The Truth Is Out.



Saturday morning and you went to the market to buy groceries. Myungsoo couldn’t come along because of the rules. *If only the rules didn’t exist. If only everything is real. If only Myungsoo oppa didn’t went to meet Sungyeol oppa that night.* You sighed. You reached out for the bread on the highest shelf. But due to your height, you were not able to get it. A pair of hands took it and handed it to you.

“Thank yo-“ You stopped and looked up.

Sungyeol flashed a weak smile, “Hey.”

He placed the bread into your basket and grabbed another one for himself. “Hey..” You breathed. Sungyeol chuckled when he heard you, “Didn’t know you buy groceries here.” You nodded, still in a daze. Sungyeol waved his hand in front of your face. You snapped back to your senses and Sungyeol chuckled again.

“Uh, yeah. I.. Uh, shop here.” You mentally slapped yourself for stammering.

“I see. Um, you need help?”

You raised an eyebrow. He pointed to all the high shelves, “Anything you need from the highest shelf? You know… Your height and the shelves, doesn’t match.”

You giggled. You didn’t know why on earth would you giggle to someone who is the caused of your boyfriend’s death and someone who is in love with you. You shook your head and went to the vegetables. You picked out the crunchiest and the freshest set of spinach you could find. Sungyeol was actually following you.

You turned to him, “You are following me now?”

He shrugged, “Just in case you need help.” He winked and began to choose carrots. *I just want to be beside you, that’s all.*

You went to the cashier counter after getting all you need. Sungyeol was at the other side of the counter. He waited for you so he could walk you home. You paid the cashier and grabbed the plastic bags. Being a gentleman, Sungyeol helped you with some of the bags. You flashed a faint smile, “Thanks.” “No biggie.”


You and Sungyeol walked to the café and sat down for a cup of coffee. Sungyeol ordered 2 ice lattes and a slice of chocolate cake. You smiled and wrapped your fingers around the cold cup. Sungyeol pushed the plate towards you. You looked from the cake to him.

“My treat,” he said, sipping his drink.

You poked the cake and fed yourself. The chocolatey taste filled your mouth. It was heaven. Even though you had a few chocolate cakes before, none of them tasted like this before. Sungyeol chuckled, “Perfect isn’t it?” You nodded, still tasting the chocolate in your mouth. You took another spoonful of cake and held out the spoon onto Sungyeol’s lips. He stared at the spoon before taking it into his mouth. You watched him slowly tasting the chocolatey taste before his jaw dropped.

“It’s more than perfect,” he confessed.

You laughed, “Exactly.”

After the morning coffee and the chocolate cake incident, you and Sungyeol walked down the street with handful of bags. It was that kind of silence where everyone saw a ghost and not wanting to make noise. It was awkward with no topic to talk about.

“I asked Chorong about it,” Sungyeol said, breaking the silence.

“What’s the it?” You looked up to him.

“About her liking me,” he shrugged and added, “ She said it was true but she was too shy to talk about it and ended up running away, red faced.” He chuckled at the thought of it. He thought Chorong was kinda cute, but he isn’t her type. Chorong could find a better man, but out of all those men out there, she chose Sungyeol. Particularly because she finds him attractive.

You exhaled, “Chorong is shy to talk about relationships. You should know, since you are quite close with her when we are out with her and… Myungsoo oppa.”

You stopped walking realizing you forgot all about Myungsoo. *What on Earth am I doing? I can’t let Sungyeol oppa walked me home. Myungsoo oppa is at home. !* You looked at Sungyeol, who was looking back at you, with a panicked look.

“I.. Um..” You snatched your groceries bags from him, “I’ll walk home by myself from here.”

Sungyeol began to feel suspicious, “No it’s fine, I’ll walk with you.”

You stubbornly shook your head, “No! I mean, yeah! I mean, NO! I’ll go by myself.”

*Something’s not right.* “~~~~~, are you okay?”

“I’m fine!” You snapped, “I mean, I can handle these bags. Um.. See ya.”

You ran down the pavement, trying to avoid bumping into anyone. Sungyeol grew more suspicious and ended up running after you. You didn’t had the time to look back. You pushed the gates and settled the bags on the doorstep. You knocked on the door as if you’re being chased by a ghost. Myungsoo opened the door and he saw you panting.

“Hey, why are you sweating?” He unlocked the gate.

You catched your breath and watched as Myungsoo carried the groceries to the living room’s coffee table. He came back and stared behind you. You saw his expression and turned behind.

“What. The. .” Sungyeol’s jaw dropped.


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Eleenluvu #1
Chapter 22: i love this story
Chapter 22: Finished!!!
I cried when myungsoo left her..
And im confused with the last chap..
Helloooo... New reader here!!
I just read till chapter 4 and I love this story already... So touching and interesting!
Well then... I'll continue reading this till end...
TheNerves #4
This is. . . DAEBAK! ^^ L. ♥
i got confused right there XD btw i just found this fic !!
i cried at chap 21 and then while reading the final, i was just like omg whats that am so confused o.o

but now i understand cute stooooory :D
nabilah_kame-chan #6
what's the song for this chapter?<br />
*Speechless* DAEBAK *Thumbs up!*
millionfandoms #8
Daebak! I love it !