Day 2-3 The Boys

Joining Exo

Exo's dorm-


Sehun started to get really nervous one he got back to the dorm appartment. He was acting a little bit awkward which kind of annoying. Every time I try to start a convorsation, he always repiles with "yeah, ok." and ends it quickly. He also kept on gulping randomly which startled me everytime. With his strange scilence, it started to got me nervous. I hope the way Sehun's acting doesn't have anything to do with Exo. They seem like nice people. Well at least on camera. Anyways once we got to the front door to Exo's dorm,(which was right across from my dorm) Sehun took two minute fumbling with his keys. Eventually, he opened it and ran to I'm guessing his room leaving me alone standing frozen. I don't know why I get so nervous sometimes, but this time, I'm terrified. Suddenly, Chanyeol walked by and stopped when he saw me. He starred at me for at least thirty seconds then ran away. Next thing I see is Chanyeol bringing Baekhyun to stare at me. Soon enough all of Exo except for Sehun was staring at me.  "Whats your name?" D.O asked 

"Nice going Mr. Smooth." Chanyeol whispered

 "M-my name is Y-Y-Yoon F-Flora." I stuttered then quickly bowed

 "Oh! Your the new girl joining us. Come on in!" D.O said

 I slowly walked in while all of Exo was starring at me. It took my by suprise to see how nice there dorm was. I think it was obviously bigger than mine but then it was also more modern. Lay walked in to the kitchen then grabbed a paper that looked like a scheduel. 

"This is for you. Its a scheduel for your month." Lay said cheerfully I looked at the scheduel and my mouth almost dropped

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7  
8 9 10 11 12 13 14  
15 16 17 18 19 20 21  
22 23 24 25

26 PS 

27 PS 28 PS  
29 PS  30 PS APS            

Ps=photoshoot AP= airport singapore

Every single day after to day, I have to do photo shoots. Well to my point of view I thought I didn't need photo's. I'm not a model at all. I said before my only talent is dancing. The boys looked at me and realized how shocked I was. Baekhyun was about to say something but Sehun came bardging out of his room startling everyone. He was out of breath for some reason as we all looked at him. He was starring at me which brang an unconfortable silence. 

"Where is your shirt?" Xiumin asked. I looked down and realized that Sehun wasen't even wearing a shirt.Omo omo omo omo omo omo omo omo omo... Where is his shirt?? I could feel my face heating up so much that you can fry an egg on it. My eyes widend and my mouth droped. Chanyeol put his big hand on my eyes but of course that did not help my anxiety. I started to hear a bunch of whispers that I couldn't understand because they were speaking so fast. Eventually, I took off Chanyeol's hand from my face.

"I just want to know where is his shirt." I said pointing at Sehun 

"Thats what we would like to know." D.O said glaring at Sehun

 "I was taking a shower and I was wondering if I can borrow your shirt Tao." Sehun said 

"Then why were you out of breath?" I accused "I-I-" Sehun was stuttered. I knew he was lying and I really wanted to know what he did but now is not the time. Before Kai said anything I cut him off.

"Okay well go get Tao's shirt." I said quickly

"But he never returns them!" Tao pouted his lips out making him look like a cute little baby. Sehun left quickly to which I'm guessing was Tao's room leaving me one again with Exo.

"This was not a proper way to meet you guys. I'm very sorry." I said."Don't worry about it Flora." Suho said.

" Is there any way I can adress you guys?" I asked. I wondered if they really liked being called there stage name ofr there actual name. I was little bit conserned because you never want idols to hate you.

"Just call us by our real names." D.O said  

"Sehun never really acts that way. He usually is nice to other people." Chanyeol brang up.

"Did he take you out for bubble tea?" Kai asked. He looked a little bit concerned when he asked me. I'm pretty sure there best frienst or somthing.

"Yeah why?" I replied.

"He likes you." Everyone said. My heart stopped. Are they joking? Of course Sehun doesn't like me. I'm unlikeable! I mean how do they know? They've only been together for two years. How much girls has he been with?

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't like my you guys" I said

"Oh he likes you Flora. He said to us before 'I will take any girl I like to my favorite bubble tea store to show how much I like her.' and Sehun really has a thing for bubble tea." Suho said

"Oh come on. I didn't have any breakfast, neither did he, and we both just decided to go to 'Gayoungs Bubble Tea' I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with that." I said

"Uh... 'Gayoungs Bubble Tea' is Sehun's bubble tea shop." Kai said.As he raised and eyebrow at me.

"He likes you." Everyone said again. This time Chanyeol jumped in my face. Which made me a hundred percent terrifed.

Sorry this one was short. I just wanted to clear some things up so its more easier to visualize. I also kinda didn't like there hairstles at the momment so....

Sehun looks like this:

Baekhyun looks like this:


Chanyeol looks like this:


Suho looks like this:

Tao looks like this:


Xiumin looks like this:


Lay looks like this:


D.O looks like this:


Kai looks like this:


Chen looks like this:


Lastly  I will be having just A LITTLE BIT  like a supporting character of SHINee so...












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