Crazy Bff's

Love Journey ♥

First, you read your bff's letter.

You have 2 bff's in your previous school.

You opened the envelope then took the letter out.

You unfolded it then started to read it.



Hello! How are you? I hope you're doing fine. We already graduated, can you believe that?

Because me, I can't believe you're leaving me! I thought you're gonna stay here until we reach

highschool, but there's nothing we can do about it. I mean, you're already there and I'm sure

your brother enrolled you by now, right? But do you really have to go to another school? I mean,

just stay here with me! JUST WITH ME. NOT WITH THAT BEGGAR FACE. Anyway, you know I'm

gonna miss you right? So first, I wanna say Thank you. Thank you for being a great bff and sister

to me. You know you're like my other half right? Thank you for protecting me when someone wants

to bully me, for comforting me, for being there always, for giving me courage and for kicking the area

of the guy who broke my heart. I mean, how could I forget that? When I confessed to him that I like

him  and he rejected me in a bad way and humiliated me infront of the whole school, then you walked

towards him and literally kicked his area. I'm sure, THAT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF HIS LIFE.

Feeling the pain, being humiliated, unforgettable moment and you, the great Haelin, kicked him?

He should be honored! Oh, and did I mention how lucky I am you're my bff? Yeah, you're the best!

Second, I'm sorry. Sorry if I had done something wrong to you. You know like misunderstandings,

fights, but hey! It's normal for sisters to fight right? It also made our friendship stronger. Third,

I'll miss you. I'll miss you protecting me, comforting me, going with me to who-knows-where.

I'll literally MISS YOU, HAELIN! Last but not the least, I LOVE YOU. <3 Yeah, so keep in touch.

I'll see you soon!



Tears were welling up in your eyes and at the same time, you were also smiling. You were so touched. You're really thankful to God that he gave you a bff like Sujin. You carefully folded the letter and putted it back in the envelope. Next, you grabbed a paper bag and carefully opened it. Inside, you found a pair of earrings, cellphone case, wallet and a note. You took the note then read it.



Hey, bff! I just want you to know that I'll miss you. I know, I know. You already miss me.

You're one of the very few people that I trust and now you're leaving. You know the

reason why I don't trust people easily right? It's either they're using me or for money.

But don't be sad ok! I'll visit you if I have time. See? That's how much I love YOU! Hehe.

I don't know if that LAZY TURTLE misses you. I don't know if she will visit you either.

OH RIGHT! She's LAZY after all. Well, I know what you're thinking. Why did I buy

you things? It's just a waste of money? Oh come on, Lin! It's never a waste of money

if it's for you. Just think of it as my graduation gift ok? We finally graduated. WOO~



You smiled as you finished reading Sena's note.. more like a LONG note. The two of them are your bff's. Although, most of the time, they fight, they couldn't live without each other. The same goes for you, too. They're what you call True Bff's. Yeah, it's very rare to find one but you're so lucky you got two! You read the other letters that your friends gave you too.


You are now lying in your bed, deep in your thoughts. GD was already home and is now sleeping in his room. Next week, you and your brother are going to your new school. You were nervous because you don't have any friends there and you don't know if you could make one. You just prayed to God and hope you could make new friends before you completely drifted off to dreamland.



~~* SO! How is this so far? The letter is true but I changed it because yeah, it's fun. :P About the paper bag, there is really a pair of earrings and a cellphone case but the wallet is not included. :) The note is also true but I also changed it. :D I studied in this certain school since I was prep and stayed there until I graduated from Elementary. ^^ I studied in a different school when I reached Highschool. Comment please! :D Thanks for reading! Saranghae <3

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great job!
sunset31289 #2
u need to do a sequel!!!!! it would be sooooo awesome!
@xxkpopxx & FoeverB2UTY: I'll think about it. ^^
@cuckoo: Thank you. ^^ I thought you wouldn't like it since I thought it's not the ending you guys wanted.. ^^;
cuckoo #4
i like this ending... :D its believable...
FoeverB2UTY #5
xxkpopxx #6
you should do a sequel
Yes. *cries* Please wait for the last chapter. ^^ Thanks for reading! :)
xxkpopxx #8
...I never thought L would do that.... O.O
Roger! :)))