Chapter 10 (Fixed)

The Last Human (EDITING)
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“J-Just a second!” I responded.

I the bathroom faucet to make it seem I was washing something off of my hands. I opened the door to see a concerned Jinyoung.

“Are you alright?”

I nodded. “Neh, I had a… I had a small nose bleed. I’m fine now.” I smiled a fake smile.

I walked out of the bathroom and we went back to our seat. My head was so full of thoughts about the previous event in the bathroom with Gongchan.

*How am I going to live with that? Will I live with it? If I tell Jinyoung, its either his life or mine and another possibility of going to the government… Aish… What do I do?!*

Little did I know, Jinyoung was watching and observing me very closely.  When I brought my gaze up to him, I met his own gaze.  I quickly looked away and picked up the half eaten sandwich. Jinyoung finished up whatever I didn’t eat, and paid before we left.  He brought me home and then looked around.  I watched him silently, wondering what was going through his mind.

“What’s wrong..?” I asked.  He looked at me and smiled gently.

“I was just thinking... You live in a dance studio... I was wondering: do you know how to dance?”

Blushing in the slightest, I looked away.  “I do.”

His eyes lit up upon hearing me mention that I could dance. “Oh really? Can you show me one of your routines?” Jinyoung genuinely looked interested in what we were talking about.

“U-Um.. I’m probably not that good.” That was not the truth. I just didn’t want to perform in front of someone, and I was being passive aggressive.  Whenever I felt eyes on me while I danced, I always stiffened up and tended to make more mistakes.

“Oh come on,” The vampire rolled his eyes at me. “It’s only me in here. Plus, I really want to see how you move.”

I sighed softly and gave in, not wanting to have a pointless argument with him. “Fine.”

Pulling out my phone, I scrolled through the list of songs and found the classical song that I normally danced to.  I pressed play before shoving the phone into my pocket. Walking to the center of the studio, I took in a deep breath and waited for the right beat to start on.  Once I heard it, my body began to move on its own, moving gracefully across the room. For some reason, I didn’t feel Jinyoung’s eyes on me as I moved around.  

There was one move, where a second person would have to come in and spin me on my toes.  This was technically a couple dance routine.  I froze when I suddenly felt an arm wrap around my waist and a hand take mine.  I glanced up in the mirror and saw...  My own reflection, and my reflection alone.  I glanced over my shoulder to see that it was Jinyoung!  He grinned at me and whispered in my ear, “Just relax.”

I stared at him for a few seconds as he spun me, like the partner was supposed to. When he let go, I continued to dance...  And to my surprise, he mirrored similar steps that I took.  The two of us danced in perfect harmony until the song ended.  We faced each other and he held me tightly in his arms.

“H-How did you know the moves..?”  I asked after turning the music off.  I could feel the coolness of his body radiating onto mine.

“I took ballet too, when I was a human.” He smiled and winked at me.

All I could do was blink at him.  It wasn’t until Jinyoung leaned in and rested his forehead on mine, where I realized that his arms were still wrapped around me.  I glanced down for a few seconds until I felt Jinyoung’s stare.  I couldn’t help but look back up and into his eyes, only just noticing how captivating they were.  They were a dark chocolatey brown hue, and just that look that he gave me... It looked... Human.

Jinyoung closed his eyes and I felt him press his lips against mine. They were very soft, tender, smooth and gentle against mine.  The feeling of Jinyoung’s lips were the complete opposite of a monster’s.  I closed my eyes and completely melted into the kiss, loving every second of it.  I returned the kiss, slowly snaking my arms around Jinyoung’s neck as a blush arose to my pale cheeks.  Jinyoung’s lips moved against mine, curling into a smile as he reached out and tangled his long, slender fingers into my hair.  He wrapped his other arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and I could feel my heart flutter and begin to race.  

