Chapter 12 (FIXED)

The Last Human (EDITING)
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(Still 3rd person POV-)

“Well take her to Junhyung! We need to get Erin to help as fast as we can!” Jinyoung said frantically. He wouldn’t bear to lose the girl. He couldn’t.

Ruki nodded and said with a rather mysterious looking grin, “Then I shall lead the way.”

Jinyoung picked Erin’s body up, bridal style and nodded for Ruki to take the lead. As everyone zoomed away, following Ruki, Ruki thought to himself,

*Good thing that I called him just before we left! I can’t wait to get the money!*

They approached a modern but dull looking building and entered it. The walls were painted white.  White seemed to be everywhere. The walls, the ceiling, the doors, and even the floor. They went up to the second floor where there were a few doors. Ruki led everyone into the first room and found Junhyung looking out the window with an unreadable look in his eyes.  They seemed to be deep in thought about something. Junhyung heard everyone come in and approach him from behind.

“What do we have here?” He turned around to see Erin in Jinyoung’s arms.

Jinyoung eyed him suspiciously and cautiously answered, “She needs help.” He didn’t like where Ruki took them. It was giving him the chills, and the atmosphere that Junhyung held made him feel very uneasy for some reason.  Something was off but Jinyoung just couldn’t figure out what exactly it was. Shifting his gaze, he glanced over to Ruki who just stood there with his arms crossed.

“Is she alive?” Junhyung asked.

“If you listen very carefully, her heart is fading.” Jinyoung coldly retorted.

“I can save her.” The medic’s voice sounded flat.

Jinyoung unconsciously protectively questioned, “You can? How can we trust you? Have you saved a near-death life? Particularly a human’s?”

After he had said that last line, Jinyoung slapped a hand over his own mouth.  He shouldn’t have said that last part. He really shouldn’t have.

Junhyung acted as if he didn’t hear the statement about Erin being the last human. He pretended to think he misheard and asked,

“What was that?”

Reita responded quickly before Jinyoung could muster up a response. “Nothing. So can you help her live?”

“Neh, bring her here.” The other vampire waved his hand over lazily and walked over to a table in the room.

Jinyoung reluctantly handed over Erin’s body to Junhyung. Junhyung turned around and laid her on a table next to him. He put a hand over her chest for a few seconds before he told the others,

“A few of you may need to hold her body down…”

Jinyoung, Reita, Ruki and Gongchan went to his sides and braced Erin’s body. Junhyung’s hand glowed white before pressing down on where Erin’s heart would be. The bite marks on her neck healed. He lifted his hand so that it hovered over her heart, showing that a strand of the glowing light was attached to it. He gently ed his hand away from her chest and back to the same hovering spot a few times, at an even pace. Her chest followed his hand each time.

Two minutes full of anxiety for Reita and Jinyoung passed, before Erin’s body started writhing around uncontrollably. That was the reason why Junhyung needed the others to hold her body down, or else he would have to find a way to restrain her body alone.

Startled by the action that Erin gave, Gongchan’s hands slipped, allowing her arm to move and unintentionally try to whack Junhyung in the face. Junhyung with his vampiric reflexes was able

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Chapter 50: I love this fic! I wish you could continue it
roseheartbookie #2
Chapter 50: Yes, I think all of us have felt that way one time or another about our old writing. If you need reassurance of your awesomeness, I haven't found another story with a plot like yours in eight months of painstaking fic reading. Your fans will always be here for you!

If you want some completely unnecessary advice, can you put thoughts in italics and not asterisks? It just seems easier to look at for me.
roseheartbookie #3
Chapter 49: Don't worry, we're still here. And we'll wait patiently until you're ready!
inspirit_L24601 #4
Chapter 49: Ahh this is really good authornim!! Will patiently wait for an update! ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 49: Hwaiting! You got this authornim!
pollbaby #6
yay another of your stories! Can't wait to read this!
Love the head-picture btw :>