Ch. 2

Love Debut

At this point, everyone was staring at me. Soojung gaped at me in absolute horror as she tried to process what I had just done, her eyes bulging with shock. No one in the room dared whisper or speak, as if there was a tense lock on everyone's throat.


All I could see was the widened eyes of one of the most important people in the trainee camp staring at me, soaking wet with water as it dripped down his face. I was only about a foot away from him, which was fairly close, but I didn't have time to feel uncomfortable. I was too angry. 
Junhoe's mouth was slightly opened, and his eyelashes held tiny droplets of water, daring to come down. I've never done anything like that before. It was just as huge of a shock for me as it was for everyone else.


And, just as I began feeling satisfied with myself, it suddenly hit me.

I've basically ruined my shot at debuting.


"I'm so sorry! Michelle, come here!" Soojung cried out exasperatedly as she ran over and grabbed my arm, pulling me over towards the door. At that moment, murmurs bursted throughout the room, spreading rumors and gasps as I was dragged outside.


"Are you insane!" She shouted at me once we reached a safe distance from the class.

"I got it, I got it." I replied, waving my hand at her. "I messed up, but he's the one who said something for no reason."

"Do you want your chances of debuting to be taken away from you? He's one of the most influential guys in YG, what if they had caught that on camera?" Soojung continued to lecture as I rubbed the middle of my head.

"What do you want me to do!" I suddenly shouted.


Then, at that moment, a shadow loomed over both of us, illuminating our sillhouttes. My head slowly turned as I attempted to see who it was that was behind me, hoping it wasn't a body guard who was sent to throw me out.


Surprisingly, it was one of the last people I'd expected. The Hanbin Kim was standing before me, looking at me with what seemed like a dull expression. However, I wasn't in the mood for friendly introductions or a polite conversation either.


"Michelle, was it?" He suddenly asked.


Soojung seemed starstruck as she stood beside me, nearly swooning over the star in front of us. I simply replied, "Yes."


"I'm sorry for Junhoe back there." Hanbin spoke plainly. "That's just how he usually is. I know he can be a bit blunt at times, but I wouldn't want that to affect your chances. You don't want to be kicked out, right?"


Heat rose to my face once I heard the words 'kicked out'. But, I managed to maintain my composure and nod slowly, not allowing this guy to make me beg for a spot back onto a trainee camp. To my surprise, he simply smiled at my response and spoke, "Class is over for today, but I'll see you tomorrow. Come prepared."


I watched as the Mix and Match contestant walked away coolly, dazzling me with his unexpected maturity. I knew he was older than I was, but he just didn't seem like the type who was all that mature. Luckily, they must be used to talking to people younger than them since Chanwoo is the same age as I am. Nonetheless, I couldn't get the memory of throwing water into Junhoe's face out of my head.
It would be impossible to show up there again and not feel uncomfortable.


Suddenly, a force shook my arm back and forth. "Michelle, Hanbin talked to you! He actually wants you to stay!" Soojung squealed as she squeezed my arm.


"Stop making assumptions.There was nothing flirtatious in the way he was talking, he was just being nice to a girl younger than him. Besides, I'm not interested." I barked, slinging my bag over my shoulder and heading towards the staircase exit, clearly irritated by everything that's happened so far. I heard Soojung attempt to call after me, but her voice merely faded into the distance once I got by the first flight of steps.


A sigh passed my lips as I continued to walk down the steps, replaying the scenario over and over again in my head. How could I have been so stupid? Let alone childish. To throw a drink of water into someone's face isn't something to be taken lightly. 


More angry thoughts flooded my head as I trudged across the sidewalk and headed for the nearest cafe. I thought that maybe a drink could settle my nerves, or at least calm me down for right now. My feet padded towards the small restaurant as I bundled my jacket up, pushing the clean, glass doors open. Surprisingly, there were more people than I had expected; but it was most likely because it was nearing Christmas.


"A mocha latte, please." I said to the cashier once I reached the counter, handing the girl my money.


After I settled getting my order, I tiredly walked over to the other side of the cash register, allowing a sigh to escape my lips. My fingers ran through my hair as I felt the atmosphere shifting even colder. This really wasn't my day.

But, the almost soothing environment of the cafe helped slightly. I waited for a few moment until a small ding resonated throughout the cafe, signaling that my coffee was finished. I thanked the cashier for the drink and muffin and walked over to a nearby table to sit at, deciding it'd be best to relax for a bit.


The minute my rear made contact with the seat, it felt as if all of my troubles from today had been washed away, freeing me of the shackles I had been dragging around for months. A small mumble escaped my lips, "Been ages since I've actually sat down."

Yet, right when my cup of coffee touched the brim of my mouth, dozens of gasps and giggles erupted around the restaurant as the sound of a door opening was heard. The only thing I could think of at that moment was please no.