After a few more seconds, the man that I had grown to love, slowly pulled away from the kiss to allow me to breathe.  I blushed a darker shade and opened my eyes to find him gazing lovingly right back at me, with a smile on his face.

“You’re just too adorable.” He chuckled and hugged me closely.  At his words, as if on cue it was like my body reacted by making the blush darker.

“A-Am not.” I averted my gaze and cuddled against him.

“Yes you are.  The sound of your fluttering heart is music to my ears, deary~” Jinyoung teased.

I kept blushing darkly and said nothing back to him, knowing that he was aware of the redness on my cheeks.  

He suddenly held me tighter, reaching down to grab my hand.  A low growl erupted from his throat, as he held me protectively. Confused, I looked up at Jinyoung and found that he was staring into the distance at something... Or someone behind me.  I turned in the slightest to look.  There was a male standing not too far away from us.

His eyes glowed red as he stared at me.

“What do you want, Jiyong?” Jinyoung looked around.  “And where’s everyone else?”

“Mmmm… I’m just checking on the girl who escaped from us a little while ago… Daesung and Youngbae are busy with a conference.  TOP and Seungri are hunting..~”

The other vampire never took his gaze off of me.  I couldn’t meet his gaze.  Though, I did see a smirk slowly tug at his lips.

*Escaped… Oh no… Please don’t tell me…*

“And I heard that certain vampires got rid of Jay. He was such an obedient vampire.”

He shifted his stare onto Jinyoung . I saw the air ripple around him. As a wave hit him, he bent over and screamed in pain as his hand tightened around my hand. I yanked my hand away, knowing that he could easily break it. As soon as he crumbled to the ground, Jiyong grabbed me and zoomed away.

“OPPA!” I shouted, as I saw Jinyoung get further and further away. He looked up with a pained expression, and mouthed something to me.  Jiyong was too quick to leave, and I couldn’t quite catch what Jinyoung was trying to say.

*What just happened?*

I struggled under the monster’s grasp. He held me against his hip and his arm was around my waist. I wiggled around but I failed to escape. Two minutes passed and we finally reached the government buildings.  They were tall ultra-modern buildings that had large glass windows that started from the floor and ended at the ceilings.  The place was designed for lots of people to work, thus there were at least seventy floors that reached towards the sky.  Inside of that terrible place, it was bright with both artificial and natural light.  At this hour, or really during any business hours the building was flooded with pale scientists wearing white lab coats, and civil workers in their fancy shmancy business outfits.  I hadn’t much time to glance around as Jiyong carried me through a bunch of unfamiliar, long hallways.

*This must be a different building...*

The humanoid leech pushed against a heavy metal door, where stairs were revealed.  Instead of ascending the stairs, Jiyong descended.  We were going to the underground levels.  That’s where most, if not, all the experimenting happened.  He brought me to an experimenting room and chained me up against the wall. Like many times before, I became the dependent variable for their experiment.

-Jinyoung’s POV-

I gripped onto Erin’s hand tighter as the excruciatingly loud ringing in my head worsened. I screamed in pain as the inside of my ears felt like they were being stabbed. I felt Erin’s hand leave mine as I crumbled to the ground. I tried saying,

“S-Stop! Jiyong I’ll get back at you! Erin… Erin… I-I … Saranghae…” But it was too late.  Erin was gone from my sight.  I was angry at myself, and very disappointed... I could feel my mind dazing, and my vision started to become blurry and dark.

*I’ve failed to protect you...*

-Erin’s POV-

A vampire came in and stared at me. His eyes were a dark brown, and they slowly turned icy blue. My eyes widened in curiosity at the color change in his eyes. He suddenly looked down at my shirt and his gaze intensified. I felt the side of my arm start to get warm. Warmer. Warmer. Warmer. It got hotter. Hotter. Hotter. It started to burn, and I turned my head to look at my arm. I screamed at the pain and at the disgusting sight. My shirt was on fire and burned at my skin. I took my scarf off and hid my face behind my other arm that wasn’t on fire. I held in many other screams and many tears fell. I refused to make a sound as it kept on burning.

