Thoughtless Mistake - Final

Thoughtless Mistake

Jungkook never meant to cheat on Taehyung. He loved him wholeheartedly and he still doesn't know why he did it. And so, when Taehyung slammed the door of their apartment, Jungkook could only bawl his eyes out, muttering repeated apologies that Taehyung couldn't hear because he had already left and Jungkook wasn't sure when was the next time that Taehyung would come back.

Jungkook never really did like Jimin in that kind of way or so he thought. Perhaps at that point of time when they met, Jungkook was just lonely and needed somebody to comfort him. Taehyung was a busy man that rarely ever comes home these days and he never really calls Jungkook to check on how he's doing either. Jungkook spends his night alone and miserable, and his mornings were no different. He wakes up and sleeps with the thoughts of Taehyung and he wonders if he has eaten or if he's doing well.



On some days Jungkook would get insecure and worried that Taehyung was already bored of him. On those days, he heads to the bar and drinks all his sorrows away only to get home drunk ( some kind stranger would send him home and he wouldn't even remember ) and wake up with a hangover.


That's where it all happened.

That's where Jimin happened.




Jimin was already fond of Jungkook the first time Jungkook sat on the stool, asking for the strongest alchohol that they had and Jimin happened to be the bartender. Jungkook was indeed a handsome young man and he'd get everyone else's attention. Of course Jimin wouldn't have the heart to give him the strongest alchohol they could find. But Jungkook doesn't know that.

Jimin would listen to the younger male's rants and he wouldn't utter a single word. His heart would ache everytime Taehyung's name comes out of Jungkook's beautiful mouth and he couldn't help but to hate Taehyung. Because how could he leave the poor male crying and getting drunk because of him like that? 

Jungkook didn't see or hear from Taehyung for two lonely months but Jimin was always, always there for him when Taehyung wasn't around. He made Jungkook forget all about Taehyung for one night and they'd try to talk about something else, anything, other than Taehyung unless Jungkook missed him too much that he couldn't stop talking about him.


And Jimin could only just listen.



Two lonely months would turn into six dreadful months and still, nothing from Taehyung.

Jungkook would spam him with messages, asking if he was doing okay or when he was coming home and when he gets impatient, he tries calling Taehyung.

Everything ended up being ignored at the end of the day.




On one of those days where Jungkook would visit the bar, Jimin got tired of just listening because he god damn knew that he was interested in the younger male and his partner was never around with him either. He thought a kiss wouldn't do much damage and Jungkook never really pushed him away when he tries to make a move, so why not?

Jimin thought his heart would explode the moment he captured Jungkook's lips and he'd feel a little guilty at the same time. But Jungkook's lips felt just right on his, and it simply washed away the guilt.

Jungkook was sure he wasn't in the right state of mind when he didn't push Jimin away when they kissed. But at the moment Jungkook couldn't really care about Taehyung because he was too tired of waiting.


Jimin thought kissing once wouldn't do much damage. Maybe he was right there. But it didn't happen once. No, not at all. Definitely not when Jungkook's lips were just simply so addictive.


They started a secret relationship and Jimin still thinks that it wouldn't do much damage because Taehyung would never know and Jungkook agreed.


Sometimes they would spend their night at Jungkook's place that he shares with Taehyung and they'd simply just laze around on the couch watching movies. Some other times they'd go to Jimin's place and have a make out session. But they'd never go too far.




On the seventh month, Taehyung finally called and Jimin was momentarily forgotten. Taehyung explained that he wouldn't be back until Christmas because he was just too busy ( his boss gave him a better offer and Taehyung didn't want to disappoint him ) and he says that he bought an apartment nearer to the city where he works so Jungkook didn't have to worry.


Taehyung last words before hanging up were, "take care babe, I miss you. Don't forget that I love you."

And Jungkook could only sleep in guilt.


Two weeks before Christmas Eve, Jimin thought that maybe it was time to go to the next step. They promised to keep it from Taehyung, and it'd stay as their secret.  

No matter how much Jungkook refused to have with Jimin because he still feels very guilty about the secret relationship they were keeping from Taehyung, Jimin still had his way around him and persuaded Jungkook and told him that it was okay as long as Taehyung doesn't know.


On that night, clothes were thrown carelessly around Jimin's bedroom and moans echoed throughout the room.


A week before Christmas Eve, Jungkook told Jimin that it was best not to see each other again but Jimin was against it. He loved Jungkook and he couldn't bear to see him taken away by Taehyung.

But the funny thing was, it was him that snatched Jungkook away without Taehyung knowing at all. But he wouldn't admit it. Not out loud.

Jungkook stopped going to the bar and ignored any messages or calls that were from Jimin. Two days before Christmas Eve, Jimin stopped calling or messaging him and he thought that it was finally over between them and there was nothing else he had to worry about.

He was wrong however, because Jimin came to his house the next day, barging in without giving a single if Jungkook was going to hate him for it. 




The first thing he did when he entered Jungkook's apartment was to kiss him. The kiss was sloppy and urgent and Jimin's hands were under Jungkook's shirt but the piece of fabric was soon thrown away because it was getting annoying.


Not wanting to pull away from the kiss, they made their way to Jungkook's bedroom and with quick hands, Jungkook ped Jimin's ripped jeans and took off his shirt.


And they were once again lost in lust.


They ended up tangled in sheets, , and Jimin's heart was breaking at the thought of letting Jungkook go as he hugged the younger male in bed. This was their last meeting and Jimin didn't want to forget it.

Jimin softly pecked Jungkook's collarbone and neck, his tears slowly falling as he did and Jungkook couldn't help but to cry too.


He wondered, how the hell did they end up in this mess?


At the same time, Taehyung was unlocking the door of their apartment as quietly as possible because he wanted to suprise the other male.

Never did Taehyung expect such a warm welcome from Jungkook, really. He couldn't ask for more.


It ended with glass shattering, shouting and tears.


"As long as Taehyung doesn't know, it'll be fine," Jimin once said.


It wouldn't do much damage, he thought.






But it did. It did a lot damage.













Author's Note: 

I'm sorry if it's not up to your expectations because I did this real quick and didn't really check my work. But anyway, comments areappreciated and encouraged!

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VKookieMonster #1
Chapter 1: My poor TaeTae. My poor sweet TaeTae. He didn't deserve this. My heart breaks for my TaeTae. Betrayal amd infidelity, even in secrecy is still betrayal and infidelity. My TaeTae... You deserve so much more...
Chapter 1: oh wow
i didn't expect this
nice writing :)
irmayama #3
Chapter 1: OMG~~~ what will happen then~~ I really can't imagining it ~~
this is really need a sequel~~ or I will die in confusion LOL
Chapter 1: what happened next?
it can't be just hanging like that T.T
will jungkook finally love jimin and be with him or back to taehyung as taehyung able to forgive him?
ania199804 #5
Chapter 1: I want sequel and I love JiKook <3
oh_hana #6
Chapter 1: It's sad T.T
Huwaaa what about V ?? .-.
hyunjingjing #7
Chapter 1: can you make a sequel..maybe a happy ending for vkook plssssss T.T