14: Turning Good.

Memories That Almost Faded Away [Hiatus]

“That guy is going to be a guardian angel?? That doesn’t make sense! One day, he wants to kill Bin-hyung, and now he wants to protect a HUMAN?!” Sanghyuk ranted.

“We have to warn whoever he’s going to guard!” Hongbin stood up and demanded.

“Sit down! People are looking at you like crazy!” Hyoshin whispered.

Hongbin looked around to see pairs of eyes staring at him. He blushed in embarrassment and then slowly sat back down.

After everyone stopped staring, he finally got a little bit more comfortable and asked Hyoshin, “Hyung, do you know who Jin is being a guardian for? And why?”

“Jeon Jungkook. He works at the café down the street by Jongsuk’s hospital. And I dunno why he wants to, and that’s why we should find him,” Hyoshin planned.

“So, do we have to go right now?” Sanghyuk asked.

“Uh, yeah! If we want to stop a human from dying!” Hongbin said.

“Man, I have to abandon my fried chicken…. Oh well,” Sanghyuk sighed.

Hyoshin looked at him like ‘really?’ “WHO CARES ABOUT CHICKEN RIGHT NOW?”

“I DO! HOW DARE YOU MAKE FUN OF MY CHICKEN!!!?” Sanghyuk yelled.

“OMIGOSH GUYS! LET’S JUST GO! SANGHYUK! WORRY ABOUT YOUR CHICKEN LATER!” Hongbin said as he grabbed both of their wrists and pulled them out of the chicken place.

“Wait a minute! Are we still apart of the Angel World? How long has it been?” Hongbin asked.

“Last time I checked, you had 4 hours left, and that was 1:15 pm. Now, it’s 4:14,” Hyoshin informed them.

“OK, good. Only a few seconds left until we go back to the real world,” Sanghyuk said.

Just then, everything went black and they both disappeared. Hyoshin shrugged and returned to the Angel World, “Guess they’ll have to do it themselves.”

In the hospital.

Sanghyuk and Hongbin both shifted as they tried to sit up.

Taekwoon and Wonshik came back just in time. Hakyeon looked over and saw them both waking up. “Hongbin! Hyuk! You’re alive!”

They all went to them and hugged them.

Hongbin shook them off and panicked, “Guys! We have to go right now! Jin might cause another problem!”

After they quickly checked them both out, they ran to Dr. Lee’s office.

In Dr. Lee’s office.

Jongsuk was sleeping again until he jumped up like a ninja because he got startled by Hongbin slamming his door open.

“What the heck!” he yelled, “I was trying to sle-”

“Shut up! No time. Jin’s about to become a guardian angel!” Hongbin and Sanghyuk yelled at the same time.

“Would you stop yell- WHAT! JIN’S DOING WHAT?!” Jongsuk was surprised again.

Everyone else was confused, but Hongbin just told them to go home and wait until they’re done.

Jongsuk drove Hongbin and Sanghyuk both to his old house where Jin would be. He quickle unlocked the door and went in.

In Jongsuk’s old/ Jin’s new house.

Jin was laying on the couch watching some show on TV. He looked and was shocked to see Jongsuk and Hongbin.

“W-What? Why are you all in my house!” he panicked.

“What are YOU trying to plan? You can’t go around killing humans you don’t know!” Hongbin yelled at him.

“What are you talking about? Who am I trying to kill?” Jin was confused.

“Wait, what? You’re not trying to kill someone names Jeon Jungkook?” Sanghyuk asked.

Jin blushed and said, “How do you know Jeon Jungkook?”

“How do YOU know him? And why are you becoming a guardian for him? To kill him?” Jongsuk asked.

“Why the heck would I want to kill him? To tell you the truth as to why I’m becoming a guardian for him is…” Jin started off.

Hongbin started to look a bit cooled down and asked, “Did you… did you do the same thing as me?”

Jin looked down and nodded.

All of their mouths dropped.

“Ha! HAHAHA! You think I’d fall for that trick?!” Jongsuk said.

“No, it’s true,” Jin looked him in the eye as he said that.

“Hm? For real?” Sanghyuk asked.

Jin nodded again.

“I’m sorry for trying to ruin your lives, I didn’t have anything better to do. Besides, the ‘evil-ness’ runs in every dark angel. But I changed,” Jin apologized confidently.

“So, are you going to become a human? Or stay as a guardian angel?” Hongbin asked.

“I don’t know yet. That’s what I’m deciding,” Jin answered while scratching the back of his head.

“Fine. If I see you even trying to hurt someone else, I will report you again,” Jongsuk said.

After the settlement, they all went back home.

A knock came on Jin’s door and he opened it. It was Jungkook.

“Hey, hyung,” Jungkook greeted happily.

Jin smiled and asked, “Yes? Why are you here?”

“Well, my boss gave me the day off and I don’t know what to do. But, I thought I could hang out with you to get to know you better,” Jungkook said shyly.

“Of course,” Jin said.

He grabbed his coat and they walked to the Seoul Outlet Mall.

In Taekwoon’s/Jaehwan’s apartment.

“I wonder what Hongbin, Sanghyuk, and Jongsuk are doing. They said something about Jin killing someone,” Taekwoon wondered.

“I don’t know. As long as they don’t get hurt anymore. They’ve already been through a lot lately,” Jaehwan sighed.

“GUYS! I have great news!” Hakyeon called out from the kitchen.

Wonshik, who was asleep on the floor near the couch, woke up to Hakyeon’s voice and went over to him. So did Taekwoon and Jaehwan.

“What is it?” Jaehwan asked cheerfully.

“Remember Jin? The one who Taekwoonnie knocked out a yesterday? Well, he’s going to be a guardian angel and stop being evil! YAAAAAAY! No more angel problems for us!” Hakyeon told them.

“How’d you know?” Taekwoon asked.

“Hongbin texted me just now,” he responded while showing them the messages.

Everyone just shrugged it off and went back to being bored.

“Really? You’re not excited?” Hakyeon rolled his eyes and went back to cooking seafood soup.

Okay. I kinda got writer’s block (again >.<) and I was hungry. Now I want seafood soup or some Khmer food. Or clam soup (I forgot what it was called in Khmer). I’m hungry. I’m weird. I love K-Pop. These were some unnecessary facts. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Maybe it’s because I’m hungry.     .__. See ya on Friday.


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Updated tho~


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pooppoop #1
joanna20 #2
Chapter 30: Welcome bk :) Ty for updating! Good luck in school & have fun ;) hope to hear from u soon
joanna20 #3
Chapter 28: Congratulations ;) welcome bk
joanna20 #4
Chapter 27: Is ok. Good luck ;)
joanna20 #5
Chapter 26: Ty :) fighting
joanna20 #6
Chapter 25: Ty for updating! Fighting!
JongBinShipper #7
Happy New Years everyone! Thanks for commenting. I will be updating today. :D