“Do you know why I am doing this?”

I didn’t hear him the first time. I didn’t know that he was talking to me.

“Miss human, do you know why I am doing this?” He repeated.

I shook my head behind my arm.  No.  Of course I didn’t know why they continued to torture me, and invade my private life.

“Us vampires have long forgotten how sensitive humans are and we often times forget how powerful we are. We use you to relearn many things; to learn all of the secrets of the human body.”

His icy blue eyes faded and went back to their normal brown color.  Simultaneously, the flames on my arm faded.  I put my scarf back on and cautiously looked at my arm. I almost screamed and gagged at the horror of what I saw! A lot of my skin cells had burned away and part of my bone was showing!

He shifted his gaze somewhere else and glared, making his eyes turn back to icy blue. Flames reappeared on my side. I flinched and screamed. On instinct, I would usually put a hand over the spot on my body where it would hurt, but in this case… my hand only got burned.

*Oh, why in the world did it have to be me? Why am I the last human?*

This continued multiple times and many parts of my bones and multiple joints were exposed. My breaths came out as gasps to keep myself from cringing in pain. If I moved in any way, something would hurt.

I was still in pain, and a scientist came in. He unchained me and dragged me over to another room.

The scientist led me, or more like yanked me over to a guy who looked really… cold looking. His normal facial expression looked really cold and his posture looked unapproachable. The scientist spoke to the male.

“Junhyung, the human needs healing.”

“Yeah, yeah…” He responded and grabbed my hand.

I couldn’t help but to shrink away from his touch.

“Yah, calm down human. I’m under specific orders not to hurt you for now. Understand?” His eyes lazily bored onto me.

I shyly nodded as he grabbed my hand again. He waved his hand over my arm where my disgusting burn was. Amazingly, new skin cells were created and covered my bone, making it look brand new and unharmed. But suddenly, his grip got tighter and tighter.  Junhyung was cutting off my circulation.  I looked at him and attempted to pull my arm away with him, but he yanked me closer and whispered into my ear, “But they never said that I could be rough with you... They don’t have to know.”


Junhyung threw his head back and laughed before letting go of me. “I’m only kidding...” He gazed at me with an unreadable look in his dark eyes.

I looked down at my arm, noticing how it was completely healed and free of any third degree burns.  “..How did you do that?”

“How did I do what?” Every so often he shifted my body to heal the other burns. After twenty minutes, all of my burns were gone.  When he was done, he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

I gestured towards my arm.

“How did you... Heal it back to normal..?”

He smirked, “I’m a vampire with medical specialties… There are only a few other vampires with different specialties and a lot of them are here also being experimented on. I’m sure that you have already met Jiyong. He’s able to control sound waves, and he’s been experimented on before.”

*So that’s why Jinyoung crumbled to the ground…*

There was suddenly a loud scream followed by a loud sound that came from down the hall. Both the scientist and Junhyung looked in the direction of where the noise came from, as if they could see through the walls.

“Oh god…. Hyunseung…” Junhyung muttered.

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Chapter 50: I love this fic! I wish you could continue it
roseheartbookie #2
Chapter 50: Yes, I think all of us have felt that way one time or another about our old writing. If you need reassurance of your awesomeness, I haven't found another story with a plot like yours in eight months of painstaking fic reading. Your fans will always be here for you!

If you want some completely unnecessary advice, can you put thoughts in italics and not asterisks? It just seems easier to look at for me.
roseheartbookie #3
Chapter 49: Don't worry, we're still here. And we'll wait patiently until you're ready!
inspirit_L24601 #4
Chapter 49: Ahh this is really good authornim!! Will patiently wait for an update! ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 49: Hwaiting! You got this authornim!
pollbaby #6
yay another of your stories! Can't wait to read this!
Love the head-picture btw :>