Slum Love


Taeyeon is a psychology student and is in her final year of college. Though she has the grades to graduate, her professor gives her a project to determine if she understood her psychology classes and if she’s ready to receive her diploma. Taeyeon finds this project difficult, as her professor didn’t specify what the project would be on, so she decides to study the slums of South Korea and, unbeknownst to her, she discovers more than she ever thought to.


They promised us the world, they told us we'd find a love unconditional maybe I should just count my lucky stars and be glad I have someone.





“Sir, but how do I know if my project is good enough. I mean what interests me may not interest you.”

The middle aged man sighed. “Miss Taeyeon, have you not been paying any attention in any of my classes? Even if people learn about things that seem like nonsense to them, they’ll still listen if what’s being said is compelling and informative. How do you think teachers engage most students? Will that be all?”

 “Graduation! If I don’t pass this project I won’t be able to graduate.”


“How is that fair! I’ve been working so hard for the past three years and my graduation depends on some project.”

“Enough.” The man said sternly. “Listen here and listen well, Miss Taeyeon. This project is for me to determine if you understood at least a tiny bit of what I taught in that class. You’re not only majoring in psychology, but in business as well, are you not?” Taeyeon nodded. “Then how am I supposed to know if you didn’t just take psychology just because you wanted bragging rights about having two majors. For all I know you could’ve been bulling your way through my courses and putting all your effort into you’re math classes. Do the project as best you can. I’m grading on effort and not on my biased opinion. Excuse my earlier language and excuse me, for I have to be going now. Good day to you.” The professor walked out of the class room.

Taeyeon sighed heavily and tossed her head back. “Take two majors they said. It’ll be easy they said.”


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Update soon please
looking forward to this <3 sounds very interesting ^^
update soon please