I Would Dump Him

To Wed Or Not To Wed
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That night, the four friends head to Chris' house again for the dinner. In the house, they see many guests. Some are relatives and some are friends of Chris and his parents. It was a big party. Chris and his parents were greeting and chatting with the guests. He welcomes the four friends who just arrived. "Hello again. Welcome back."

"This is quite a big party you got here, Chris," said Jessica, looking at the amount of guests.

Chris chuckled. "Yes. Well, enjoy the party. I got to run some errands." Lenny and the other servants served them a glass of champagne, cocktail drinks and snacks. Jessica, Donghae and Kyuhyun grab a glass each while Krystal grab a snack. "Strange. I don't see Jenny around. I wonder where could she be," whispered Kyuhyun. 

"Yeah. She should be in her dress, chatting with the guests too," said Donghae.

In fact, Jenny has a job to do for dinner. Chris gave her a white cap and apron. "Wear this and help out with my servants tonight, serving dinner to our guests."

Jenny began to pout. "But Chris. I'm your fiancee, not your servant! Why should I be serving the guests?" Then, Chris glare at her and moved closer towards her. "If you can recall, I agree to help you find your lost fortune but only if we marry. If you refuse to do what I say, we can break the engagement and you can say good bye to your fortune. Is that what you want?" 

"N-no," sighed Jenny. Chris flash a smirk and gently pat her head. "Good girl. Now, do as I say! Put on this apron and cap and go help my servants with dinner!" Jenny put on her apron and cap without any hestitation and went to the kitchen. Chris went back to the living room to chat with the other guests. He introduced Krystal, Jessica, Donghae and Kyuhyun to his friends, parents and relatives. 

Suddenly, Lenny rings the bell and annouced that dinner is served. Everybody went to the dining room and took a seat. The table is 20 foot long and its covered with white clean cloth. Cutleries, napkins, plates and wine glasses have been set out for each guest. Donghae gently the cloth and click his tongue. "This friend of yours is a millionnaire," he whispered to his friends. 

When all the guests have been seated, Mr Thorpe held his hand for their attention. "Thank you to all for coming to our son's wedding. We are ever grateful for your attendance. The wedding will take place in one week time. Tonight, we are having the wedding dinner early, as there will be none after the actual wedding day. The reason is because my son and his future wife will be flying off for their honeymoon straightaway."

The guests began to whisper among themselves. "We hope that you will enjoy your dinner tonight." Lenny rings the bell and the servants, including Jenny, brought out the trays and served to each guests. The four friends were surprised and shocked that Jenny is serving dinner. "Is that Jenny in a maid's outfit?" asked Jessica.

"Why is she dressed like one of the servants?" Krystal also asked, feeling puzzled. 

"Don't just stand there, staring at the guests! Hurry up and serve the others, Jenny!" demanded Chris. The friends were more shocked at Chris' voice towards Jenny. "That guy is treating her like a servant than a fiancee!" gasped Kyuhyun. 

"If he were my fiance, I would dump him!" Jessica whispered to her sister. Krystal cannot believe her friend is treating his fiancee like a slave. While Jenny is serving the meal, every guests whispered about the same story of Jenny and her lost fortune. "Hey guys! It seems that everyone is whispering about Jenny," Donghae whispered to his friends.

"What about her?" asked Jessica. 

"Something about her finding a lost fortune

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i've reedited chapter 6. don't mind the changes.


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lulu88 #1
Chapter 11: How is your hand now , is it better ???
Take a lot of rest <3
Chapter 1: Not only that but Kyuhyun's solo album too XD Love the story so far update soon please
Chapter 1: Not only that but Kyuhyun's solo album too XD Love the story so far update soon please
Ooh, sure! I'd be patient. Enjoy your trip wherever that is. I know this is too much to ask of you but would you mind sharing your experiences with me once you go back to your country? I'm really interested in trips out of the country but I've never been on one before because I don't have enough money. It would be a joy to know what happens during your holiday. You can tell me any of your experiences, as long as you're comfortable about it.

I'm just wondering. Why did you use Jessica in your poster/wallpaper instead of the OC? I mean, she's not the one going to be married; she's also not going to fall in love with Kyuhyun, I guess. Also, what's up with Donghae in the poster? Was he originally the one cast for the role of Chris? I don't mean to hurt you with any of my statements. I'm simply curious about it since Donghae wasn't mentioned much in the description and Jessica doesn't have that much importance (from what I know). Maybe if you put the ulzzang you used for Jenny, instead of Jessica, and the guy you used for the role of Chris, I might understand more. Of course, this is just a suggestion, which you can totally ignore. ^^

Do the others know of Jenny's reason for marrying Chris or is it just the two of them? Does Chris understand Korean?

Also, I'm wondering about Jessica and Donghae's significance to the story. Sure, Jessica is Krystal's sister but what other reason could she have to go to the wedding in San Francisco? Maybe, since Chris is rich and all, she plans to negotiate with Chris. Chris might have a bit of knowledge about business, judging his rich family, and Jessica might be interested in expanding her business in America to gain more profit.

Anyway, I'm just excited so don't mind me that much; I talk a lot when I'm excited for something. ^^"