And, of course, it was the entire Mix and Match crew. They walked around the street as if they didn't know that they were on TV every week, it was almost angering. I watched as girls continued to swoon and blush over the almost-famous boys, my coffee becoming bitter in my mouth.


"Give me a break." I snorted as they each lined up at the cash register.


"Are you Jinhwan from Mix and Match?" A girl asked excitedly the minute the boys managed to get their coffee, her expression resembling that of a crazed fan. I could already see Jinhwan's dazzling smile from all the way I was sitting. It was hard to tell if it was fake or not.


I rolled my eyes in annoyance and stood up to leave the now crowded cafe, roughly grabbing my latte at the same time. It was times like this where I wished pretty boys weren't allowed in public places. My fingers reached for the rim of my jacket to pull it closer to my body, when a sudden force bumped into me.
All I could feel was aboluste, horrible pain.


The coffee in my hands had spilled all over me, and the sizzling liquid was already putting me into an agonizing state.

"Oh, sorry." The deep voice spoke.


I looked up furiously as my burning hot coffee dripped all over my jeans, nearly searing my own skin. Who was this idiot? Couldn't he have watched where he was going? My mind couldn't even think straight right now..A million angry thoughts raced through my head, until I finally made eye contact with the culprit.


"I guess we're even now." Junhoe spoke with a rude smile as he turned and walked away.




My eyes widened once I fully understood what had happened.
This...This was his sense of revenge. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to embarrass me like this again! He's insane! All I could think about was the burning coffee that was still dripping down my leg, and it was hurting more by the second, so I couldn't stay here.


Knowing that all eyes were on me at the moment, I quickly threw my empty cup on the ground and walked out of the cafe, never thinking to look back.






"He did what?" Soojung gasped as I explained to her what had happened the day before. I merely nodded in disgust, just thinking about the incident. 

We were both sitting together, stretching on the choreography floor, considering class was today. The thought of having to see Junhoe's smug, victorious face looking at me makes me want to kill him. I hated the idea of him 'winning' over me that night.


"Even so, don't do anything drastic today. He's still your teacher and Hanbin was gracious enough to give you a second chance." Soojung lectured, seeing the look on my face.

"I told you I wasn't going to do anything." I responded. "But I can't act as if we're the best of friends."


Then, at that moment, the teachers smoothly walked into the dance room, holding duffel bags over their shoulders. A light groan escaped my lips as I stood up and gathered myself, finishing up the stretching I had started. Soojung quickly followed after me and pulled her hair up into a ponytail.


"Today we'll be doing a more passionate form of dancing." Hanbin began once everyone was settled. "You'll all be separated into groups with each of us, and will take turns. Except there will be no practice, you all have to learn how to perform with as much feeling as you can without planned choreography, and it will be in front of the entire class."


"What kind of method is that." I said to Soojung distastefully.

She simply chuckled while looking towards Hanbin again, listening carefully so we wouldn't miss anything. Despite who I was partnered up with, I wasn't going to allow myself to be embarrased again.
As my fingers gently curled around my wrist to loosen it up, I heard a voice call over,

"Michelle, you're going to be in the set that watches the first few dances."


I realized it was Donghyuk speaking to me, causing me to regain back to my senses.
A shocked look accidentally came across my face. Sitting back and watching? That was basically an indirect slap in the face. Soojung, me, and a couple others were placed into the same category, the lower ones who had to watch the first set. No matter how nicely they tried to put it, I knew they were purposefully separating us.

"It's okay, it's probably just for organization." Soojung comforted me as we sat down.

"Bull." I replied dully. There was no point in trying to make ourselves feel better. We've already been embarrassed.


Gradually, each of the dancers came out with their partners (AKA iKON), and freestyled their own compassinate choreography, thinking of every move from the top of their heads. It was impressive, to say the least, but my expression showed absolutely no expression. I couldn't let any of them see that I was interested in their dances.

I watched carefully, analyzing each of their moves and movements, knowing that it would probably come in handy for me later on. 


However, I noticed in the corner of my eye that Junhoe, in particular, was leaning on the sidelines. I knew for a fact it wasn't because he was a bad dancer, considering the fact that he's on Mix and Match, so I was curious as to why he wasn't participating. I also noticed that his eyes were moving back and forth from each dancer, as if he was reading through each move.


"What is he up to.." I mumbled to myself, slightly annoyed.




Before I knew it, the first set was finished. Great, now we're up. 


"Alright, Set B, you're up!"


I tiredly stood up and brushed my leggings off before looking forward. And, to my surprise, there was a tall figure standing right in front of me. My eyes slowly trailed upwards until they caught sight of the familiar eyes which had spilled coffee all over me yesterday.


