Author's Note – Sequel?

Thoughtless Mistake

Some of you have commented that you wanted a sequel. After much thinking, I think that the story should be left this way.

However, I may or may not do another VKook fic that will end.. much differently. The new VKook oneshot won't be up anytime soon since I'm lacking inspiration and currently in the middle of doing a TaeGi oneshot ( in which I have been trying to finish since before I wrote this oneshot ).

I apologize for the high hopes fot the sequel but I prefer it to be left this way.



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VKookieMonster #1
Chapter 1: My poor TaeTae. My poor sweet TaeTae. He didn't deserve this. My heart breaks for my TaeTae. Betrayal amd infidelity, even in secrecy is still betrayal and infidelity. My TaeTae... You deserve so much more...
Chapter 1: oh wow
i didn't expect this
nice writing :)
irmayama #3
Chapter 1: OMG~~~ what will happen then~~ I really can't imagining it ~~
this is really need a sequel~~ or I will die in confusion LOL
Chapter 1: what happened next?
it can't be just hanging like that T.T
will jungkook finally love jimin and be with him or back to taehyung as taehyung able to forgive him?
ania199804 #5
Chapter 1: I want sequel and I love JiKook <3
oh_hana #6
Chapter 1: It's sad T.T
Huwaaa what about V ?? .-.
hyunjingjing #7
Chapter 1: can you make a sequel..maybe a happy ending for vkook plssssss T.T