied with a soft and deadly tone.


It was clear that everyone heard us because whispers began circulating among the crowd. “If this is what it takes for that child to live happily then this is what I will do.” I continued before I walked away from the school with Dongwoon by my side.


This was such a poorly written chapter… (>TT n TT)> -hugs domo- I’m on writer’s block. OTL


I can’t play with your emotions as well with other writers…




Writer's block has also led me to write another story which you can check out. It features my BEAST bias; Yoon Dujun.

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ilabya38 #1
dongwoonsproperty #2
heey please update soooon!!! I've been looking forward for this story... :< Please please.. I'm checking this everyday,,, :DD
Awwwww~ So who told about the baby? It was the guy who wanted to confess to Dae? Update soon! I can't wait to see what develops between Dongwoon and Dae! :D
No~ Poor Dae, getting slapped. :<<br />
Poo~ What a mean self-proclaimed best friend. ><<br />
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Good job on your Physics! :D I'm not taking it, but I heard it's hard?? Anyways, congrats~
So is Dae in trouble? T_T WAEEEE. Update soon! :D Oh, btw, I see the special mention there! But it's sapphireflame29, not 26 ^^;
No~~ D: Darn. >< I want to keep reading, haha.<br />
Well, good luck on midterms. :)<br />
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haha, I love that tumblog. XD It's so funny!!
ktothepop #7
Hyunseung likes ~~~!! Aigooo. <br />
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OMO! Did she just slap ~~~!! *curious* What will their reactions going to be?
Oh yes, forgot to say this, but I do believe that that is Taeyeon. ^^<br />
haha, the poster's cute~~ ;D
Poo~ and Poo-ri~ XD So cute~<br />
Oh no! I hope they don't yell at her. D:<br />
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Yes. I love ZE:A~~ ^^ I can't wait for them to release their songs~~ So excited.<br />
I miss them. TT^TT They've been in Japan forever~~ haha, just kidding. X)
myungsoojjang #10
update soon! :D