"Here." Junhoe spoke in a bored tone as he grabbed my arm.

"Yah, what are you doing?" I barked as my eyebrows furrowed, attempting to rip myself from his grasp. But he was much too strong for me to be able to do anything. What the hell was he thinking? 


He continued to pull me until we reached the center of the dance floor, where everyone was staring at us. My eyes looked around in anxiety as I tried to think of what to do, or what to say. It was a lot more frightening once I had gotten into the center...I'd never been in the spotlight before...I wasn't a dancer.


"Calm down." Junhoe whispered as he stood behind me, as if he knew what I was thinking, "Think of absolute passion when you're dancing."


My breathing slightly slowed once I heard his voice, yet I didn't understand why. It was most likely because I needed something soothing to calm me down. But...It felt different.
In a slow beat, the emotional music began to play from the stereo, gradually becoming louder. I felt my heart beating faster as I stood motionless, unable to think of what to do. How could I have let this happen...I should have planned something from the start.


And, just as I began feeling hopeless, I felt Junhoe's hands slide down from my shoulders and down to my hands, enlocking his fingers into mine. 
He slowly moved with the beat as I quickly caught on and followed his lead, flowing as he did. His arm slid over my chest and kept me locked in an embrace as he twirled my body around, leaving me leaning by just a thread. 

My mind automatically applied everything that I had learned so far, and I lifted my leg so that it balanced how my arm was positioned, which also allowed me to bring myself back up and twirl again.


But..Something just wasn't right. I could feel it, and I knew that everyone else could as well. 
The dance didn't feel real, it didn't feel comfortable. It was as if it was completely framed and pretending. A real dance is supposed to feel genuine and beautiful..Like you're telling a story.

And then it hit me.




As if on cue, my hands slid around Junhoe's neck, which seemed to catch him by surprise, but followed through nonetheless.

My face quickly came close to his, our noses nearly touching, while my fingers entangled themselves into his hair. I felt it this time.I felt the genuine feeling that I had hidden for ages.
I focused my body and soul completely on Junhoe, so that I thought of nothing but passion for him and only him. I noticed his arms grabbed onto my waist and spin me towards the ground, while my head bended below, holding onto his arm by one hand.


Throughout the entire dance, we moved slow and fast and rough yet gentle at the same time, keeping the movements unpredictable and full of life.

I danced how I have never danced before. Because I'm a singer, I wasn't very interested in choreography, but right now it felt as if I were some kind of professional dancer, putting forth every effort I had into how I moved.

The song lasted for what seemed like ages, but soon ended once the last note dropped, leaving me breathing heavily with surprise written all over my face.

I looked around the silent room as my eyes turned up, now noticing that everyone was staring at us. And, just when I thought I had done terrible, applause exploded from the students, impressed expressions coming from every corner. 

So that means it wasn't bad. Thank god.

Relief washed over me as I quickly walked away from the center of the floor, heading towards Soojung. She stared at me with delight, and I couldn't help but smile back. 


"That was amazing! Where did you learn how to dance like that?" She gasped as her fingers cutched my arms.

"I didn't. It just happened." I responded with a large smile present on my face, attempting to not be as excited as Soojung.

"I'm so proud of you," Soojung squealed happily. "If you keep dancing like that, you'll debut in no time."


I laughed and reached for a bottle of water, completely drained from that single dance. As the cool liquid dripped down my throat, I managed to make eye contact with Junhoe, who was talking to Jinhwan while looking over at me. It was amazing he wasn't as tired as I was, based on the fact that he was the one who had been lifting and spinning me.

It was even more amazing that I still felt the passion I had felt during the dance when I looked at him now.

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poop_reader11 #1
Chapter 7: Even though I'm a huge fan of Junhoe, I just can't help, but to ship Michelle with Hanbin XD
Please udpate soon~
Chapter 7: Did you write all the rap lyrics yourself? That was a good one! Kkk.
...and when I was spazzing about HanBin and Michelle, JunHoe came. I forgot about him for a moment there. *my bad
Well, thank you for the update!
Snarl666 #3
Chapter 7: I'm seeing stars everywhere #>~~~<# Here come the fanfic people from Mix and Match and BOY they are good ^
jasminexl #4
Chapter 5: WHOOO HOOO something smelllsss fishy!!! kekeke xD i'll be waiting authormin ;D...ok that sounded creepy 0.0
remiyum #6
Chapter 5: The Charismatic Leader Kim Hanbin is soooo sweet ^^. Wth i am always having Second lead syndrome ??
Chapter 5: I really like the tnesion between the three of them. Kkk. I guess JunHoe did feel something towards Michelle and so is HanBin? O.o
Thank you for the update!
Chapter 5: Uuuuu~ This is interesting.Really interesting!! And Hanbin is cool....

Update Soon, author-nim!!