What it means to be a woman


It's hard to be a woman 

[Taeyeon-centric; only mildly Taeny]


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frans89 #1
Chapter 1: "A woman is made through love. "
Oh my gosh, this is beautifully written!
I absolutely love it!
Chapter 1: So that is what makes a woman.
kpoprambler #3
Chapter 1: Hi, i have uncertainty of feelings when i read this. I am abit confused about Taeyeon feeling not being a woman enough because she is not feeling delicate or not able to makeup like a woman should? But at the end, she look at herself, bare from any makeup that she is a woman, a woman in love? Or is that meant she is the moment when she is in love that she is a woman. Taeyeon is one-mystery woman in some way of her mind works.

And hi author, its been awhile since i read your story. Hope you been doing well. :)